11 years later and i still want this damn toy

11 years later and i still want this damn toy.

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I had one. It was fucking sick desu.
>sword fighting brother in backyard
>dad joins in
>mom calls us upstairs to eat dinner
>mac and cheese
Take me back

Nice. Sounds awesome.

Are these good for legit historical martial arts training?

Damn I never had one. Maybe I'll by a few to mess about with friends. You can never be too old for toys
idk, message Shadiversity or something

Having people to play with is the only reason I want kids desu.

>has an iron cross on the hilt
What did nerfzis mean by this?
Also why were nerf guns so fucking shitty? The darts went like 6 feet at most. I remember getting this one (pic related) and being so excited to use the cool customizing parts, but having the longer barrel just made the darts go even shorter distances.

Attached: ebcec1d33a601d1f16e292e0e8198f70.jpg (1000x750, 105.45K)

I used to fucking have one of these .

Would pretend that I was in final fantasy or kingdom hearts swing the sword around by myself.

Mom took it away cause I just never stopped playing with it

Attached: Ffixbox.jpg (256x245, 26.38K)

I had that same one, always jammed and tore up the darts.
Best Nerf gun by far is the Maverick, could actually shoot a fair distance and was surprisingly accurate. I had like 3 of them as a kid.

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Maybe you had a lemon, but the Recon/Retaliator isn't known for its performance and like said it's not really reliable either, which i can confirm. It's apparently good for modding though.
Try the Rival line, they shoot balls and are way better than the dart blasters.

Can confirm these things were fucking ripper, mate had one that was torn up something fierce but still worked really well, we beat the shit out of each other with it. If you wanna not look like a pussy though get a bokun, they're like the adult weeb versions of those things and work just as well.

>take apart
>stretch spring
>put back together

those are made of wood and they hurt. Also I'd rather look like a kid than a weeb

Oh i have one. I just wish i actually had one of those nerf swords.

guy actually knows what he's talking about unlike that faggot furry skallagrim

When I was a sys admin for expedia we used to have wars in the office with these...

>take me back...

>not mac and cheese with hotdogs and sweet peas
Your childhood was shit.

Trips confirm. I will say though, Shad is kinda obnoxious in a mainstream soi kind of way.

>Shad is kinda obnoxious in a mainstream soi kind of way.
same goes for skall
just look at his stupid opinions and vegan meat bad shit.
i think i remember why i lost interest in weapons
most of the fans are a bunch of fags

Based. And you're mother is a cunt. Why punish someone who has fun? This make no sense.

Oh Skall is way worse. Should be lined up against a wall and shot for his degenerate bullshit.

That's why guns are the superior autist hobby.

I havent watched skall in years. Please guve me a QRD about this.

>dad joins in
Lucky fucker

I've only watches like three or four of his videos since 2016, lel. Same as usual from what I can tell
>bitches about not healing well/having an injury
>is furry
>is in an "open" marriage or whatever
>is anti-gun faggot even though he owns guns and shoots
>is fatter again

Sounds like a normal english person to me.

i always wanted one of these as a kid
having a scooter that could "drift" was the coolest idea to me

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If you were using suction cup darts, that might have been why it was accurate. The design of the streamline/elite dart is inherently terrible for accuracy because of the asymmetrical head.
Ehh, the retaliator is pretty good. It performed just as well as my modded recons and jammed less. I felt no need to mod it. The best though, is the Stryfe. Flywheel semi-autos are by far the most based nerf guns. No dumb top charging handle. If you really want a manual action, the best is probably the alpha trooper. Pump action & slamfire give it a reasonable rate of fire.

Attached: Stryfe.jpg (1500x1500, 209.55K)

He's G*rman

Damn thats even worse.

AND he moved to Canada. He's a German where Germany wasn't gay enough for him so he moved to Canada.

nope guns are even worse fuck guns
>>bitches about not healing well/having an injury
maybe if he wasn't a vegan fag
>>is furry
pretty cringe unless it's killing bites style
>>is in an "open" marriage or whatever
so he's a literal cuck now? even for an ugly sjw wife of his?
>>is anti-gun faggot even though he owns guns and shoots
lmao what a fag
>>is fatter again
being fat is based unless it's skinnyfat like he is
how the fuck does he get fat when he's a vegan
how do people even know about the open marriage? i know he didn't even try to hide his furry devaintart for whatever reason