It's a scientific fact that women's brains are smaller than males. Yet women have convinced society that common sense and basic fucking logic are wrong and women are as smart as men.
It's a scientific fact that women's brains are smaller than males. Yet women have convinced society that common sense and basic fucking logic are wrong and women are as smart as men.
OP, please continue to cope for your virginity by projecting your worthlessness and self-hatred onto women.
They won't fuck you, but do you know why? You have nothing to offer. You're bitter, hateful, uneducated, terribly out of shape with breadstick arms. No one would want to be with you, and it's entirely because of decisions you make.
>tfw know that pic feel
Literally had a similar experience and it was possibly the worst time of my life.
t. black inceI
Incredibly based.
Thread over you fucking faggot op.
op ur reasoning is retarded. dolphins have bigger brains than us but are retarded because their brains are smooth. it's not about size, it's about whether or not ur brain looks like an old mans wrinkly sack
Roasties and simps OUT
Men will always be superior to women in EVERY aspect fuck off
keep coping for your flabby, weak body, hateful, bitter personality, and uneducated, angry little mind
you are the only reason you are a virgin
the choices you make, and the stupidity you speak. your breadstick arms, lack of education, lack of worth
Not op,but yeah whatever you say
I'm not a virgin lole
Also idc
>breadstick arms
Big brains
Big dicks
Big beautiful butts
Men are superior and every gay man on Earth deserves to go to heaven. Only gay men have high IQs.
I assure you that you're a breadstick-armed loser
>if he's not an incel he must be a roastie or simp
sure pal, keep up your charade for absolutely no one
Most women are generally useless, but of course, some aren't. It's the same with men mostly.
Why do you obsess over women and sex? Don't you have anything comfy to do?
>muh breadstik insel
>imagine a world where even the weakest member of 1 sex could easily kill an average member of the other with his bare hands and the other sex still calls itself equal to them
roastie delusion
Based thread. Keep it going op.
the breadstick armed incels ITT are seething again. why can't they ever have sex? it's not society, that's for sure.
>thinks she's part of the group for saying "comfy"
you're just like the annoying girls at high school that tried to hang out with guys by saying dude and bro every two sentences
>post face, ill post arms, lets see who wins
because being a woman on r9k is like playing a kids videogame on easy difficulty and still managing to lose. So i imagine your face resembles a dumpster fire
>Thread is instantly brigaded by whiteknight simps
Keep posting redpills op. The fags can't handle it
Yes user everyone you don't like is a woman or tranny
>women hate thread
>there are 5 topics on the front page hating women
Fuck off OP no one cares if you're a sad fat faggot loser that can't their dick wet. It's the most easiest thing in the world.
>breadstick boi invokes video game analogies
yikes, your final boss is saying hi to a girl LOOLLL
You have just proven my point, retard.
If women are equal to men why were they in submissive position in all civilizations? Why didn't they beat men in a fair competition and force them to wear borquas? Why didn't they lead military charges, kept men as slaves and had male harems?
>having no point
>"proven my point"
who is this virgin?
>most easiest
I think grammar is a little easier but you do you queen. Prolly shouldve paid attention in class and stopped sucking dick in the bathroom
>You have just proven my point
which would be?
No femoid or simp will ever be able to answer this logically
>who's the virgin
pic related, whore
For all female equality tards: Name a single field of expertise where women beat men.
That anything said by a man is instantly more reliable than the same thing by a woman, cause men are smarter.
Woman come along and try to argue this by pretending they are male HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH the irony
Based and truthpilled. Women only have rights because men gave it to them
no really what kind of virgin are you, little guy?
>no really what kind of virgin are you, little guy?
a repressed homosexual one that needs to download grindr and get TOPPED
Man, simps really do think they are not virgins cause a thot streamer acknoledged their existence after a 200$ donation. Amazing.
BASED and redpilled
cringe and virgin bluepilled. stop donating money to girls and go start having sex.
That's primitive shit, no wonder your inferior male mind can't conceive any better alternatives.
Women have had equal rights to men for at least 40 years now and yet have nothing to show for it. weaker sex, shouldn't be allowed to vote cause clearly they don't have the capacity
Reading comprehension: 0/10
you're retarded, simp
>women have convinced society that common sense and basic fucking logic are wrong
And they do have a point. It is common knowldege between the wise ones that common sense is not an absolute law and that there are forces in this world that escape the realm of logic.
OPs not only a fag but also cringe and bluepilled
1. It's autistic to say "field of expertise" learn some english.
2. If you are arguing that only the top 5% of men earn respect, I agree.
3. Equality is about human rights and opportunity, objectively good things. You can't argue against human rights by saying that black guys are the best rappers and athletes. Although it is logical to say that wage gap is a myth and that women can just work harder if they want to be represented more in outcomes.
>the virgin who donates money to egirls calling people simps
word bro. you get rejected or just a fag?
>ok, we have a problem: let's try to solve it in the female way
women are retarded
Women are not retarded since some things escap the realm of logic and according to string theory there might be other dimensions in which women are smarter than men
Occam's razor, whore, look it up
The wage gap is real, only it is caused by women being stupid and not by muh discrimination
>Using virgin as an insult
You have to be 18 or older to post here (you)
virginity is literally an underage problem only. adults have no issue getting sex, it's just part of life.
>That's primitive shit, no wonder your inferior male mind can't conceive any better alternatives.
Every nation where women are "equal" is weak has below replacement birth rates and is about to be overtaken by 3rd worlders who keep their women in check
Im an average looking 6/10 guy and I GUARANTEE YOU that every single femoid landwhale in this thread would be all over my cock if i saw them irl
save for the countless documented cases where there literally was discrimination and general psychology behind in-group preference, i believe if a woman was smart she could make a lot of money easily. there are many women who have great businesses.
>is about to be overtaken by 3rd worlders who keep their women in check
they're also shitholes
I genuinely hope western society crumbles and femoids are forced to wear burkas.
Yes, because you are black, and any black guy has hundreds of female orbiters
A guy in a wheelchair and a normal guy are about to race each other
it's not discrimination to assume the guy with legs'll win, it's just common fckin sense