A less endowed man will never fully satisfy a girl to keep her in a long-term relationship and to prevent her from cheating or breaking up, he basically has to outsource sexual performance to a larger guy. Is this true or false?
Does having a small penis automatically make you a cuck?
>still posting the fake chart
>Still thinks it's acceptable
The average girth is 4.69. My shit is 5.5, but seriously, 80% of dicks are 4.69. FIX YOUR PUSSIES, you fucking cunts. Make them smaller for my brothers.
5x4.2 here
I'm married, however never made her cum, it's honestly really discouraging.
Have you considered letting her fuck bigger guys to sexually satisfy her? She will probably leave or cheat on you at some point because 4.2 inch girth is probably micropenis territory.
>A less endowed man will never fully satisfy a girl to keep her in a long-term relationship and to prevent her from cheating or breaking up, he basically has to outsource sexual performance to a larger guy. Is this true or false?
It doesn't matter because even the well endowed robots would never be able to keep a girl for more than a year tops.
This is a retarded fucking thread.
are you fucking retarded? dude
one of the things that really demotivated me was thinking my cock was too smal because coomer who only saw cocks in porn
then i saw this graph (the real one) and the average around the world and realized i'm slightly above average which makes me happy (6x5.8)
if you think you have a small penis, realize two things: there is smaller and your penis is most likely enough to satisfy a woman.
also don't fall for the "hurr durr real women don't care about sex it's all about love". Sex plays a huge role in a relationship
It really just depends. She's picky too, she won't just fuck a guy because he has a bigger dick.
Are you sure that you are measuring correctly? The ideal girth is between 5-5.5" and a dick like that is almost TWICE as big as yours in terms of volume. I feel bad for your wife because she is basically fucking a child and not a real man.
>satisfying women
who cares, women are for birthing babies and cooking food, if you want to satisfy someone go visit your twink homies
Threads like these combined with comments like yours always make me suicidal because my penis is so fucking tiny it hurts. With 4" length and 4" girth, 95% of all men are bigger than me. There simply is no girl out there who would be statisfied by my size. I hate myself.
I'd unironically love to suck that type of dick but I'm a man.
Women arent as obsessed with dicks as you are thank fuck
>80% of dicks are 4.69
it's 50%
there's plenty of fish in the sea, even if it takes you time to get someone that cares for you despite having a below average dick, then you'll be good.
It might be harder to make her cum with your dick but if you take your time, eat her out and finish with your cock you can probably get there
also what's your height? there are some that probably have shota fantasies meaning your cock would be more than enough
yeah, I have measured correct. I'm thinking about buying her a dildo and seeing if she gets off to it.
Nice fake cope graph
>he has charts
get help
Honestly having a small dick is so annoying, a couple weeks ago I had sex with one of my flatmates and I swear she just looked bored the whole time. Only having a dick that's only 6.5 x 5.5 inches really isn't enough for a woman who has access to thousands of men on tinder.
>Is probably a 12 year old boy from the Philippines
>Is totally serious
>Has no idea about proper measurement because his local school was blown up 60 years ago
I'll have you know I'm a European male from Australia, and I'm a university student in mathematics so I know how to measure.
nice dubs, also, cant relate. I've never bothered to check my girth but I'm around 7inches in length and can make my girlfriend squirt every time if I want.
>your graph is fake
>your graph is fake
i now assume both are fact and will never know whether my dick great or good. I try to trust my wife but she could be lying with me. It's too much pressure to perform and what little times I can work up the confidence to make love to her i have to beat her half to death becuase she could be lying, a snake i nmy own home
tfw 6 inch girth
Every girl I've been with has said I've got a big cock
Now if only I weren't a manlet
Imagine being insecure with your penis size
Unless you have a literal micropenis, you'll be able to satisfy a girl. maybe dno't do 5 minutes of missionary and you'll actually make her cum.
Fucking fags.
Why wouldn't I be? Literally everyone makes fun of small dicks and praise big dicks like it's a gift from the heavens.
>tfw 7x5 in a world where 5.5 girth is the master race
it could have been perfect...
>Literally top 98 percent girth
>Duurrr thought my dick was small
Die nigger
Your "small" dick probably isn't actually small.
I'm guessing you're a virgin.
This graph is probably legit but for small guys SO NOT look at the bad dragon subreddit, all I can say is humans cannot even compete