Are you still able to cry, robots, or are you too broken?
Are you still able to cry, robots, or are you too broken?
I rarely cry. The sensation feels weird.
Pretty sure the only time I've cried in the past few years was watching a feels webm on /wsg/
Horrible shit will happen and no tears. Also, sometimes out of the blue I'll start having sobbing fits for no discernible reason. Definitely broke in a lot of ways.
I used to cry all the time, not for every little thing but because I hated my life and myself so much. This was when I was like 16, 17, 18. Haven't cried in years now. My life is at a dead end and I don't think it's going anywhere. But I just can't cry anymore about this. Btw random thought: anyone has that greentext story of the guy who's playing Minecraft and he makes his dad believe hes going out with friends one night just to make him happy, but he justs sleeps in a parking lot? Man those were good old r9k greentexts
I don't cry anymore. I think I've just gotten used to how shitty life is.
I can't, and it's not about being "broken." Everybody is broken. It's the absence of feeling, you lack anything emotional or real to latch onto or care about. So you're left with nothing. So you feel nothing. You become a shell. You get too comfortable and everything fades away. Sometimes I still feel things though. But I'm not fully there yet, not even close. It takes time to heal, and crying is the feeling of being emotionally healed. That's why it feels so good.
I used to cry once a year, now I cry every month.
i still do, but only ever in private
i refuse to cry in front of people, at least i really try not to.
better times, friend
if I get really sad, I can get close to crying. Sometimes a couple tears come out, but I haven't cried continuously for over a decade.
I rarely cry. If I feel the urge coming I force the tears to stop cause it feels uncomfortable to cry now.
I used to cry everyday.
Yeah but it's for the most niche fucking things, and for some reason that pisses me off.
I had a pretty bad existential crisis back in February. I've never really been religious, but never thought to much about death, and the realization that this life is temporary sent me into a couple weeks of panicking and dread. I'm not an atheist by any means, but the thought that there's nothing after death hit me like a fucking brick wall. I remember crying a few times while trying to get a grip.
I've been a lot better since, and I think I gained a new, healthier outlook on death than I had before.
I can very rarely cry when something bad happens. That started in 2017, or that's when I first took notice of it; I wanted to cry and the tears wouldn't come, the most I could ever manage was to well up but never spill any actual tears. If someone close to me gets frighteningly upset, I might cry, though, which happened last year once. Also, if someone knows I'm in pain and tries to do something nice for me to ease it, that also breaks me for some reason.
I think there might really be something after death though. If there wasn't a God, if there wasn't something waiting for us, then how could the universe have started? Just by some completely unexplainable anomaly? I don't know, I just don't buy that.
Not anymore.
I used to on late night bawww threads on Yas Forums but I don't think I can anymore. I just don't feel it.
I like to believe there's something too, but something about the thought of nothing after death weighs on me. It's like for some reason it feels like the "default" afterlife in my mind. I feel like even if I became a devout theist, that thought would still haunt me in the back of my mind
for the last 20 years, i wasnt cappable of crying, but since december i had a mental breakdown, and now is really common that i cry while watching movies.
is weird.
I haven't been able to cry for a while now. Not sure why, but it just feels like everything is surreal.
Lost both of my parents last year, didn't cry though. I don't know, the world feels so empty and it's hard to get those strong emotions anymore.
I cried listening to a vocaroo thread we had a few days ago. That girl had such a way with words and a beautiful voice. I hope she's doing well.
kinda, but only when i'm on my meds, it's shit
I cried once since I was 13, and it was at the realization at how fucked my life was after I lost everything and wound up in a worst spot in life that I had been in before.
I can show nearly every other emotion, except sadness. The biggest constant in my life has been that crying is counterproductive and simply serves to attract the bad kind of attention to you since you have demonstrated proof of vulnerability, so I don't do it anymore. Does it hurt? Of course, but less than what would happen after you cry.
Not him but I dont buy the idea that there is a god. Why is the world so shitty if he exists? Is he just a piece of shit?
I cry all the time, even more than I did when I was actually depressed.
There is no point in my life when I was not a crybaby, except maybe my actual infancy.
Havent cried since I was a kid
Feels bad desu I feel like some heartless monster
Pretty much, I've also noticed people go out of their way to fuck with you if you're sad too. The world waits to bear its fangs at you when you are at your lowest
Maybe its not an omnipotent god who controls every second of reality
If I was a god I wouldn't make the world a peaceful one. All of the denizens would wind up being pussies and can't survive. Gotta throw some tornadoes and shit in there, fuck em up a bit so they don't get too comfy