Who you rather be?

Who you rather be?
(this isn't a coomer shitpost, it's a census. I want to know how many robots are openly faggots)

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I want to be the guy who gets the source for the video.

>this isn't a coomer shitpost even though it is

The girl getting fucked. However, I realise this is impossible because I'm a 28 year old skinny fat 6ft man with a beard. So I'll never be a cute girl. Oh well, maybe in the next life

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I'm prison gay enough to fuck a tranny. Any takers?

the guy fucking the cute boy pussy

>thats a man, baby
you can be the guy taking dick

>would you rather be the tranny that has to build up a sweat working out in a weird angle or the tranny having a mind-blowing orgasm?
Gee I don't know op

>The girl getting fucked. However, I realise this is impossible because I'm a 28 year old skinny fat 6ft man with a beard
What a fucking disaster.

>maybe in the next life
Yes, kys and go start the next life already.

The girl I'm a man on HRT though and will never look that good

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Nahh bruh I ain't gay. If I looked like a girl I would take a dick. But it's 100% gay for two dudes to fuck.

Fuck off retard

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Both trannies, mate

>tfw will never feel some user's dick slamming into me

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then the tranny fucking the boy pussy, not that hard to think mAtE

do you do it because you want to be a women or for sex reasons?

we can change that, cutie ;)

I want to be a woman I just waited a long time to transition like an idiot

im ugly

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even better, now i can degrade you

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what else should I have done? just ask?


>even better, now i can degrade you

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God I fucking hate this board

pretty depressing that this isn't original

c'mere lemme wife you up

She's fucking cute as fuck.
I would 100% have sex with "her".

The shitskin filming, documenting how whites are degenerate faggots.

If I got to be a hot tranny like that, I would choose that.

This has been a favorite lately.

Can't decide if I rather be the BBC enjoying that sexy femboy bitch, or if I would rather be the femboy bitch pleasuring that beautiful bbc

>ywn be someone's wife

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i kiss u user, you deserve to feel loved, you cute little dainty lady

Damn that's really fucking gay. I think you might be gay