whats the appeal of anime? i never really got into it, and from what i can tell most anime communities fucking suck. im just curious as to why people watch so much of it
Whats the appeal of anime? i never really got into it, and from what i can tell most anime communities fucking suck...
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Wish fulfilment and sinful hyper self indulgence. Easy fap material and attachment to character's, fills the void if only temporarily. Just like vidya it's just a time sink to distract yourself.
t. Wagecuck saving to become neet
I've watched nearly 500 shows and I refuse to interact with any anime community anywhere. That includes Yas Forums, which I swore off for life since 2012. I watch what I want and form my own goddamn opinions. People watch anime because they enjoy it, like any medium. No two people are probably gonna give you the same answer as to why they watch it since so many genres exist. I'd say the majority of people just like shounen stuff since its generally the easiest and funnest genre to get into and watch, lots of action and easily digestible characters.
Basically, it's cartoons for adults that isn't stuff like Family Guy.
its just more tv to watch. if you enjoy it whatever
So many shows are the same shit over and over. With how few shows are unique, I don't get why anyone would watch 10+ shows every season.
It's media to consume that has weirder and more interesting plots than Western tv
Cause some people like watching garbage. I will admit I've watched way too many garbage shows throughout the years just because I enjoyed a certain character or the setting.
for mem its cuz of
>it looks nice
>soundtracks are peak
>voice actors if good can make things sound dope, you wouldnt hear such expressive voices in other more normal media
>if you are into it you can stare at cute loli harem escapist fantasy to fill your emotional void.
>animation is less realistic than movies and as such much more varied stories can be told
>its only jap territory because nobody else makes anything good,
i mean idk man. communities for everything are cancer but i like the medium itself
its just good art
but family guy is based
All communities suck. The main appeal of it to non-nips is that it's different, that's it. It's like western tv, there are 10-15 types of shows that get made and the occasional unique one. But these 10-15 types are different from the 10-15 types you see on western tv. Television also works differently in Japan. For anime, publishers pay a studio to animate one of their IPs and pay a tv station to air it. This means that, as long as you have money and the content can be aired on tv, you can air anything you want. Which means that you can take risks because you aren't being gatekeeped by profitability. The station wasn't making much money at 3am on Tuesdays so they don't care what airs. The publisher makes their money back by selling merchandise, dvd/bds, and the source material. In the west they target the largest demographic because it's all about ad revenue, in Japan they target the autistic people because they're the only ones that are going to buy figures and shit.
TL;DR; For various reasons anime is different enough from western television to make it interesting just because it's different.
Why do weebs have such a fucking hard-on for dubbed anime? Why do you shit all over people who want to hear a show in their native language instead of high pitched nonsense? Honestly, I fucking hate anime and I defy you to show me one whose plot couldn't have been written by a bunch of stoned eighth graders.
Yesterday's ep was filled with a lot of shit, though the new ones are usually pretty funny.
I agree that it's retarded, especially since people want to act like gatekeeping what is largely an embarrassing medium is stupid. Since it's nice ot take a break from having to read subtitles once in a while, a lot of dubs are perfectly watchable.
hard on for dubbed means they like it, so why would they shit on things they like?
user baka desu
Fuck, I'm a brainlet. Meant to say subbed anime. Goes to show you the extent of my familiarity with this shit.
because most dubs are bad at best
start up the steins gate dub, first thing you hear is mic feedback and awful mic quality
switch to the japanese dub and you have studio quality w/ at least "ok" voice actors (often really good ones)
that said, there are outliers (e.g. Death Note's dub is better than the original)
in short speak
its just more accurate, and fits together better
i like subbed in general unless the dub fits more, plus the budget for english/spanish /other dubs can be hilariously small=bad
that being said its probs remnants of anime elitists whod force you to see subbed only anime that they deem to be "classics" and wouldnt speak to you unless you have seen them.
such people are very vocal
>massive bug eyes
>high pitched helium voices
>same skinny-with-tits body type every time
i do not trust men who invest a lot of time into anime and are actively attracted to the characters
bingo, also fat fucking cartoon tiddies
t. dead-eyed uggo with saggy C cups, a pathetic cellulite riddled ass and a monotone, emotionless dyke voice
not to mention cowboy bebop dub is the one that put dubbing on the map. even watanabe prefers the dub than the original.
the world would be better if anime did not exist
It's like in the sopranos Richie tells Chris
Richie: "Get your hands off me. I'll put one in your fucking head."
Chris: "Hey don't threaten me Richie."
Richie: "I got a hard on for you already. Just give me a reason."
have fun in your fucked up 2D world while i have fun in reality
>implying reality is better than a self-selected fantasy world
implying that delusion and living vicariously through fictional drawings and deriving the majority of your pleasure and satisfaction from consuming media is in any way superior to experiencing real life
>for adults.
well i think initially its the story line but clearly the culture has an appeal as well to some people
itt everything wrong with anime
What's the appeal of books? What's the appeal of TV? What's the appeal of western animation? What's the appeal of comics? What's the appeal of music? What's the appeal of a medium of entertainment? You can simply enjoy media without trying to find out about what is appealing about it. Most of the time it's simply because it's entertaining.
ok man we can try and answer your question on anime but thats alot of questions i don't think we could cover all those in one night