It's that time of the day robots, post your ideal (or you).
Try to specify in your post if that's you or your ideal.
It's that time of the day robots, post your ideal (or you)
No. It's not like something will come out of it.
I refuse to accept anything less
>It's that time of the day robots, post your ideal (or you).
>Try to specify in your post if that's you or your ideal.
K den
>tfw had a fling with a girl like this
>it was the best thing to ever happen to me
All I want is to marry a girl like this.
Been a while since I posted myself on one of these.
Just updated mine, it specifies both either way.
I will just assume that's your ideal then.
Sounds perfect user.
>Points at Clingy cynical gf and edgy gf
This is why we can't have nice things on r9k. I get emotionally and sexually attracted to fucking degenerates like these.
dunno why i keep spamming this t bh
im easily please i suppose
mother nature is my waifu
are you a real female though?
be wholesome friend
Why do so many people list all their worst attributes in these things instead of their best ones?
Based woodsman
[email protected]
If you feel like chatting with an user here's my email, doubt you'll post your Discord out in the open after all, you can email me it, I'm a shut-in so I'm online often
Does anyone else wonder how many of the posters here are the original creators or if they're just people who collected other peoples' images?
Is that what you did? And I suspect the majority are self made.
I'm I made mine myself because I'm obsessed with a long dead obscure Japanese arcade game franchise
I see you all the time in here and you aren't my gf, there's clearly a problem
No this is me, I was just wondering.
I mean if you're okay with playing some normal racing games with me I'll learn yours.
Haha *blush*
But really though that's not why I'm here. Sorry.
>told by women I have a scary gaze, still wanna talk to me
Found the badass
oh fuck i'm talking right now to the girl who made this about herself. Thought For a second this was her. You gave me a heart attack you fucker
>he thinks City Connection is a racing game
Heh, you have much to learn, kiddo.
City Connection isn't a racing game.
It's a religion.
Well I mean I just saw the whole racing suit and wondered.
:/ At least look at mine first
This is pretty gay
As a side note why do all the woman who are interested in me seem to have some kind of femdom fetish?
:/ sorry I didn't fall for your LARP my guy
I unironically want to talk to you on discord because of what you put on your image, not because you're the first girl I saw. I'd want to talk to you even if you're super ugly or insane.
Add me,
I post in every thread but okay, nerd
>girl who made this about herself
The girl you're talking to is a lying whore. She didn't make shit. I made that 2018, check the archives yourself. What does she look like? I probably know her.
>You have been muted for 4 seconds, because your comment was not original.
Third time now seeing this one.
Not against if one would now want to download someone's original ideal meme though. It's all anonymous and sharing here anyway.
I'm bored so I added you
>lives near Appalachian Mountains
>hate society
Gonna orbit this with a Joki#4327 'cause I can relate to a lot of these