admit it
this is you
Admit it
>bf threatens to kill himself
>tell him if he does i will before he gets cold
no one out pizzas the hut
I've never done this because it's abusive
Agreed. Abusive and manipulative.
>no one will ever care about you enough to kill themselves if you're not part of their life
>girlfriend threatened to ruin my life if I ever left her
>said she'd fuck destroy everything and kill herself
>she left me
what is the app in the 2nd pic? Is it some social media or private message thingy?
Anyway the pic is retarded no robot has someone that could even leave them
so you dodged a bullet?
You seriously don't want that. I mean, on the surface, I can see the appeal. Someone loving you so much that they'd rather die than not have you a part of their lives. And hell, I guess I feel that way about the woman that has my heart.
But those that bring it up or initiate it as a threat are doing so as a form of control/manipulation. It's not love it's possessiveness.
Again, a big difference between "if something were to ever happen to you, I wouldn't want to be on this planet" and "if you leave me/do this that or the other, I'll kill myself".
l don't have anybody to talk to on facebook or whatever that other app is.
I don't even know what it's supposed to mean by "she belongs to the streets". Is it saying she is free to do what she wants? I dunno.
I'm guessing the second is a general messenger.
>implying I have social media accounts
>implying I have my phone turned on
>implying I text holes
>implying I'm in a "love" with a hole
>implying I'll kms over a hole
Wrong board, newfriend.
>this is you
No, I would never text something so cringe and pathetic. Neither do I have Fb
I still like the sound of that. Possessiveness sounds nice.
Just go to a psych ward.
hello orgonals
Too many feels
Also this is a shitty thread
Based Assadposting Chad
You're unoriginally a fucking retard then.
It's the messenger app on iPhone you worthless androidcuck
To each their own. I mean, if you truly dig it then I guess there's no real harm.
I think threatening to kill oneself if you don't fall in line is a different level of possessiveness though. I personally don't like being treated like a object/product nor do I like treating my partner as such. But like I said, I get some people are into it and that's cool. As long as you know what you're getting into and the person doing the possessive manipulation doesn't actually harm themselves or you.
If you don't be me gf I'll kill myself
ok big fella enjoy the iphone your gf's bull gave you
I promise you it is not my friend.
Source anyone? Blendin
Only the part where I kill myself
Ok, be my gf or I'll put a .38 in my skull. Or I might anyways one day, who knows?
that is literally me. that's why i get into relationships anymore
Yes but she did it to me first. payback's a bitch, bitch.
*why i don't