White fembots, why is black cock the most desired flavor of cock for stacies?
White fembots, why is black cock the most desired flavor of cock for stacies?
street smarts + confidence = attraction.
What about Brown Spic Cock?
Who are they for?
street smarts is unironically one of the most attractive things a man can have in a big city.
>tfw live in the countryside
Bet those cityniggers don't know the best spots to burn your horse manure without the Police finding out
B-B-B-B-BASED horse fucker. black guys really have no advantage outside of big cities.
You know the saying. Once you go black, you never go back.
Stacies have high self esteem and know they deserve to get fucked good and rough by a big dick
All they need to know about burning is finding a coalburning stacy
so many girls are built for BBC its insane.
You have a tiny Asian penis
Prove me wrong bucko
I bet everyone who responded to this is male.
they look like they have a lot of fun honestlly
Here is my big Aryan cawk
You sound like you're a pathetic fucking cuckold faggot nigger lover
This faggot bait image has been posted a thousand times at least
God truly has seen the beauty of the chocolate vanilla swirl and has started to handcraft women for big black CAWK
That's brown. Clearly an Asian dixk
don't be gay. appreciate when young thots have fun with real niggas.
She has fun being pounded to a pulp by his long black CAWK
>t. seething white incel
This is what feminine pink holes are made for
Deal with it
Dude You're an Asian incel jealous of white guys
Kill yourself already
This is what feminine black holes were made for
You have a tiny Asian dick
Lol Asian fag bitch lil
It's a known fact that females gave lighter skin than males of the same race
Why do Asian bois like to receive white cock?
I honestly don't get it. I think it's just the few whores that want a bigger cock. I personally love my white men and find them more attractive. Black men are not only uglier, but they are just so different, it's like dating someone from a different country.
black guys have the biggest swinging dicks in town!
I have personally fucked a bunch of black trannies in the ass
Deal with it whiteboi
Your pinkness is a universal feminine trait there is a reason all men want pink pussy because it's the most femininely appealing color
Sure they do lol pathetic Asian boi