I just saw the first 11 minutes of that tfw no gf documentary before turning it off. Holy shit summer 2020 will kill this board forever.
I just saw the first 11 minutes of that tfw no gf documentary before turning it off...
Yeah I watched the first fifteen minutes and turned it off. So fucking gay, holy fuck. I don't even identify with this board, just use it as a general. But the doc was just so fucking gay.
>summer 2020
user, you do know that the kids and normies aren't in school/work right now. It's already summer.
2020 summer already started due to Corona-chan. If you were smart you would know of the other good sites to go on.
I know of all them but dont know how to access one :(
The coronal summer never ends.
What the fuck is this documentary, I just learned about it. Is this the nail in the coffin?
Some hole wanted to capture the epic Instagram meme page sub-culture and thinks "incels are the new punk rock" and "funny Twitter e-celebs" are le based and epicpilled. It's fucking dogshit cancer. Everyone involved in the making of this documentary should be drawn and quartered. I can't even focus on what anyone in the documentary is saying, when I see them I just want to take a hammer to their temple and bash their brains in.
This fag has Spoticuck and fucking "devourer of memory" Jewgle Chrome on his desktop. This documentary is not for us.
fucking Kantbot is in this shit. fucking jew nigger, I hate this fat piece of shit
thank god i've invested myself into other boards
see you suckers in hell
this board is just tranny central nowdays, the r9k desscribed doesn't even exist anymore
there is no end in sight.
does it actually reference r9k specifically?
I phoenpost because I spend all the time in my bed holding my pillow even though my computer is a few feet away from me. I just can't be bothered to get up. I'll only go to my desk if I'm eating or drinking something.
>they interviewee is a 2008fag
Yes, they fucking show it and explain the rules and say "it's cool because you can say whatever you want :)) and there are no rulez!!!!" like it's some kind of secret cool kidz club. Fuckig hell, it's even worse than I thought it would be
well, this board has been in decline for quite some time, it's time to migrate to /lit/.
This board has been pure cancer for over a decade. You can't go further than rock bottom this will change nothing.
t. 4 years into Wizardry
/lit/ has been in decline for years too because of newfags like you. there is no escape
it might actually make it better
i'd rather have edgy teenage incels making cringey greentexts than normalfag shitposting about porn and trannies, it feels so automatic and empty
remember peaked when it was inhabited by edgy violent incels who shouted "REEE KILL ALL NORMIES" instead of the crap we have now
can you be any more new? god damn. scrawny white faggy incels coming here because their subreddits got banned wahhh boohooo were the fucking problem, you nigger.
this. Incels, betas, whatever you call em have become an exotic animal for society. Clearly something that people cant fucking relate with but at the same time find fascinating exists mostly because it brings em away from the monotony and realism of their boring meaningless lives. The normies came here because they thought they could get an ez heckle by messing with this crowd they thought was inferior to add more value to their ego and lives. All it did in the end, was just make the board shitteir because now we had to deal with the monotony and vapidness of the fucking normie culture that most likely influenced the incel fucking mentality in the first fucking place. If anything, it became a different type of shitty that only mirrored the incel community but on a normie scale: talking about shit no one cares about or finds absolutely fucking stupid.
This fucking documentary is supposed to be a mockery of this culture by the subhuman normies who apparently dont have life good enough, bored and dont have anything better to do, thought that this would make them feel even better about themselves in some way.
and you fucking wonder why this board is shit. It always will be. It just depends on the type of shit that is on here.
This board died a long time ago
It's been summer ever since 2007 when smartphones came out. It's this generation's version of Eternal September, the Eternal Summer.
lmao at you faggot
i'm talking about 2014
not when braincels was deleted or anything like that
you really outed yourself as a complete newfag
You could have actual discussions on here before Elliot.
internet was ruined since summer 1993 everyone who came after that is just a newfag
I went 30 minutes into it just to see what type of normal fag browses this site. Those people deserve to be publicly executed
just use duck duck go, user
Bulletin boards have sucked since the late 80s my dude
I didn't watch it all but I'm surprised there wasn't any trannies in the documentary. I also cringed when he said everything is satire.
>I was only pretending to like watching BBC on my catalog 24.7
oh fuck and its going to be terrible feels memes thats exactly what we dont need on robot9000
i guess it might open things up tpo peoples green text stories but self pity circle jerks are only so much fun amireut
doesn't matter they'll come here first and then the cancer will spread to every single board. it's over for us
t. 2014 cancer newfag