Use a fake profile of a male model to talk to women on tinder

>use a fake profile of a male model to talk to women on tinder
>get over 50+ likes within a matter of hours
>find a really nice looking gal
>begin talking a bunch about my passions and desires
>have 3 hours of deep sensual conversation with passion and love
>she says she wants to meet up the next day at a Starbucks for coffee
>I am overwhelmed with joy that she said yes
>get a haircut, have a shower, buy the most expensive cologne at my mall and get ready for the time of my life
>made sure to show up 10 minutes late to make sure I could see her
>I approached the Starbucks slowly and I saw her sitting inside through the window
>slowly walk up to her and say "Rachel is that you?"
>she says yes. I begin to tell her I was Eric from tinder
>she panics and says "what the fuck! Get away from me you creep!"
>I try to calm her down begging her to hear why I did this
>I grab her hand and say please relax.
>she screams "help me!! This man's trying to hurt me"
>I sprint as fast as I can many city blocks and get back to the bus before the cops show up
>mfw i thought she was the one

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dont care didnt read
nobody cares

This is Yas Forums, go back to:

Damn, that's rough buddy...

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Wow! How mean of her! I can't believe she would dare such a thing to you: Eric, of all people!

Could have asked who she was waiting for while writing vile shit on tinder making her cry and consoling her irl. Might try it now that I think about it

Tell us how you envisioned this happening

Do you mean having the fake stand her up, and then preceding to approach her at an emotionally vulnerable moment for counsel? Like a start of ridiculously high, but then low ball them with the reality?

Yeah. Its the future dude

you do realize most posts on r9k is like this right? This belongs on r9k more than reddit. OP would've got banned on reddit

Holy shit this guy is a fucking genius

Sounds like the start of an abusive relationship. One based on manipulation, and deliberate emotional control of the victim.

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The fuck did you think was going to happen, you absolute retard? She'd just be fine with being catfished?

A relationship starting on fucking tinder throws all morality out the window to begin with

i'm not ugly, just needed to get my foot in the door. i'm actually more fit and better looking than the slut, i'm tempted to post her tinder profile

>Sounds like the start of an abusive relationship. One based on manipulation, and deliberate emotional control of the victim
Isn't it good to be on equal terms with a partner or peer?

It's not about how attractive you are, it's the fact that you weren't the guy in the pictures. If you ordered lobster and the waiter brought out steak, you'd still send it back to the kitchen regardless of how good the steak looked.

That's debatable. Can you ever start out on precisely equal terms? Although playing clean when your opponent plays dirty is... more rewarding.

If someone shits on your lawn, do you shit on your lawn too? Just because someone initially shat on your lawn?

nice b8 m8 i give it 8/8

Are we really going to sob and pretend some roast is a victim? I miss the times when internet hookups were seen as dangerous lets revive this desuuu

Good story, i bet it really happened

I'll admit I'm giving the roast the benefit of the doubt considering only a retard would look on Tinder for something serious, but what do you really gain from having a toy to string around at your whim, by pulling a few strings? If someone is trying to turn you into a toy, and you're aware of it, why not have fun being the equilibrium, or getting creative with the fuckery?

>what do you really gain from having a toy to string around at your whim
power or at least the feeling of power for once. As for the equilibrium yes I can control myself enough that this would be the only manipulation in the relationship assuming its a roast-lite id like to settle for. Things are pretty subjective and this manipulation i think is a good thing considering she wouldnt want anything to do with me if I approached her vanilla. All this assuming the setup would work

Fair enough, I don't see anything wrong with that. Though what is power?

>he got that far in knowing her name was rachel
bad move bro, never met a genuine girl named rachel

I dont know sounded better in my head but i guess it is knowing the whole thing is a sham which somewhat gives you the upper hand at least for the feels. Anyway even if id do it it wouldnt be that vile and Id try to minimise the possible negative impact for both as much as possible

I really hope this story is real but I know deep down its not all the real autists left here ages ago

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>Use fake profile
>Wonder why people run away when they find out you catfished them.
It must be hard being this retarded.

Could have been worse
Could have been a day using a female picture or even worse a tranny

Just how new are you user?

You done goofed faggot