
Episode: 1
You did (not) ask for this.

RULES: Do not respond to any post from a male unless you are confident it is in good faith.

Topic: How do you express love and affection? Is it typical for your gender in your culture? Do you lack any experience with expressing love and affection at all?

I will also be including quotes from a book related to women's topics in the thread.

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its very difficult for me
girls grow up here either very sheltered or severely abused
i have never loved anyone but my mother

One of my (male) friends told me that I "loved like a man" and that it was a put off for guys. I asked him what he meant, and he said that my general tendency to ask men out directly, or make romantic gestures freaked them out.

Obviously if you go on the Simp Central that is Reddit and ask if men like assertive women, they will all say yes because they're fantasizing about Stacey doing it. If an average (or better yet, ugly) woman approached them they'd be repulsed. The moral here is that Stacey can get away with anything and one's actions are irrelevant.

So my friend was wrong. The issue is not that I am open and direct about my feelings (thanks, autism) but that I'm an ugly woman.

Watching pic related.

Where you from?

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I don't really know how to express love and affection due to the way I was raised. Showing emotions has always been seen negative by my mother, and she would even find it 'disgusting' or 'annoying' if I were trying to express affection.
I'm typically stoic so people would think that I hardly give a shit about them when it's the other way around.

Wish I could be stoic. I always want to reel my emotions in but end up playing the spaz again.

how about you fuck off back to cc

i tend to be very open about my feelings and affection. i can be overwhelming, especially since i expect the other person to act similar and if they don't, i start worrying that maybe they love me less. i mostly rely on tender physical touch, as well as expressing my affection verbally - love yous, flirting with your partner, compliments for no reason. i don't think that it loses meaning if i say it a lot because i mean it every time.

I'm a guy but I'm posting in good faith.

I don't think it is so much that guys only want Stacy. I think it is that friend in particular thinks women shouldn't be assertive. Guys aren't used to women being assertive, we're not used to getting compliments so a lot of the time we either don't notice or don't know how to deal with it. I'm sure some guys are also stuck with archaic ideas about who should approach first, so maybe they feel like if they're asked out first its emasculating.

I don't think its because you're ugly. I've never seen you so I can only infer on the basis that if you're here you probably have some self-esteem issues and so you're probably underrating your attractiveness a bit.


wish I still had guro to spam
this invasion has gone on for long enough

Glad to see Yas Forums is finally dead

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Not a femanon but I can relate to this on a beyond spiritual level.
Keep your chin up user, youll eventually find your lovely love and affection starved SO who will bombard you with love and affection just as much as you bombard them.

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Will one of you PLEASE marry me?

Fembots, I'm sorry you've had a hard time in life so far.

I hope it gets better for you soon.

Simp harder, maybe one of them will let you lick Tyrone's cum off the floor when they're done

I'm just being kind, user.

>How do you express love and affection?
when i was younger and had a oneitis i lived with i tried to fix a lot of things for him. i did most of it in secret like an idiot. the only time i got caught by a different house mate was when i sewed the corner of his umbrella back on. most elaborate was making him an amigarumi of a cartoon character he liked.
>Is it typical for your gender in your culture?
i have no idea m8
>Do you lack any experience with expressing love and affection at all?
i specifically don't do this kind of thing anymore. i just end up feeling used bc it usually isnt well received. or people start getting demanding that i make a ton of things for them when i don't usually feel inspired to make a ton things like that.

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foids pick the most retarded file names

It made me think she was a sympathetic person.

thank you. at this point i decided since i can't force myself to be less affectionate and i can't force my partner to show me more affection, i just have to look for someone who will accept and reciprocate it. i believe an emotionally unavailable person can change, but it's hard work and not everyone even wants to change. i think it's sad that guys are conditioned not to show their emotions because of society and bad parenting.

Why dont you express your love and affection for this?

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You sound lovely and you'll make somebody very happy one day.

Thats good user, dont change that aspect of yourself, there are people who really crave that sort of thing and it isnt as uncommon as youd think.

It's not dead. It's growing new species of faggots.

I hope I find a girl like you one day.

>i think it's sad that guys are conditioned not to show their emotions because of society and bad parenting.
It really is. I never had problems showing affection for a partner but I never learned how to deal with emotions aside from suppressing them. But I've been working on it and I'm far from the worst case.

thank you for your kind words. i hope i'll find someone who is ready to receive all my love

i hope you do and i hope that you treat her right. we all deserve happy relationships

that's good to hear, keep at it! i'm sorry that you basically have to undo all that damage now. not to mention that too many men struggle with both showing affection and emotions in general and it's really hard to be in a relationship with someone like that. unfortunately, sometimes therapy is the only viable solution

>How do you express love and affection?
Physical affection, words. Sometimes i dont know if i can truly love or am just faking it. Its weird.

>Is it typical for your gender in your culture?
Yes, and overly so. Women must be beacons of love and patience, holier than saint theresa herself, ready to help all

>Do you lack any experience with expressing love and affection at all?
I dont think so, but my social repertoire is atrophied and miniscule. As it is, i can only show love (and feel love) for two people

My mother hates exchanging love/affection too. I grew up learning that i shouldnt kiss her cheek or expect hugs. I dont know how it did not affect me, but i simply went the complete opposite way around

I'm trans,btw.Not sure if that matters.


Greetings fellow women.

Make sure to post your discord below :)

Why don't you just go to lolcow? Barely any men there. I don't know why you're doing this unless you're a tranny banned there. You know there will never be a cis female only thread on R9k.

Too catty, has too much of a high school bathroom gossip feel, which i despise

>Barely any men there
As if

why do you need a seperate females only thread though? If you like r9k why not just make a normal thread?