LOOK AT THIS BITCHES FACE, she has no idea what a particle is...

LOOK AT THIS BITCHES FACE, she has no idea what a particle is, no idea what CERN is yet she's invited there cause she's an untalented 7/10 white woman.
When you're a mildly attractive, middle-class white female, the world's your oyster brah.

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>she has no idea what a particle is
says who
>no idea what CERN
says who
>she's invited there cause she's an untalented 7/10 white woman
these are all baseless claims that have no evidence, retard

literally who and why are you so seething jealous?

Also, why would she need a hat, it's not like a particle's gonna fly into her head lmao. Tho that would truly be a subatomic partcicle collision, white womans brain vs electron.

we need to eradicate white women.

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>that face
She's obviously an alien ambassador who is here to teach us about the secrets of the universe.


>she has no idea what a particle is
she's a female.
>no idea what CERN IS
see proof for statement (a)
>she's invited there cause she's an untalented 7/10 white woman
Well, she's not invited because of her nobel price now is she?

10/10 would vote

i'd take my chances with CERNfemanon. you anons can have the rest.

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Just by looking at your grammar I can tell your a woman, why don't you go suck some cock to pay for your useless college degree?

molly bair is a topmodel though, not just some random girl
btw everyone can book a tour through cern, no need to get invited

>Just by looking at your grammar I can tell your a woman

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>look at her face for 2 seconds

yeah I don't think so bro

>named image
>tries to pretend she's not a female


i can tell by you're grammar and seething that you don't even have a ged

yeah, she is pretty in a weird way which is what agencys look for nowadays. shes also very tall and very skinny

>boasts about having a ged
ok bitch, what's your uni degree? prolly journalism and arabic or some useless bs

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I love black holes omg I'm such a nerd xPPP

Like OP said
>When you're a mildly attractive, middle-class white female, the world's your oyster brah.
Daddy has enough money to make you a supermodel? Then you can become a supermodel.

Perhaps that's the story of life. Sad!

i'm a model at cern

omg sissss I also love...like stars and stuff. like what are they made of? I was sucking cock in the school bathroom instead of going to class so I genuinely don't know.

no, thats not how it works though. Maybe it works like this in your mind but she got scouted. You can also go to cern and book a tour if it makes you feel any better

>she got scouted
yeah of course she got scouted nigga, she was just a lower class female trying studying astrophysics at MIT and suddenly a scouter went to one of her classes and gave her 3 mill for posing in photos.

>Nitpick grammar when he's writing like a fucking elementary school child.

you dont have to study anything to take a tour at cern though. whats your point ?

>Nobel price
Witness the high IQ of a white incel, ladies and gentlemen!

>muh laundry!
Why did they let you fucking juniorhigh schoolers out? Damn chinese virus

My point is the conditions for being scouted are:

>you're an incel
pic related bitch

well on average a high school male has more passions and is a more interesting person than most any female, so even if I was one I'd still be 1 step ahead of ypu

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the conditions are even harder than that
you gotta be like 6 feet tall
super skinny
perfect skin and hair
preferably white
recognizable features

middle class and iq has nothing to do with it though

>Lol I called him a white incel I'm so cool

You're not old enough to be on this website you little shit, go play Pokemon go in traffic.

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>middle class has nothing to do with it though

ok, name one formerly-lower-class supermodel

Not OP and haven't responded to you before but this girl is Molly Bair a famous model (as famous as someone who is "only" a model can be.). However OP is still a faggot idiot because literally anyone can tour CERN if they can get there. So it's not as if this is some special privilege that few get to enjoy. It is likely that she was traveling near CERN, probably for a fashion show of some sort, and as a result whoever planned the trip thought it would be cool for the models to go to CERN.
Also what does a tour of a science facility really get you?

gisele bundchen
do you even read the thread ? i literally said that multiple times you imbecile

I'm 100% certain she didn't pay for her ticket, ergo she was invited, which is a priviledge few people get