80% of people who complain about not having a girlfriend could just go to Japan

As long as you are a white male you can get a Japanese girlfriend in your first 2 weeks there.

Being skinny is a disadvantage in western countries for men but in Japan it is pretty much normal so most women do not really put a strong emphasis on muscles. When you are white your looks rating receives an immediate bonus of 4 points on a ten points scale (source: my ugly face still managed to make it). When you are overweight it is a little bit harder but you are still going to get a better looking girlfriend than in your home country.
Simply put: When all you can get is a 3/10 girlfriend in your western home country then you can probably get up to a 7/10 girlfriend in Japan.

I'll give you guys a comrehensive guide - inb4 muh racial purity asian women are soulless drones - this is not for you. Anyone who has reached the point of accepting anything, listen up!

Things to take care of before going to Japan:
1. Learn rudimentary Japanese - the more the better but even just knowing konnichiwa is extremely helpful to your efforts. Skip writing/reading as it will not help you and is comparatively difficult.

2. Take care of your hygiene - Japanese people do not sweat as much as white people making them more sensitive to smell. A strong smell or unclean appearance is usually a no-go for Japanese women.

3. Practice with "language learning" applications like Hello Talk. You can see it as practice sessions - try to ask candidly what they want their boyfriend to be to get some insights.

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Go to Japan - whether a long-term commitment like ALT or exchange semester at a Uni or just a two week trip you will get countless opportunities:
1. Go to Tokyo - an active night life and many women who are open to foreigners make Tokyo the ideal place to go after Japanese women.

2. Now you have two possibilities either you are after a relationship or just a one night stand. One sure fire option for a one night stand is a night club. Japanese women are basically throwing themselves at men in a night club. No need for you to take the first step. Another option involving a more proactive role of you will be a pub or more specifically an Irish Pub. I can recommend the Hub which is a chain in Tokyo or the Public Stand (personally I like the Public Stand more because of less crowding but it is more on the expensive side). If you cannot muster the courage to talk to a woman just make a "come here" motion with your hands. It seriously works. A relationship in Japan usually begins with a man or sometimes a woman confessing his/her love for another person. This is pretty straightforward so you can simply become friends with a girl in Japan you like under the guise of just being a curious foreigner who wants to make friends and learn the culture or whatever. Then you can confess your love and likely be accepted as boyfriend.

I have spend considerable time in Japan and I have seen uggos beyond imagination dating literal supermodels. Every middle aged white guy you see at the supermarket here has a 9/10 Japanese wife. In university during my exchange year almost everyone of my friends had a girlfriend in their first weeks. Japan is incredible. Guys with slim to no sexual experience arrive there to become normies. Now that I have become a normie as well I do not want to soil this board with normie faggotry. But at least I want to give everyone who wants it a way out.

Thank you for everything robots!

I have brown eyes and i'm also 175cm tall
not even an Asian would fall in love with me

175 is already considered tall. That is another point: Height does not really amtter. Japanese men are small so any extra height (above 170cm) is considered very good and even if ou are 160cm there are a lot of 150cm women who are completely fine with 160cm guys. If you are a manlet of consciouss about your height, Japan is the best option!


i feel like these posts are this guy luring me over so he can stab me with a katana

I'm 5'3 irl so I'm figuratively fucked almost anywhere. I'm happy for you guys though, live for me. Get trad Jap waifus.

I can understand that experiencing racism is scary. But ask anyone who has been living in Japan for a long time and they will tell you that they have not experienced much racism. Make up your own mind!

As I said earlier. A lot of 4'11 women in Japan having no problem with 5'3 guys.

>white male
I wouldn't be here if I was
>they want their bf to be at least 175cm
I'm 170cm. Average asian height is nearing 175cm. Go figure

>mfw brown and universally despised

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What the fuck is up with all the Moon Rune Island posting today?

Japan is way more tolerant of black and brown people than the rest of Asia. Black men do pretty well in Japan, especially with the women who are into hip hop/black culture over there. Stop with this "universally hated" shit. Racists want to believe that we're not welcome anywhere and every other country on earth is as race-obsessed as Americans are.

