You've just been elected President of the United States. What is your first action as president?

You've just been elected President of the United States. What is your first action as president?

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A strong and aggressive push for the arts and arts education. I am a firm believer that classical music is good for the soul. It's music that teaches compassion.

Find the White House gym

Based Hungary. Also my first action is to nuke India because I don't like India.

I'm with this faggot.

Kill Mark Zuckerberg

yes please
nuke that shithole full of liars, cheaters and streetshitters

god damn I'm proud to be Hungarian

ReIease the bees


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Homeless hotels

Make Stalin look like a lolbert. And give everyone one free gun.

Jesus christ I didn't think Hungary could be more based. Legitimately jelly I'm not Hungarian atm.

T. Brit.

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How can one country be so based?
>rejects imported sand people, instead spends MASSIVE amount of money on fertility subsidies (they work btw)
>eternally btfo trannys
>eternally btfo retards that want democracy

I will ctrlF4 the whole country after I launch all the nukes straight into the north pole.

pull out all american troops from overseas, then resign.

>decree one: women are now held at government controlled facilities, you can only fuck them if you fulfill x (productivity goal)
>decree two: nuke israel.
>decree three: your balls get snipped off if your IQ is below average
>decree four: all brown and sub 80 IQ people are made to fight each other in a yearly battle royale, on live television

Airburst nuclear strikes over every non-white population center, plus some extras for Tel Aviv and Jerusalem

bong, i'm a canadian. why are our governments such upside-down dystopian hellholes?

or, well, i should clarify. these are GREAT places to live.. for now. we inherited great institutions, a precedence of stability and prosperity, but you know what i mean. utopian communist agenda is in the works..

Exactly the OP image
Second one is sorting out the racial clusterfuck that is the United States. I'll probably send all the niggers to Canada.

The building that saved Western civilization.

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How would you even go about building something like that?

Stack a bunch of square rocks

Thanks, I'll cancel my architecture courses now

I call it the Unfuck Act

>marijuana is legalized across the board
>regulations in place to discourage corporate monopolies
>no corporate involvement in the judicial and legislation system whatsoever
>gold standard re-issued, gold and silver are now legal tender, as well as paper notes (which are required by law to carry a minimal amount of gold to curb inflation and encourage real gold ownership), federal reserve abolished and money manipulators tried for crimes against humanity
>ATF, CIA, NSA, DHS disbanded and all mass surveillance information destroyed, Marshals and county Sheriffs only, metropolitan areas have police but fall under the authority of the Sheriff, new agency called the Internal Investigation Service reports directly to the president/his council only(ANBU)
>all weapons of any kind legalized for carry and concealment(property owners still have the right to refuse weapons), only requirement for owning explosives and full auto is a 1-week class and proficiency test
>no forced diversity, but also no racebait social engineering of any kind allowed in public forums or media
>rehaul the education system to teach real history and sciences and critical thinking skills at an early age
>homosexuality and transgenderism is punishable by exile, pedophilic acts (the correct definition) punishable by anything from jail time to partial castration and exile, discreet therapy programs available for non-offenders struggling with urges
>promote a mindset of self-sustainability among the population, incentivize land ownership for the common person/family
>promote strong family and character values based on trying to understand one another and treating others how you would want to be treated

Magyar on both sides of the family hala isten, you guys are missing out

Circumcision at birth is illegal.
And then I expel the jews.

Classical piano player here. I'm really flattered that you would push for arts education and wish more people thought like you but what makes you honestly think it's good for the soul and what not? It may have a much higher threshold of potential enjoyment and study than what ever doomercore 4 chords band stuff that most people here seem to like but at the end of the day it's just music that is sort of dependent on you being from a western culture to enjoy.

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>legalize all drugs federally, disband the DEA and merge whatever remnants could be useful into the FDA, ATF, DHS and CBP
>pass an Internet Bill of Rights by threatening the major social media companies with antitrust lawsuits
>nationalize all rail infrastructure, build passenger rail of all types all over the country, lease lines to freight companies as they're needed
>ban student loans for anyone under 21, cut federal funding to universities unless they allow the government to allocate it (so it doesn't end up funding SJW courses)
>remove the tax exempt status of any religious organization which doesn't use at least 50% of its income for charitable causes
>declare any Soros, Gates or CCP linked groups terrorist organizations, arrest their high level members, and make it illegal for anyone tied to them to work in education, government, or the media

The bees! The bees are here!

>You've just been elected President of the United States. What is your first action as president?
pic related

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Suicide live on international news

>secret service disbanded
Congratulations anons your first decree is to create yourself an enemy which you won't be able to beat
1. People working there with all the connections will immediately unite to create a front against you
2. Before you can get enough resources for your own secret service you will be dead

Legalize prostitution and tax it
Require certification for prostitutes as well as customers, with monthly checkups for STDs for both parties

Imagining a world where I could somehow be elected president is a scary thought

T. True chaos