How is your handwriting?

How is your handwriting?

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Who here legal pad master race? Also, pay attention to my capital A and capital T. Heh yeah le quirky I know :P xD rawr. It's just how I write.

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I don't dot my i's nor my j's. I added the meme line to my Z and 7 to tell them apart from 2 and T. But I have no distinction between I and 1, since my 1 resembles my capital T. Also I added the meme line to my 0. What fuck do

Here's more handwriting samples, mr. FBI agent.

Attached: 81AE8B3E-B7B9-4E02-AC82-5DA6A3382D3B.jpg (750x1000, 265.68K)

i have dysgraphia and have fond highschool, middle school and elementary school memories of teachers showing the class my handwriting and making fun of me for it

I write in cursive, I have since middle school so it comes more naturally to me at this point. I also think it is faster and nicer looking.

I agree about legal pads

Attached: writing.jpg (4160x1521, 814.27K)

nice pensmanship, fellow legal pad chad. how is YOUR handwriting, op?

here u go anons
originally of course

Attached: Capture.png (761x460, 380.66K)

Could use some improvement, usually write bad non-cursive letters, that's why I've been practicing to write cursive lately

I get the impression you are a cute female from looking at your handwriting.

im a female but u werent supposed to guess that, now ill get accused of attention whoring

>puts her handwriting below some basic differential equations shit
of course you're attention whoring user, male or female. everyone is amazed by your superior intellect and brain and your transparent grasps at validity are definitely not vapid in any way, shape or form

senpai its my scrap paper, i'm not starting and wasting a new page for some gay thread
seems like u don't know what a differential is though

>now ill get accused of attention whoring
You're obviously not attention whoring, was just my observation!

dysgraphia user handwriting

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How does your penmanship look when you write down your discord?? hmm

damn user, did you ever even go to school?

you are the captain of mega based

Here is my handwriting; I like the other cursive anons' handwriting.

Attached: 20200427_163232.jpg (2419x1814, 746.79K)

too lazy to take a pic of a piece of paper.

Attached: handwriting.png (1152x648, 18.11K)

i did and my teachers bullied me
they sent me to this OT thing in elementary school but i refused to learn anything in it

yeah, could tell you're an autist

this is perfect i'm in love

I've had terrible handwriting for as long as I can remember. They tried to fix it when I was younger but it didn't really help at all. Oh well.

Attached: 20200427_153338.jpg (2854x3080, 1.74M)

Joker tier handwriting

Your handwriting is perfect wtf

aren't psychopaths and the like supposed to have nice handwriting? to blend in with normie society, and what not?

Here's a dream I had the other night. I think it's alright but I'm not sure if others would find it legible, my mom always used to complain she couldn't read it.

Attached: dreamm.png (900x1096, 1.66M)

I like your handwriting midwest user

I don't see why, but thanks.

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Haven't wrote anything down since I was like 18. 30 now. Keyboard masterrace.

Here is mine, my teachers always complimented my handwriting

Attached: 20200427_152947.jpg (2209x1059, 1.14M)

absolutely horrible, I wish I could type everything desufam

fuck I got the fox thing wrong

how can you possibly get it wrong, user.

that is such a pretty handwriting shit

cant write cursive english and cursive cyrillic is fucking ass barely readable

as a fellow dysgraphia user I did too, I never had issues learning and was actually considered quite smart. But my handwriting was awful, so everyone bullied me and I had to constantly remake handwritten homework because teachers couldn't read it
towards the end tho they really wanted us to start printing our assignments so I didn't have those issues as much

where are you from user? I'm interested in learning Cyrillic