The joke's on you, leftists. President Trump was merely pretending to be retarded

The joke's on you, leftists. President Trump was merely pretending to be retarded.

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>I was only pretending to be retarded
He's definitely Yas Forums's candidate

This image is fucking gold. Anons a moment to just reflect on what's happening before us right now.

Out there, is a new article. About our president Donald fucking Trump. An article solely dedicated that was likely typed unironically in which the topic is discussing the executive level equivalent of "it was a joke guys we aren't ACTUALLY going to inject bleach into the infected haha"

I might never have sex but at least I got to see this happen

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I remember this joke from The Big Bang Theory sitcom, the nerds were receiving a visit from their version of Bill Nye and he showed the experiment with the potato and the light bulb. The girl openly asks if with that experiment they could solve the world energy crisis, canned laught track ensues.

That's what Donald offers, a TBBT like sitcom. It clearly was no sarcasm, he openly asked, as a president, if we could like inject this bleach in our bodies because it is so effective.

Were his comments about nuking hurricanes also a joke?

Could politics go back on Yas Forums ?

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He never said that in the first place you dumb fucking retard.

>And I then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute, and is there a way you can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it'd be interesting to check that. So you're going to have to use medical doctors, but it sounds interesting to me, so we'll see. But the whole concept of the light, the way it goes in one minute, that's pretty powerful.
If he never said it then why does he say he said it but jokingly

I got suckered into supporting the man though, since my family has consistently supported GOP. Realized after a month into his presidency that he has nothing going for him. I wish GOP had a better candidate and not this retard.

Are we reading the same thing because in no way,shape,or form did he say "inject it". I am literally not seeing him say that at all.

>is there a way you can do something like that by injection inside
Don't know what to tell you really, stop being disingenuous. This is worse than any Bushism by a very big margin.

As always the people who get hurt by Republicans and their policies or things they say are always just their own stupid Republican voters who are the only ones stupid enough to inject or ingest bleach

You are cropping out a part of the sentence though. Thats the thing. You are,on purpose,manipulating what he has said. What do you get out of being this way? Don't tell me you are doing this all for free,right?

>trump says to do something that someone with even the most basic grasp of common sense would never do
>at least one of his supporters does it
I can't believe I live in the same continent with these people
I don't get why they're mad about "Mexicans ruining their country", there's nothing of value to save

his statement was stupid but he didn't tell anyone to inject anything themselves he only said that experts could look into these dumb ideas and that they sound interesting

Anyone got a link to the original comments? The only one I can find is with him speculating on whether disinfectant might be adapted for use in humans and I can't imagine anyone would interpret that as a suggestion to actually take it directly.

>I can't imagine anyone would interpret that as a suggestion to actually take it directly.
They did though.

There's literally people protesting in crowds (during a fucking pandemic) about not being able to get a haircut.
Yes, Americans are that incredibly stupid.

you are the only person who's denying what Trump himself said. Hell, even Fox were making a joke about that statement at Trump's expense. It's getting easier by the day to spot his confusion, not just fumbles and slip-ups anymore. I was a pretty big apologist too, but honestly there's no point bothering. The man does not give a fuck about America.

Even Trump admit he said it.
Though he now says it was sarcastic.

>Even Trump admit he said it.
>Though he now says it was sarcastic.
Huh weird

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the best part is there are actually a non zero number of Trump supporters who drank bleach after he said this

I really hope he keeps saying these things on national television, he might actually kill thousands of low iq republicans and go down as the greatest president in US history

That is the most retarded thing that Trump has said.

Meanwhile, leftists are out here trying to tell niggas that: there are 6 million different genders, little pre-pubescent boys and even toddlers can legitimately switch genders on their own, polyamorous relationships are okay, drag queens dressing up as literal demons and telling stories to impressionable kids are okay, bringing kids to a gay pride parade where faggots are flopping their dicks around is okay, women are better than men at everything, and race doesn't exist at all.

Yeah, no, you fucking clowns lost the plot far worse than this. You don't get to make fun of Trump when you fuckers support pee pees getting chopped off because a faggot feels like they're in the wrong body.

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Whataboutism is a Soviet era propaganda tactic

You literally sound like a communist right now

like a communist.. so.. much more intelligent, logical and sophisticated?

How does it make you feel knowing trannies live rent free in your head?

Super fucking based, tranny war when?

Nothing better then having a clown president

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I am more concerned we ran with this over all the shit they could go with involving him

>Unironically defending Trump's autism

>migapedes keep looking for obscure medical articles Trump was supposedly referencing while simultaneously claiming he was only sarcastic

Which one is it Yas Forumsturds?