I think tonights the night boys

I think tonights the night boys

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bad dragon time?

Nothing's gonna happen bro

no it's not. shut the fuck up and I'll see you tomorrow

You gotta live, user.

the night where you finally cum to BAA??

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Whats the matter laddy? Why not speak about it a bit first?

Just go to a YLYL thread and you will feel better.

Awesome user. Her button nose is indeed life affirming op will find true purpose and joy now :)

you creepy niggers are just awful plagues to this board

I agree. he will now find pleasure and joy in jerking off to audrey. lord knows I do.

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>he doesn't worship audrey

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ur cruel :(
lovely gaze of steel

Just buy a grill and start grilling some meat , helps with the feels

>he likes grilled meat

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based aubby meal
>cinnamon buns
>grilled cheese
>her ass crusts
>my cheesy cock
brb will fix myself sth to eat :)

id have some brauts with her and then maybe cold chocolate pudding.

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Hold me tight bro, nothing is okay, everything is falling apart. Maybe I deserve it. I don't have nothing ...
I miss being happy, I'm a nobody, invisible ... but I suffer, I suffer, and it's all my fault.
You know what I mean man? I don't want to blame no one, but FUCK. what kind of hell are we living in? anyway my bro, I hope some sort of light .. some sort of sign will make you know that you're not alone

You either kill yourself tonight or start turning your life around tonight. Continuing on like this isn't an option. Ones a lot more work than the other.

why do you act like this bitch is a valid Yas Forums girl? no one gives a fuck about her besides you, stop ruining threads with your creepy autism.

>why do you act like this bitch is a valid Yas Forums girl? no one gives a fuck about her besides you, stop ruining threads with your creepy autism.

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i'm downloading grindr to get TOPPED

Yoir really funny user.

>Yoir really funny user.

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everyone likes you more everytime you post

>everyone likes you more everytime you post

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why still obsess over her when Kasper exists

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>why still obsess over her when Kasper exists

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Stop posting her. She left and doesnt deserve this.

>Stop posting her.
tahlia detected

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If you are still alive, go take a handful of benadryl and find a church in the morning. Also, nobody has checked your dubs yet!