Girl Im talking to got a dildo

>girl Im talking to got a dildo
>will tell me about her experience with it but won't show me
>I'm supposed to be fucking her after corona

She clearly sees me as a cuck (hehe I'll only tell you about me using a dildo XD), it's over and I bet she's just leading me on and doesn't actually plan to fuck me after corona.

What girl wants to fuck a dude but won't show herself using a dildo to him

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Damn no replies Kek

This is what I replied w

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shes just trying to tease you dude dont take things so personally god damn

I think that reply may have been a little too aggressive. Maybe she just doesn't want to send nudes since potentially they can be used against her in the future.

I'm not taking it personally, I'm just seeing reality for what it is. A girl who is into a male will be eager to show herself using it on herself.

I'm in a similar situation, the girl I'm currently talking to refuses to send nudes and it is driving me crazy.

She has sent me nudes before which is why it's suspicious that she doesn't want to show herself using a dildo, plus she has said pic related so that's prob not the case. I just wanna make sure I'm not being downgraded to cuck status

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>girl feels uncomfortable sending lewd pictures of herself over discord where the possibility of her pics getting spread around is very possible
>call her gay
the next time you ask yourself why youre alone and a virgin just remember this

Is she Italian? Or does she just like bats?

Shut up faggot, I'm getting videos, eat my dick.

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double gay
show ass

ditto here. when the fuck is she gonna send me material

well i stand corrected. enjoy your videos op

Hell yeah I will. Might share em with you Niggas

>Hell yeah I will. Might share em with you Niggas

Great job OP, all you needed to do was make clear that you're not her bitch but the other way around. Be the alpha male you deserve to be. Also share results Yas Forumsro

Would she be cool with that lol? Honestly it's kinda fucked otherwise.

>inb4 cuck/simp

Yeah bro. There was no way I was just gonna sit there and I listen to her describe her experience with her dildo while I'm 100% sure she's sending pics and shit to other dudes. Either gimme pics and Vids or foff is what I'm sayin
Idc man, I'm a piece of shit I know but I don't care

Well lets at least see her body.

it's a LARPing tranny you dumbfuck, abandon ship

It's pretty nice bro, pic related

She's like 5ft 95 lb. Shits gonna be cash as fuck if I fuck her. Cuz I'm like 6 foot 1.

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>Idc man, I'm a piece of shit I know but I don't care

No wonder no one takes you incels seriously.

No its not, she has went on cam and showed me her pussy before, kys
Kiss my ass bitch! If it doesn't have her face in it, it's not that bad. Cry moar

does she have a nice pussy? looks like a chick that would.

Her legs are thicc
What do her tits look like?

Yeah her pussy looks delicious bro
She won't show me her tits bc they look "weird"

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Damn man post more

80 iq reply
read a fuckin book

she's telling you about it because you're so far into the friend zone that she'll tell you about her sex life.
you want sweet sweet revenge? don't talk to her for a few months, spend that time getting jacked, well-read, and an overall well-rounded individual
then here's the kicker
she'll be swooning over you. NEVER bring up sex or flirting to her, even if she's talking about it. Make a slight response to whatever she says, but ultimately gloss over it.
Buy a fleshlight, and send her a pic of your dick inside of it. say "hearing you tell me about your dildo influenced me for this"
Then send her a pick of you fucking another girl (you can hire an escort for this part)

>A girl who is into a male will be eager to show herself using it on herself.
she wouldn't show you pics of her using it on herself, she'd invite you over to use it on her then do a quick juxtaposition of the dildo and your dick.

oh yeah, if you do this and she actually was into you the whole time then you dun gone and fucked up.

She doesn't have a sex life. She's a Virgin. Kek

It's corona right now so she can't come over. Plus this is some cringe shit to do all for a girl. I like to keep shit simple.

Just be happy you get anything at all you fucking terrorist.