Fembots, what's your excuse for not looking like this...

Fembots, what's your excuse for not looking like this? This is the ideal female physique and it could be yours with a bit of work.

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i don't want manish muscles people already htink i'm a tranny because of my mannish voice

Women are supposed to be soft. Just admit you want to fuck men.

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Thats honestly so sweet user and makes me feel better about the lil bit of tum I havent been able to get rid of

women are supposed to be whatever men want them to be. just admit you wish you were one, fag

I wanna kiss your cute tummy and make you feel good about yourself

>bout the lil bit of tum I havent been able to get rid of
thats not your tummy, its your womb.
idk why women dont know this

If people think you're a tranny already, what's the harm in putting on muscle?
Shut up, fag. You're just a beta who couldn't handle an actual strong woman.

i dont wanna mog my boyfriend


Alright, now I'm gonna be embarrassingly desperate and ask where you live so we could maybe make that a reality

You absolutely should not get rid of it. Chubby girls are the best.
>an actual strong woman
A contradiction of terms. If anyone is a faggot here it's you.
That sounds like a cute weight. How tall are you?

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>smidge flatter when weighing 125ish
everyone is different. wombs are different sizes, its because your skinny you can see it haha. 125 is not heavy even at 5'

We do. If you find small weak women attractive and don't find strong men and strong women attractive the anglos already destroyed your brain.

From the west coast of the us, seems like most robots are east coast unfortunately

You're a disease, wanting your woman to be unhealthy. Reflect on your harmful ways

Not even the same continent. I'm a Euro

Im 5 foot 4
Ye I dunno its just odd to never really see it in the media or on the women you see so ya always think huh it should be like them

ITT: body positivity normie fags

Womp womp womp goes the sad trombone

ya well women have hairy pits too and take big stinky poops but no one talks about that either. the media is a manipulation device to sell you things. all women are beautiful, different, but beautiful.
i wish women knew just how uncontrollable it is for a straight man to like women,we like em all

lol incel eurofag BTFO
also falling for obvious larp bait

>implying a girl is just gonna keel over and die because she weighs a few extra pounds
I bet you actually believed that stupid McDonald's documentary too.
>5'4 at 125lbs
That's not bad at all, fembot. Actually lighter than what I usually prefer. I'm 6'3 at 200ish, myself. I am also on the east coast.
t. 5'7", balding at 23 gymcel who only has his "gains" to keep him warm at night instead of a nice thick girl

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Good way to think about it thanks user
Wish I was interesting enough to be bait lmao
Haha yep East coast strikes again, ye im more or less happy with my weight right now, at the end of the day its more what my future partner likes cause thats who it matters to lol

Recently I've been finding women like this more and more attractive.
I think I kinda want a fitfu, because then I might be more motivated myself... I already do work out a bit, but pretty much do the bare minimum.

reality is often disappointing and theory does not always work out in practice. which is why you are posting cartoon images. keep living in ur fantasy

I fucking hate you fat cunt chasers.

i wish i looked like that. ive been trying to cut down to get abs for the summer but i keep eating too much

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You can still send your contact if you want. [email protected]
Here's a real girl just for you. I can keep this up all day.
Go make a thread on Yas Forums about it then, I'm sure there's lots of androgynous muscular women there for your closeted ass to get off to.

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Why choose when you can have both?

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Wait, do fit women with abs look different from unathletic women when pregnant?

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