Women's behavior

It blows my mind how the average cutie you see on the street can act so slutty in the bedroom

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No joke.
My Mormon gf is crazy in bed.

why does it blow your minde exactly, OP?

What could ever make you think that aren't slutty user?

How can such beautiful creatures do such despicable acts?

I have literally never once had sex or even been in a bedroom with a girl

Because it's hot? Why wouldn't you want your cutie gf to act slutty in the place she should be

2. Horniness
3. Satisfying the flesh
4. No immediate consequences for her actions

Because they want to please their man. My gf loves trying new ways to please me. I think she worships me, and I'm a lucky fucker for that

It's weird right?
My self esteem is in the shitter thanks to my parents so when my gf is all sexy or lovey dovey it still kinda freaks me out cause I wonder what the hell she sees in me.

>It blows my mind
Wow that's the best thing a girl can blow

I hate you guys you know nothing. I overheard two guys that are supposed to be my friends say they knew I would be a wild slut in bed. I turned and confronted them and asked how they knew this for certain neither of them have never nor ever will have sex with me so how do you know this. They just smirked and said you can just tell. I've never had sex they can't tell anything by looking its all in their head

Almost every attractive girl out there is a cumslut for some guy. There are exceptions of course (maybe you're one) but it's trivially rare.

like I said this is in your head and has nothing to do with reality. guys have difficulty distinguishing between their fantasy and the real world

In the Tinder age, this is totally a fantasy like, totally. you are so right, like...totally.
You'll be a cumslut for a dude, soon. Just like the rest of them.

> despicable acts

what are you? 5?!

Yes, despicable. Having their bodies on display like demented harlots, ready to satisfy the every needs of her Chad master.

Yeah, I still get that way sometimes too, but I've learned to accept that people do love me.

>tfw no high IQ NYC investment banker gf

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Get some punctuation, please.

Bruh, I used to have female friends come up to me and just ask me if I had a big dick, or how long I could last, that sort of thing, and I would ask why they're so curious about it, and they said "you can kinda tell when someone does, we're just trying to confirm"
Girls are just as nasty

>tfw you look at her nose

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Do you want your sex to be vanilla OP?

That's it exactly. Attractive people live in a different universe it's UNREAL. The opportunities, the sheer pleasure of living a great life. Maybe all this incel stuff is just a great awakening that was destined to happen.

My 10/10 C size breasts tight ass and pussy gf is very wild in the bed
Also her feet are very soft and sometimes we have very rough sex on the kitchen floor in our 500 m^2 house, and sometimes on the backseat of my brand new Lamborghini Laretardo

It's really not, I could tell that my girlfriend would be a freak in bed on our first date. Turns out I was right. I also can't tell you how many tinder "dates" I've been on where I have sex with them on our first meeting. "I'm not usually like this" they say as they wipe my cum from their face, but I know the truth

Funny how it's always the girl being slutty in bed in your mind if she's kinky, but we never talk about the guy's behavior.
Is it because you're boring? Are you afraid to experiment?
Everyone is a slut in bed regardless of gender because THAT'S THE WHOLE FUCKING POINT.
All you boring vanilla prude ass motherfuckers can take a hint from the orthodox jews and start fucking between sheets to "preserve the sanctity of procreation" or some dumbshit, I'll be a manwhore in bed and actually enjoy myself.

It's really weird, I went through puberty as an uggo child, but in my adulthood I'm considered attractive and successful. Attractive people get away with murder. It took me a while before I understood that as an attractive male, i can do almost no wrong. I had to reinvent how I approached women. Now I'm bitter and jaded, because I know that half of the women I see would've never even looked at me just a few years ago.

keep going, what else are they doing?

>Almost every attractive girl out there is a cumslut for some guy.

Except their husband lol

this fucking close to marrying a slut m8