Tfw manlet shorter than my own mom

>tfw manlet shorter than my own mom
It's not fucking fair, not fair at all.

Attached: 1586047336284.jpg (575x800, 86.58K)


>shizo poster thinks "it" is all just one person

Attached: its all so tiresome.jpg (863x618, 82.39K)

Malnourished, hormone disorder, or bad luck?

I think malnourished/enviornmental. Don't want to blog post but I have at least three major things that would have stunted my growth that I could list and detail. Could also partially be hormones (one part enviornmental/pre-natal conditions, second part a family history of thyroid shit), and probably some bad luck. Mom was 5'8", dad 6', me 5'7". Head proportional for a 7ft man, feet and hands of a 6'2" man, frame of a 6' man, etc but I just never got that last half foot of vertical growth.

>Don't want to blog post
Well let's hear it, I'll be up for a bit longer.

>mom's hormones were fucked and she was like 450lbs when pregnant due to "treatment" after she was involved in an industrial chemical accident, she had to under go fertility treatment for like two years and used an ideal/expensive sperm donor (the 6' guy)
>born a month premie
>came out part of the way, shoulders couldn't get past cervix, they literally shoved me back in with forceps and performed an emergency c-section
>due to stress I inhaled fecal matter and almost died, was sick as fuck and went from a fatty baby to a low weight new born during this
>bottle baby
>until I ate solids (Which was late) my batshit crazy grandmother who'd take care of me was neglectful and wouldn't feed me (something she never told my mom but told me after my mom died)
>from the ages of 4 to 16 I lived in a house with black mold, was diagnosed with "asmtha" which went away the second we moved house when I was 16, for almost three years my retarded affirmative action n*gger doctor had me on Singulair, Advair, and an emergency inhaler
>around the age of nine I had a major surgery from some shit that almost killed me and left the hospital under weight
>supposedly I was "lactose intolerant" growing up so relatively little dairy, once I was old enough to make those choices on my own I discovered I had zero problems digesting lactose (not a surprising considering I'm entirely of Northern European ancestry)
>when not under weight I was always fat growing up, might have been thyroid shit (mom had thyroid shit as well)
>Was 5'4" at age 13, 5'7" at 18, never grew after
>generally reached the level of maturity I'm at now by 14/15
Not entirely sure what I missed. Still fucking salty at how many levels I got fucked on.

Shit sorry dude. I'd be salty too to be honest.

Feels bad man. It kills me when Iook at myself (or pics from when I didn't balloon up the past few years) and realize that I had chad potential, Chad genetics, fucked by my environment.

you are a rare case of malnutrition robbing you of those precious inches of height
at least your kids will be tall user

Kinda hard to lead with
>I'm a genetic 6' and a Chad, the sad lump of shit you see before me is just environmental
Makes me pissed that trannies can get insurance to cover tranny shit but I, even given my medical history, couldn't make the argument for something like leg lengthening surgery to be covered by insurance.

I just want to be my genetic potential and I'd be happy with it. Fuck.

>leg lengthening surgery to be covered by insurance.
That stuff is horrible and debilitating though. It's truely not worth it user.

>tfw 5'1"
I sympathise user. It's not fair, never even had a chance.
What the fuck? You aren't even that short. Sympathy rescinded, fuck you.

Modern versions of it aren't debilitating. The internal rod, as long as you to tibia/tibia and femur/femur and don't go crazy, it's fine. Oh fuck, you just reminded me of something
>be around 14/15
>doc finally notices the height shit and the weight shit
>says that I basically missed a growth spurt or something and shouldn't be gaining weight like this
>schedules a blood test
>get blood test
>move halfway across the country a month later and never hear back
>ask my mom about this a couple years later
>"well I don't know user, if it's SUCH a big deal to you we can talk to a doctor"
>never talks to a doctor
>17 at that point, stop growing around 18 at the latest
Fuck, now I'm mad.

>from around 13 to 16 I slept less than like 3-4 hours a night because I couldn't fucking breath because of a reaction to the black mold
>everytime I told my mom this she'd just berate me and blame me staying up all night on my ipod touch or say that it's just seasonal allergies (season allergies aren't year round only getting mildly worse part of the year you dumb cunt).

Also fuck how the captcha gets slow and more complicated the more you post, plus after a while they just stop working.

What race are you? Because 5'7" is turbo manlet if you're white. The point though is that you can never be a big boy if you're shorter than you God damned mom.

I'm white too and 5'7" isn't even close to the turbomanlet cut off, 5'4" and below is turbomanlet territory. You normal height range bastard we have nothing in common.

University, first semester.
>live in dorms
>like first week of shit
>roommates make friends with this guy
>guy comes back
>I step out of my bedroom into the shared area
>Vietnamese roommate who height mogs the shit out of me at only 5'10" introduces me
>this guy looks at me and without skipping a beat he says "What's up little guy?"

I don't care, he's an asshole and you're my enemy.

Sub 5'8" guys gotta stick together faggot. You probably have it worse than I do in a lot of ways if not most. You're 5'1" and 100% fucked, I'm 5'7" and 90% fucked.

>Sub 5'8" guys gotta stick together faggot.
No that's just an arbitrary line you've created for no more reason than to group yourself with guys who are way more fucked than you. We have nothing in common.

>We have nothing in common.
>treated like a child
>invisible to roasties
>cunts have out right told to my face that they wouldn't date me because I'm short
>got a pair of interview pants hemmed, fucker insisted on making the inseem shorter than it needed to be
>9/10 out of ten the shortest or second shortest guy in the room
>frequently heightmogged by literal 60 year old+ women who are basically eye level with me

Yeah, I'd be really pissed too if I couldn't reach my potential height due to shitty environment. But yours is on a whole new level, sorry man.

Pisses me off when someone pulls the
>well you're white in a first world country, you couldn't possibly have your growth stunted by shit

Yeah you at least have a chance, 5'7" isn't nearly as bad as you make it out. I'm totally and utterly fucked, literally zero chance of making it out. You have no idea what that's like.

Do you live in some heavily hispanic area or something? The average male height in my state for men under 40 is 5'11".

Attached: us height map.png (5400x3585, 1.34M)

No, not even the same continent. The average male height here is 5'10". Guys like you irritate me more than any normalfag does, you're the guys who give the actually-fucked-for-being-short guys a bad reputation for being dramatic. You're fine stop being a faggot.

>experience everything you do but slightly less severe
>this means I don't experience these things
>you're the guys who give the actually-fucked-for-being-short guys a bad reputation for being dramatic
Nice deflecting faggot

How is that deflecting? You have a chance with women, guys your height get gfs everyday. 5'1" is literally so rare I've never met an adult man shorter than me, even the normals admit to me I'm fucked. Fuck you.

Move to Indonesia or something.

bow down to your king (of manlets)
t. 5'10

Yeah thanks for the totally original "solution." Literally worse than normals.