Why are Filipinos always shitting on themselves? Every Filipino/Filipina I've met has talked shit about their own race and wanted to be anything that isn't Filipino
Why are Filipinos always shitting on themselves...
I never really thought of it that way but I guess I never cared much. When I lived in Manilla for about 4 years every single person I met there said they weren't Filipino, the only person I met that said they were filipino was my maid. Everyone else unironically believed, not just claimed, that they were Spanish.
Same reason some niggers talk shit about themselves
Because Filipinos are the niggers mutt's of Asia with a country that reflects them. Think of them a bit like Asia's Mexico or Asia's Brazil.
Low IQ, low skilled and overall pretty ugly. You will find a female gem every now and then but that's just a matter of statistics. You will be bound to find some attractive eventually but most look like little fat hobgoblins just like Mexican woman.
Spanish/European colonization. Any country that Europeans touch, they wreck the minds of the natives.
Filipino fag here. Because filipinos have a toxic culture. We will shit on our own teams instead of supporting them in any sport. Politics is still swayed my whoever is most popular , not whoever is suited for the job most of the time. Media has warped most of our culture to glorify celebrities. Our very own president gets shit on by dumbasses who take his words out of context. I don't believe that I'm Spaniard, but I am genuinely ashamed to admit I am Filipino when I'm asked.
I have no idea, but it looks like they think they are the niggers of the asian world, but in my opinion, those are the chinks.
i fucking hate chinks, you have no idea how much i hate them. I would love to nuke their mayor cities, and then make a blockade and make them starve to death. I would send death squads of meth smoking psychopaths into the mainland with the order of not leaving any living thing alive. Men, women, children, animals, nothing. Not even a crop. Absolute anatema.
I fucking hate chinks.
They haven't undergone the racial purification needed to step up from the mud yet.
If Duterte can finish the job and kill off enough criminal elements, the purification will be 90% done desu.
What do you means by chinks? Chinese? I always thought chinks was a general term meaning any/all asians. Like gooks. Bug people. etc.
So you're Americans?
Sounds like you know some Filipinos. Haven't you noticed most of them are gross and have gross personalities? Some are okay, 'pino race is almost like indian race (from india) that way. Most are dumb, ugly, bad personality. A few are normal and good even. I feel bad for the 'pino above that's unhappy being 'pino, that must be a rough feel. But when you've known a shitload of them over the years.. yeah most are gross, sadly. Gamblers, drug addicts, very materialistic, not very smart and also not interested in learning anything either. They steal a lot too. It's very sad, I don't know why so many just have 0 pride in who they are or how they present themselves.
Not all of them are like this though. There are some good ones too.
Probably the only reason is because they are super short. All the men don't even stand a fucking chance in America because their average height is like 5' 4". However all the Filipinos I met, men and women, have been great people on the inside, but definitely interested only in dating whites. For women that was fine, for men it means they don't even stand a chance.
>trying to understand the philippines outside the context of western colonialism
This is how it goes.
Gook: Korean
Chink: Chinese bugmen
nip: japanese
all the rest of the asian sub culters are just known as "rice niggers"
It's called colonial mentality
Probably the worst one of all the Filipino "mentalities"
they're self aware
You described a former work collegue perfectly.
The guy was super sexually frustrated and had a short temper. All the years I worked with him, he tried to get with so many white girls but never got anywhere. I couldn't bring myself to tell him that almost no girl is interested in dating a short ugly 3rd world monkey.
His frustration was evident in the way he spoke to and treated those of us he worked with.
On top of that, he was regularly borrowing money from co workers giving excuses like he needed money for his house etc. but knowing Filo's, he was obvioubly giving it to his parasite family due to their debt of gratitude
The way he carried on sometimes, it was as if he wanted you to punch him in the face.
Fucking cunt
My gf is Filipina.
She misses the food and parts of the culture from her home, but I've never heard her claim that the Philippines is the best at anything or that it's better than here and so on.
The fact that she's dating an Australian and moved here with me seems like a pretty obvious unspoken rejection of her people and genetics too.
White worship is rampant in the Philippines.
But she will secretly be disappointed when her half white baby ends up looking like just another pacific islander
It's true, she's even said she wants kids with blue eyes.
At least they'll be taller than the average Filipino.
>She wants a kid with blue eyes.
I know about 20 flip women through friends and work and every single on of them is either dating or married to a white guy. It's kind of pathetic but kind of a compliment, I guess? They really suck up to whiteness.
Yikes. You really want to nuke your bloodline like that? Australia has enough chinks already.
a lot of the flips ive met were massive weebs who wished they were japanese. one guy even bragged about japanese raping in the filipines making some filipinos part jap. i thought it was a weird thing to be proud of. they tend to be very warm and generous people but their own families become their worst enemy and take advantage of them. i guess its a cultural thing.
I like the way she looks and that she's nice and small and the way her vagina feels when my penis is inside her.
Asian chicks are seriously mentally damaged.
You coomers are ruining white countries. You're just as garbage as coalburners.
Nationality isn't race, you stupid nazi fuck. These only one race, human. Go drink bleach, please.
I always wanted to ask one of you people, if race isn't real, why in your mind are physical characteristics heritable?
These characteristics are hardly meaningless; height, blood type, neurological differences, these things are of such significance that if the concept of race didn't exist it would be necessary to invent it in order to explain why we know black people fail to build successful and prosperous nations or why Asians are tiny and so forth.
because environment, you dumb fuck. Go back to school
But if two white people have a kid in the Philippines that child won't grow up to be 5'0 with black hair and eyes.
Explain that my vulgar friend.