
how many of you are worshiping an e-gril? what are you expecting out of that relationship?
they provide nothing but fake feelings


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i like to give my money to some findom thots on twitter because it make my peepee feel good when they call me a loser and take my money

why not spend the money on real femdoms


then i'd be getting something out of it. it feels better knowing all i get out of it is being called a pathetic loser

E-girls wil be punished by God, I honestly wish our society would accept the bible.


Big bimbo stupid e-thot with a pound of make up on her face but she actually does decent content instead of just looking at a camera like the average e-thot

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Not really worshiping there's one one qt that I do like a lot but she doesn't have an instagram. She's still kind of a thot.

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that's what everyone here does for free

i think it legitimately makes some men happy to give their money to a cute girl who they know wouldn't give a shit about them otherwise. not really any of my business, ill take their money any day.

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but it feels better having it come from a hot girl who i just paid

their is no such thing as a hot girl on the internet

there are on twitter

im a hot girl


is that indigo white?

shes worth worshiping

hello fellow redditor!! twas a nice thing to see!!!

My brain relates cute pictures to feelings of love. Better than nothing

are you a girl
can i smell ur armpits unironically?

i dont do anything for free...

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sure, you can pay me to sniff ur pits

ill throw in a free rating on how bad they smell

Worshiping anything is braindead level apeshit

You're fake and gay and you will never make it as a true e-thot

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the egirl orbitter market is oversaturrated with simps so they dont need me, hopefully i find a cute one at college

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too far gone
what are you saying
based but reddit

>what are you saying
I don't even know honestly

oh no youre so mean....ill just have to soothe myself with the money im raking in from my orbiters

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here user, take a free (you)..
looking out for you man

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>what are you expecting out of that relationship?
fake feelings
>they provide nothing but fake feelings
I know, that's all men like me can hope for.

prime time for chads to take over

>money im raking in from my orbiters
yeee right. Prove it

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i dont give a shit what chads do user im never going to date or have sex, i just want to look at good looking people and i'll be able to do that in college

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Not all hope is lost anonocchi

>Not all hope is lost
mine is