to deprive (a person or persons) of spirit, courage, discipline, etc.; destroy the morale of: The continuous barrage demoralized the infantry. to throw (a person) into disorder or confusion; bewilder: We were so demoralized by that one wrong turn that we were lost for hours.
Just ignore the shills, retard.
But WHO could profit from this ?? :v)
Those threads are made by bitter shills because theyre too far gone
Its quite a common phenomonon. If you want an autistic kid friendly explanation of it, watch The Incredibles by pixar.
'if everybody is super, nobody is'
AKA 'if everybody is a loser, im not as bad'
I am curious to know why you think anyone would conduct an organized campaign to demoralize people on this board. What possible benefit would that be to anyone?
It's unironically a long-running campaign by the NSA to keep Yas Forums from organizing a revolution.
>control over an entire demographic of socially maladjusted young men who are easily manipulated
WHO the fuck could benefit from this, guys?
It's a form of acting out because they hate themselves
>Realise their life is shit
>not getting what they want
>people acting out of them, parents etc
>they wonder if they can improve the situation
>realise they cant for whatever reason
>get angry at anyone whos doing better than them
>start making threads expressing their bitterness
>They think its not possible to improve your circumstances
>because in their situation they cant because of whatever reason
>angry memes
Well yeah, r9k is basically Crabs In A Bucket: The Board. My brain pretty much automatically filters these posts. They have no value.
Do you really think this is normal/organic 4chin shitposting?
Do you really think most of the posts on this board have no ulterior motives?
Do you really think everyone is so fucking retarded here they just can't help themselves but reply and bump these threads every single day for years?
Think for a second.
Yeah the ulterior motive is to drag people down with them
Whats your take? Do you think its russia doing psyops to make already too far gone people become even more too far gone? Maybe a pajeet factory in new delhi?
No, I get that, I don't get why people like think there are people being paid to shitpost on this board as part of some organized campaign instead of doing it for free because robots are easily provoked.
Yeah, not everything's a grand conspiracy. It's just bitter dicks being bitter dicks.
>I'm totally not an NSA agent by the way
>Don't go starting any revolutions now!1
>pajeet factory in new delhi
Also No.
Who benefits from it in your opinion?
>nothing to see here, I'm so sleepy
Like a robot could start a revolution. most niggas on this board would be too scared to order pizza over the phone
Lots of robots have mental illnesses and they also have a lot of free time to shitpost. Thats all it is. Most people who come onto r9k visit hourly everyday and theyre very bitter and lonely people which results in a lot of venomous posts
This isn't Yas Forums or /adv/ so you shouldn't expect r9k to be full of positive and optimistic people. You know the lifestyles of the people here, a lot of abuse, a life time of rejection, and a lot of self hate. You are a fool if you come here expecting some thing different.
For you go getters though perhaps venture into a board more inclined towards your mindset?
Or if you want to stay here, prove those threads wrong. Don't be an irritating ass during the conversation of course if you want to be taken seriously. But a lot of the broken men on r9k are looking for role models. Problem is they never find one thats had to walk in their shoes.
Ah yes, that pivotal "socially maladjusted adult virgin anime fan" demographic that the government fears so much.
The group of mentally ill sociopaths and autists that will mercilessly slaughter their "oppressors" if given the opportunity? Nothing to fear there.
Those mentally ill sociopaths and autists have that opportunity now. You really think shitposts on Yas Forums are what's holding back the beta uprising? No, betas are what's holding back the beta uprising. There will be no uprising for the same reason a beta is a beta: because if they could, then they would.
Lol the only thing most super autists on this board are doing is doing the dishes once a week and not pissing in jugs in return for good boy points and tendies. Quite grandieose to think people here are capable of doing anything of coordination
Control? Don't kid yourself lol.
No one has control over any of the people here.
Well first of all, robots are the one who are demoralizing robots. But let's assume for a moment that there's a hidden force out there who's trying to demoralize robots instead.
That's literally the extend of your power. The failed normies that are robots can't do anything else. If these secret illuminati people told you to go out and cause terror, none of you would do it except the occasional crazy guy who would have done it anyway.
>Most robots claim to be high IQ
>Won't know shilling if it slapped the shit out of them
>Most posters not even willing to entertain the idea
>Most posters default to 'NoThInG tO sEe hErE'
Have you been shoving bluepills up your asses instead of dildos or what's going on here?
With that nose if you coof you will reach max 2
>You really think shitposts on Yas Forums are what's holding back the beta uprising?
They are making the idea seem absurd when in fact it's absolutely wonderful.
Most robots think it's absurd because of the shilling. If there was no shilling someone would be easily able to unite the robots for violence
Because paranoia and conspiracy theories run hand in hand with mental illness. Those of us who just have crippling depression/anxiety instead of psychosis, realize that a simpler explanation of threads like that are projecting anons rather than a government conspiracy.
Socially dysfunctional loners aren't going to unite, otherwise they wouldn't be socially dysfunctional loners. There's not some charismatic figurehead lurking on Yas Forums who could unite the misfits on this board if only he wasn't being demoralized by all the shitposting.
It's not him that is demoralized but the people he is trying to gather. If the shitposts stop people will transcend to find him. He will be there. The Chad amongst robots. A Terminator ready to destroy "society"
I just hide dumb threads, as I imagine most robots do. How can 4ch demoralize me when I am had no hope to begin with?