
actual britfeel edition

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Reminder that we're famous now. Show some goddamn manners

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Redecorated the dining room today, repainted and new clock

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All you degenerate drug cunts get in /britdrug/ so the normal moral people can enjoy /britfeel/ without you stinky lot.

Love this little nigga


Timestamp? Havent seen it at all yet

Come back Nubs. /britfeeel/ needs you.

>correct image
>no messing about

OP done good/10

looks like smeagol before he got fucked up by the ring

Gonna start watching "Trailer Pack Boys" on my rpi4 media server....... so NO spoilers, yeah?

And you're here for what what reason normaloid?
Stop putting our name out there when it's just you chimping out and sulking.

>Fan sound 01 Iindustrial Air Con. Deep Low Rumbling Sound relaxation Study Sleep

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oh SHIT lads...

any other lads mistakenly thought they were unemployed with the lockdown?

I just saw a fat load of money for April wages go into my bank account from my job that I thought I had lost in March. I've been registered as unemployed on my Universal Credit account since the lockdown and only just changed it retrospectively as soon as I saw the money go into my account. Hope I don't get FUCKED by the dole patrol asking me why I lied about my income.

probably best avoiding cocaine then if you have had drugs problems. even i have to watch myself with it and i have never really had drugs problems

You might have lost the job and it's your final wage?

I prefer being sober

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if you got any bennies you'll probably have to pay them back if you were actually ineligible for them, but as the other user said it could have been your final wages?

There's really very little to spoil except the show is great for 5 seasons, then it goes to complete shit FAST. But you'll see that for yourself de lad

Loddos check out this cool poem some user posted on Sunday gone.

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Fucking loathe the new seasons. Totally unoriginal and unfunny, they properly fucked it.

*sparks a spliffs up and gets ready for an evenings shitposting*

will talk about drugs in here. we dont need a separate thread for that sort of things. if i have to put up with you lot arguing about complete bollocks then im allowed to talk about drugs

i tried to watch the first episode of trailer park boys but i wasnt really into it

RPi4? I was going to get a hobby box, ultimately decided I wanted convenience and went with installing plex client onto a fire stick and use my PC as the server that transcodes on the fly. Didn't want to entrust it to a teeny box. I just have this fear of those RPi3 or RPi4Bs etc shitting the bed trying to decode and play Hi10p/H265 4K content. I figured 30 quid for a stick would be a good compromise until we can afford to upgrade properly.

just found out i'm gay lads

I really want a haircut lads, doing my head in.

Well the way it works is I get a reduction in my bennies the following month. So, the money I'm gonna get through today on the 28th of April is calculated based on my earnings up until the 2st of March, so that's all correct. What I'll get on the 28th of May will be calculated from what I earned from the 21st of March till the 21st of April, but I've only just changed that information after the final date of that period. So I dunno if the change will go into effect for another month when it's been paid.

Mr Elliot Rodger

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You wanna know what it's like? BOOM

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Ingram did nothing wrong.
Less drinking, more lifting pal

if i had to be gay i reckon i could be
but theyd have to be proper softboys
already coom to trannies so i could probably coom to normal gay porn if i felt degenerate enough

yet again you spastics split the thread in half

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Anyone else's internet keep going on and off tonight? This isn't womfy at all.

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Think it's affecting the virgin (internet) lads. Guessing you're with them?

Haha Look as the Virgin Media using lad.

nope mines been fine eat shit lmao

Aye proper interrupting my Tekken.

>the virgin Virgin
>the chad Sky

imagine having the power of a brazilian copper


It only mentions britfeel. The thread is /britdrugs/
As long as it's not another /britfeel/ it's ok. Also might get rid of the newfags for a bit.

really really fancy some chocolate but it's the middle of the night and I've got nothing in the flat

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That's mental
I mean they did try to get him thrown off his bike, could have shot at him before, who knows. But that's straight up execution

>the chad Sky
Bet my internet was down less time than it takes you to download a 1kb file.

Yep. Heard it was down earlier. Looks like they're still getting issues. Fuck that Branson cunt.

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is it somewhat sexual?
i mean i want to kiss him but you know

i also want another beer and smoke

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Ahahahaha. Imagine the people doing research seeing us call each other cunts, nonces, comfy lads and topshaggers.

*takes out a chocolate digestive*
*throws it in your face*
thank me later kid

Went to bed early but just woke up and cant be bothered to do anything

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get pissed and watch Coub videos on youtube

It's not beardy bollocks, it's those nutters attacking /our5Gtowers/
Have you spotted any whilst doing your essential trips/government approved exercise?

downstairs in the fridge ive got a chocolate pudding and some cream
was going to have it tonight but i didnt feel like it
i feel like it now though, but it's too late. i've already brushed my teeth. wouldnt be very womfy if i ate chocolate after having brushed my teeth would it now

I get about 10Mb/s, that's good enough for me

cant stop myself from smoking rollups

tbf the virgins get like 100

why do you always spam this shit?

I've never understood the need for such high speeds, 10Mb/s is already plenty fast for ~90% of the shit I download, why would I need it 10 times faster

So what if I am drunk on a Monday Tuesday
What ya gonna do about it

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>When the warden, Albert "Gerry" Thomas asked him if he had any last words, Ingram spat at him. When he was asked whether he wished to make a final statement, Ingram was said to have replied simply: "Let's get on with it"

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hate to see the lads here using mbps with MB/s