Who you rather be?
(this isn't a coomer shitpost, it's a census. I want to know how many robots are openly faggots)
Who you rather be?
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I want to be the guy who gets the source for the video.
>this isn't a coomer shitpost even though it is
The girl getting fucked. However, I realise this is impossible because I'm a 28 year old skinny fat 6ft man with a beard. So I'll never be a cute girl. Oh well, maybe in the next life
I'm prison gay enough to fuck a tranny. Any takers?
the guy fucking the cute boy pussy
>thats a man, baby
you can be the guy taking dick
>would you rather be the tranny that has to build up a sweat working out in a weird angle or the tranny having a mind-blowing orgasm?
Gee I don't know op
>The girl getting fucked. However, I realise this is impossible because I'm a 28 year old skinny fat 6ft man with a beard
What a fucking disaster.
>maybe in the next life
Yes, kys and go start the next life already.
The girl I'm a man on HRT though and will never look that good
Nahh bruh I ain't gay. If I looked like a girl I would take a dick. But it's 100% gay for two dudes to fuck.
Fuck off retard
Both trannies, mate
>tfw will never feel some user's dick slamming into me
then the tranny fucking the boy pussy, not that hard to think mAtE
do you do it because you want to be a women or for sex reasons?
we can change that, cutie ;)
I want to be a woman I just waited a long time to transition like an idiot
im ugly
even better, now i can degrade you
what else should I have done? just ask?
>even better, now i can degrade you
God I fucking hate this board
pretty depressing that this isn't original
c'mere lemme wife you up
She's fucking cute as fuck.
I would 100% have sex with "her".
The shitskin filming, documenting how whites are degenerate faggots.
If I got to be a hot tranny like that, I would choose that.
This has been a favorite lately.
Can't decide if I rather be the BBC enjoying that sexy femboy bitch, or if I would rather be the femboy bitch pleasuring that beautiful bbc
>ywn be someone's wife
i kiss u user, you deserve to feel loved, you cute little dainty lady
Damn that's really fucking gay. I think you might be gay