is findom truly the best fetish?
Is findom truly the best fetish?
No obviously not you fucking retard. Why would someone be that retarded.
its provider dom - we get off on beta providing. its a subtle difference
It literarly one of the worst fetishes on the planet you nigger.
deal with your self esteem issues
I think it is exploitative and honestly it should probably not even be legal
but giving cute girls my money while they make fun of me feels so good
Post discord unironically :)
i don't have discord lol
You should find a better way to cope with this, you really need to use your head.
You're basically throwing away money to some whore who doesn't give a shit about you, so fuck no. Anybody who says otherwise has the IQ of a fucking cerealbox.
cope with what?
>You're basically throwing away money to some whore who doesn't give a shit about you
yeah, but it's so hot
Cope with your urge to literally give money away to someone who views you as pathetic for no tangible reward other than sexual gratification.
how do i do that? it feels so good
That's for you to find out, there's no way a rational thinking person would see that as a good idea.
if you really want to throw away all your money just pick up a coke habit
it makes them happy and keeps my wallet full whille i sit on my ass after being laid off due to corona chan. whats not to love?
It doesn't keep there wallet full.
That's a good place to start.
they'd be spending that money on something stupid anyway. might as well give it to me!
So you can spend it on something stupid, I don't know why you get to decide what is and isn't worth buying.
Am willing to make fun of you while you give me money
that's so hot, though. she can buy whatever she wants because she's a hot girl, and all you can do is just work and give her your money. it's so hot
no, i only do it with hot girls
>no, i only do it with hot girls
:( understandable
I want to give my money to a girl but they're never mean enough for me. Girls are nice by nature, they don't want to be cruel and nasty. But I can't get off without them insulting me.
because im a hot girl, duh!
No your not you look just like the rest of them here, also your posting anime which makes that really unlikely.
>Girls are nice by nature
ITT: asshurt larping incels jelly they can't manipulate self destructing losers into giving you their hard earned dollars
men deserve to suffer
i'm not larping, i really do like giving my money to cute girls
I don't know user I have all this money and no one to spend it on because my findomme disappeared out of no where... sigh...
There's something really wrong with this face...