What's the hardest you've simped?

What's the hardest you've simped?

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I spent 250 on dancing shoes I never used to pelase my ex.

i keep buying groceries and things for my fren who doesnt even like me that way...

I can't remember ever simping desu. I mean the first time I ever received nudes I made fun of her tits. Women generally like it more if you're mean to them, just do it in a slightly playful tone.

a girl bought me a video game once and i thanked her for it

i gave my hooker an extra tip

Simping inherently involves interacting with women.

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I met a talented girl while at college. Instant Best-friend connection. She was dating my best friend at college, again, instant best-friend connection. They were fucking while I prepared Jerk Chicken every night. After they broke up I became betabux inlcuding putting her through college (She's talented and it would still, to this day, be a darn shame if she didn't graduate). She was dating guys the whole time I was an alcohol. She drops me like hot liver one day out of the blue after she agrees to meet for coffee. She left a scar on my soul. I know because at one time I loved her so much I've seen her soul. Jesus Christ please heal my soul so I can live a normal life. Its years now and it still hurts, just not enough that I can feel it.

So yeah, that's the hardest I've ever simped in my life.

Things are going right, just- my filthy, guilty soul, man...
Things are going right for me in my life, aaaaah

>I met a talented girl while at college. Instant Best-friend connection. She was dating my best friend at college, again, instant best-friend
>connection. They were fucking while I prepared Jerk Chicken every night. After they broke up I became betabux inlcuding putting her through college (She's talented and it would still, to this day, be a darn shame if she didn't graduate). She was dating guys the whole time I was an alcohol. She drops me like hot liver one day out of the blue after she agrees to meet for coffee. She left a scar on my soul. I know because at one time I loved her so much I've seen her soul. Jesus Christ please heal my soul so I can live a normal life. Its years now and it still hurts, just not enough that I can feel it.

High inhibition destroyed you. You shouldve told her how you feel, then MAYBE be friends if you feel very little about her.

I paid for a hotel room I fucked a milf from work in.

>I became betabux inlcuding putting her through college (She's talented and it would still, to this day
Nigger you aren't some 60 year old philanthropist you just did it because you're horny and pathetic. You would NEVER have done that shit if she wasn't a she

Responding instantly while she leaves me on delivered for hours

i bought gifted subs because streamer was cute and having financial troubles. i make 100k a year so $25 doesnt seem like much but it was def a moment where i realized im so fucking lonely

>to autistic too know that was the one
holy fuck user im sorry

I gave a girl online $100 for her to call me a loser. It felt wrong, but the orgasm I had after jerking off felt so good, the best coom I had in a long time

Paid 40$ for a bunch of really fucking expensive flowers and asked a girl on a date, she said no but we still hung out. Still pissed at how expensive the flowers were.

no she was fat and borderline

Paid 10$ for 2 months of subscription to a local part time escorts onlyfans. She only fucks certain guys for money and is very low key. She's sexy as fuck, I plan on paying her to send me a personal strip tease video. After that I'm gonna work my way to paying her for sex. Can't wait till that ass is bouncing on my cock

wrote a 2 page love letter to a girl i knew loved middle school in my sophomore year of high school.
she rejected me by returning my letter and the chocolates i had given her. nothing written, nothing said. just that. the worst part was that i still loved her lol.

Used to waste hours with a girl on phonecalls so she could use me as an emotional tampon. At least it was her calling me so it didnt cost me shit, but it was precious mmo hours

I don't interact with women.

>started chatting to a chubby girl on MeetMe app
>She wants to meet
>Pick her and her friend up
>They want a chill and drink
>Get a motel room
>Make small talk
>Fat one goes out for a smoke
>Her friend says "you were expecting a fuck weren't you"
>Starts giving me a pity hump, no penetration though because I don't have condom
>After I cum, I leave but let them keep the room for the night. Told them not to break anything and to check out on time
>Go home
>Get yelled at by mom for coming home hours late
>Got charged $360 for the room,.wonder what the hell these bitches did

During last year of grade school I won the top prize from a local theme park's game (an obsidian statue) and I wanted to make a gift for my crush out of it (with love letter too) but she just got mad and insulted me when I tried to give her the gift, that's when I realized the actually disliked me a lot.

In middle school I put a love letter with a poetry in the backpack of a class mate who was my new crush, she shot me down later, she wasn't as mean as the other one though. That's all I can remember, I stopped caring around the end of middle school, probably.

I probably shouldn't go into details because I know she browses this shithole, but I got into a cringy long distance relationship with some skank I met online. I didn't know she was a skank yet, and she had a troubled life and a horrible family, I found it easy to relate to her, even if she herself was about as far from my ideal "type" as possible. We exchanged gifts, for Valentines, Christmas, and birthdays, and mine were usually 10x the price of hers, and handwrapped and had expensive shipping paid for them, wheras she'd just get me shit off of amazon and make the shipping address my home.

I think I only ever lost time. Believe me, it's worse than money as you keep the fucking memories. Memories that keep you up 3:00 at night. Thinking about why you are mentally ill.

Nothing much, I liked an autistic girl online and we shared a lot of interests and were best friends for a while. She was also tumblr-tier but it didn't matter, eventually we had a lot of drama and stopped being friends.
After some time i tried befriending her and she just wouldn't accept my friend requests, i waited and waited and nothing. Eventually i was tearing down and stopped giving a shit about my dignity and even changed my profile name to "accept pls" i basically had to beg for her to add me till she did so we had a small talk and then deleted after.
The way she ignored me hurt me on a fucking physical level but even then it's not much compared to the other anons here.

Wasted time talking to a girl who said she was gonna give me pity sex. Felt like I was just being strung along tho. I can't ever truly simp or be an orbiter. I feel a visceral pain doing that.

In 2017 I fell for the covid-17 meme, which, when I told everyone covid 19 follows because harmonic scales graduate by 2s exclusively and are halted by diatonic harmony patterns consistent in 10-column keys, they laughed at me! Everyone laughed at me! I even knew number 19 would give terrible headaches! No one listened! Now 50,000 have died of flu because they dont have soul-edge. Killed by a demon sepulchral. I'm dead certain someone even shouted "THERE AREADY IS A 19 IN THE UK" and I pulled a tick out of my head carrying lyme disease from the saharan dust storm and went to the doctor to check for lyme disease as I was bald-headed at the time and it was an easy kill. What is the cure for lyme disease any way

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>Like girl in highschool.
>Gift her portal 2 on steam because it was cheap asf, wanted the game and wanted to play and spend time with her
>She never played with me and years down the line she even removed me from her friends list.

That was the first, the last and only time Ill ever and I have ever simped.

I have actually literally never simped and have literally never spent money on a girl I wasn't in a relationship with. In fact my last gf refused to let me spend money on her. I will never understand someone so far gone that they just donate money to twitch whores. I just consider anyone who does that to be a subhuman with 70 IQ and nothing they say will ever be worth anything.

>this is what happened to the fabled old fags of r9k

Deez nuts & nuh uh bro

I gave my at the time best friend my xbox because I was going to kill myself wish I didnt give it to her now

I spent over 13k on cam girls. Could be more I stopped counting at 10k and that was a few years ago.