Egirl newfag

>been going on this site for abt 10 months
>am black and a leftie
>everything says this site (especially r9k) is evil
>Yas Forums actually isn't that bad
like I really like this website, not aesthetically tho i have a bunch of ideas for a new layout, every time i heard of Yas Forums ppl spoke about it like it just filled with nazis and incels but most of yall are pretty chill and ironically r9k is my favorite board despite some of the questionable post
idk i just like this place even with all the bullshit i don't like (i really hate the layout of the opening page)

pic is unrelated besides the fact that i see these words most used on here

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can i slap your black ass and cum on it then rub the cum in?

what are your layout ideas? im curious

One word missing from that pic is "nigger".

If you want to see the nazi exhibition, go to Yas Forums. Also, there are plenty of incels on this board, far-righters are common on every board too. Also, all normalfags deserve death. Can't tell whether I've been baited by this post or not but I'm biting anyway.

Nobody asked tho lol, kys

this post is cringe and ur a newfaggot normie.

however you have the potential to be an actual fembot since you are black. keep staying here and your chances will increase

the logo would stay because its pretty iconic honestly but the retangle layout is just boring
maybe having multiple boxes with different things like showing the most viewed boards, lasted post, longest posts up etc. brighten up the colors a little so its more fun but not bold
basically make it look new but still old internet enough to fit the vibe of the rest of the site
oh and bigger text bc who can read this shit


not a bait also i dont think ima normie but i mean death is ok

i think they should change the colours definitely. blueboards look so much nicer than these ones

right blue is good because you can so much with it aesthetically and its not annoyingly bold like red or yellow

I want to agree on a larger font, but using Futaba and Burichan is weird. It's like the old man oriented styles, lol
We need a better dark theme, though, for sure. I can't read a fucking thing on Tomorrow
Interesting take, though. What sort of colour scheme do you have in mind?

Thanks for the larp faggot.
Fuck yourself


Stfu and go back

>rectangle layout
what's wrong with the layout? what would you want to replace it with?
>most viewed boards
but why? stats say its always going to be Yas Forums and who needs to know that but newfags?
>lasted post
did you mean latest posts? because that's already a thing on the home page
>longest post
again why? goes completely against the point of thread expiration
id be kinda alright with that but there are actually themes at the bottom you can switch to and honestly the colors are too steeped into the culture and actually serves a purpose

King, you just posted horny on main.

Your service is appreciated gentlemen.

Fuck off dumb whore, go back and hang yourself from a tree while you're at it.

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then stop phoneposting, use a desktop and change it your fucking selves you newfags

its called css

saged beyond belief

ur a newfaggot trying to modernize Yas Forums to be a more normie-accessible website without understanding and respecting the site's history. i for one appreciate that Yas Forums's layout deter normies who are used to "modernized" layouts that appeal to a more lazy, instant-gratification audience. it's also great that we don't have a mobile layout to further deter them.

look at reddit's new layout and twiter. they have basically switched even their desktop layouts to be like their mobile ones. makes you think.

i just want to look some type of pretty bc its sooo ugly
go back to what
dark blue but idk how dark and either a bunch of blue hues or blue and green with white
this is kinda iconic

no i just like shit to look how i want to that's literally it lol its not deep at all

>most viewed boards, longest posts up
you are advocating for normie features that add nothing and instead promote a hivemind, popularity following incentive that goes against Yas Forums's basic nature as an anonymous board where everyone is on equal footing.

search through the site's pile of shit and appreciate the diamonds you find. or go be a faggot at r/Yas Forums.

how is this shithole not instant gratification exactly?

every chocolate qt on this site is always fat as hell, it depresses me. idk why i mention it but take care of yourself doll!

Use the catalog and scroll in to make things bigger dumb nigger

Do people not know that you can use the catalog and sort?

i use catalog i just spitting ideas like i said i just want it to look pretty for ME thts it

are you female by any chance?

Now that I got your attention, if you don't like the format download Yas Forums X, gives you more formatting options. Otherwise it stays as is.
Anyways that's my advice, welcome to hell femanon.

yea ur right. i get a lot of instant gratification actually coming on this board and seeing all the shit and autism that is posted.

im thinking about switching to reddit because i think its a good website that does not filter anything besides good-feely posts and it is totally not an echochamber where i will get banned if i think different. thanks for challenging my worldview user, and because you are able to argue with others freely, i think you should also switch to reddit like me.

>complaining about something that could be better with the vietnamese music forum makes you a phoneposter
If I was a phoneposter, I wouldn't complain becausse I can just zoom in and have everything not look retarded or just use an app (AND I could use a semi-custom theme).
I just have trouble reading everything because my glasses only help so much and without them, I can only read stuff within 5 inches of my face
>dark blue
That sounds nice. Blues with green and white gives it a nice deep sea type of vibe and sounds pretty calming.

ITT: Newfags trying way too hard to fit in

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i seen someone tape ants to their dick on here trust me i don't care abt "fitting in"

ah i love blue too. reminds me of twitter and facebook