post your youtube recomended page and we rate others
Post your youtube recomended page and we rate others
Looks awfully similar to mine. I'm also recommended SomeOrdinaryGamer and my page is full of vocaloid songs and some j-pop, including Reol.
a-user chan...
>lil peep
I've only seen one video of his
wtf im reddit confrimed!!
O a new Hermitcraft episode is up
Watched a Sam Hyde video once so that's why it's up there.
pound online was p fun last night wasnt it
idk what a lot of that is outside of basically just being weeb shit, but very nice mutahar.
based wings
seems fine outside of the reddit video.
idk what all that is but it looks cringe
thats a good sam hyde video. idk what most of that shit is though.
idk what most of this shit is either. seems to be a half-&-half cringe
gay and underage
pretty cool
>booger nick
>h3 jew
>watching videos about ewhores
just some random stuff i watch
based on your recommendations you're the gay and underagefag here.
out of that whole list I only keep up with two. it's YouTube recommendations so I can watch one video and a similar one will recommended, and I don't know why some of them are even there in the first place
It's really toned down from random shit over the years. Origami
>Macross 82-99
>lil peep
based, very similar to my taste
I really like my firefox theme
Been watching nothing but Max Headroom vids for the past two days
pretty good i guess
white theme and also cringe
nice one
I don't know who the chinese guy is and i don't like rick and morty
nice muta
>molchat doma
>darkest dungeon
>realfolk blues
bad: anime/weeb shit, lofi cringe, "nightcore" or its variants music, someordinarygamer
good: Ride on Time is a good song
overall normie cringe (very bad: asmr)
bad: reddit videos (music looks like edgy zoomer depressing shit)
good: agadmator
ultra zoomer
hermitcraft, family guy, nitendo, marvel/superheroes, pewdiepie
hermitcraft is alright tho
good: doomer, military history
bad: h3 podcast
normie cringe
bad: smash, arnold, tiktok, sonic, pewdiepie, anime
good: reportoftheweek
bad: h3 podcast, wwe
pretty good but penguinz0 is washed up
bad: cringe, rap, cartoons, infographics, twitch, political clickbait vids, light mode
nothing bad but maybe the kim jung un memes one is
good: reportoftheweek
good: cowboy bebop
>inb4 post urs fag
i quit youtube a long time ago
You don't get out much do you?
none of us here do, only difference is outwardly a faggot about it
i go out pretty often since i like trail running. i dont speak to a lot of people tho
I don't even know why I'm posting. Just have at me I've had a long day already.
bad: someordinarygamers, clickbait, rick and morty, anime
bad: penguinz0, WoW, Joji
>Sam Hyde
>Joe Rogan
>all of this
I'm getting too old for this board
bad:your life choices
basement dwelling hiveminded neckbeard, jesus what a loser stays on fucking Yas Forums rating other people's entertainment, imagine the actual lack of spine, fucking nigger ass licking mongoloid
the japanese historian video was fun, i've watched it
Yes I enjoy asmr. What of it?
Looks like everyone has at least one cooking video in their recs.
I just watch a lot of gun and SHTF channels.
not gonna lie you all suck dick
here's mine
TheBurgerkrieg is big brained, he deserves more subs