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I second that. Black men or men from the Middle East might not play on very easy but easy nonetheless. Go to Roppongi there will be a lot of girls who are solely aiming for black guys.

>tfw have the bachelor's degree and can understand moon runes
>want to go teach in japan but need to figure out a med cocktail that works for me (bipolar) and scrounge up enough startup money for the first month or so (~$4k)

inb4 >you don't need meds, bro! down with big pharma!
Yes I do literally look at where we are

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I think I'd rather date a black girl than an asian, and that's not meant to portray blacks as some high ideal.

Arent they just BPD golddiggers tho?

>As long as you are a white male
you don't have to be white
t. blackbot went for a week and got attention from jap qts

The average Japanese man is now taller than me.

Asian women are desperate for white dick, its actually kind of pathetic.

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Oh no, user. Japanese women are something even more beautiful.

They will tolerate much but when the line is crossed. It is death time. Beautiful culture.
t.bpd femanon

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You can be some nerdy looking black dweeb and still come out with a moderately attractive 7/10 gf

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Why do you even want a gf? They're just going to break up with you and cause you pain in the end. I've been there and done that twice, I'm done.

-t 28 year old.

>just go to japan
Sure, if you'll fund it. Otherwise, I don't have the money. I'd love to take a vacation or hell, even live there but I can't even afford a plane ticket, let alone that plus food and housing.

Lol cope harder faggot
When I was stationed in Japan, most of the black sailors would gripe nonstop about how they couldn't get anything. Some of the blacks could pick up some tail, but they were definitely far from swimming in it. Browns did a little better, but not much better. Most white clean up over there

>my experience is the only experience
I hear different from most black guys that go over there.

> t. Going only after kawaii japanese idols.

Bullshit. I'm anxious to visit Japan because I'll probably be looked at with scorn and I don't want to seem like a creepy foreigner. Japan only prefers whites.
t. brown man

Keep allowing whites to dictate where you can and can't go then man, I don't know what to tell you.

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I'm too broke to go to Japan desu.

>just go to the country with strongest borders bro

Do you think I can ship a gf back if I only go there for 2 weeks?

Are you American? Most Americans who visit functioning countries never want to come back. Most Americans who visit barely functioning countries never want to come back. Japan isn't the wonderland Yas Forums makes it out to be but it's way better than this gold plated third world shithole called the USA.

The people in Japan were making fun of their government's response to the pandemic. The government sent two masks to everyone in Japan. The Japanese thought this was ridiculous that they only got TWO masks. Meanwhile American get nothing but $1200 once. Canadians are getting $2k a month. Even Kenyans are getting a care package and a bottle of Hennessy. But the American government came up with a relief bill, gave the majority of it to billionaires and spread the change among the citizens.

What about a Filipino looking guy and I'm 5'9

Do white guys really struggle?

>has never been to japan other than to visit

shut the fuck up. im so tired of you retards spouting off about japan like you know anything because you visited. if you haven't lived there for a year or more, your opinion is shit.

>t. cityfag

>look like creepy little plastic dolls
>same dark, soulless eyes and black hair on all of them
>obnoxious helium voices
>speak nonsense moon language
>would just as soon fuck a nigger/spic/arab/goblin because they're obsessed with gaijin of any color
>most materialistic, cold, calculating women on the planet
>always nagging, never happy
>close their legs permanently after marriage
>make for vicious mothers who make their children kill themselves
Yeah, sounds like a great deal OP. Maybe I'll get lucky and end up with a manlet son with a little dick and no cultural identity. Or better yet, a whore daughter who'll bring home niggers because dad taught her it was cool to racemix. That'd just be grand.

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Yes I've never lived outside of a large metropolitan area.

You're the only based poster I've seen in a long time.

Except its very difficult to move to Japan.

You are fucking scum. You are a Quintessential self serving leech to society. Death to you would be merciful.