Femanons, are you good at sucking dick?

Femanons, are you good at sucking dick?

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Are you good at sucking dick OP?

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Never tried but I think I'd okay.

Trust me you wouldn't not after a few times. You'll end up scraping with your teeth.

You'd actually suck some dick? Just like that?

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>Asking larpers if they're faggots.
Why ask questions (((You))) already know the answer to OP?

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not very good but ive got better
havent had enough practice to be really good

Hell no, but I like fapping to dicks so I feel like if I did decide to suck them I'd have the drive to get good and give nasty passionate blowjobs that guys like.

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want to practice sucking my balls?

sure user, please come over

ewww get away from me creep i was just joking

>I'd have the drive to get good and give nasty passionate blowjobs that guys like.
That's pretty hot and pretty homo too.
Would you deepthroat it?

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Sure but honestly I'd rather have it in my mouth than my throat.

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thats mean :( i thought u were being nice

Have you ever tried sucking your own dick?

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When I was a teenager, I only managed to lick the tip after much effort, it wasn't very satisfying.

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I want a gf that's good at sucking dick and has sucked a lot of guys off

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Do you like imagining yourself on the girl's position? Sucking some dick?

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I described my dick sucking fantasy in a thread like this once, but everyone decided I was a tranny larping faggot. Never again.

Yeah it looks very fun. But doing it as a guy would suck because guys look gross sucking dick.

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>But doing it as a guy would suck because guys look gross sucking dick.
True. I don't think I would want some guy doing that but if it was a qt.10/10 trap I would not mind them sucking on my cock.

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sauce bro?


>But doing it as a guy would suck because guys look gross sucking dick.
It's funny how I think the exact opposite. Women look so disgusting while sucking on a dick. Guys look like they were made for it.

guys are better at sucking dick, just one more thing women fail at.

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is this th tranny thread?

I don't even like it even my current bf can't see the point in them.

Im glad we can have a tranny thread in r9k thak you anons

oh a tranny thread I wonder who could be behind it haha

I love sucking dick. I'm a guy but I sucked my buddies dick when we were watching porn together when we were 13 and ever since then I sucked his dick basically 3 to 4 times a week all through high school, and now I have a regular guy that I go to every week or so. He just texts me to come blow him, I go over and he chills and watches tv or sometimes plays on his phone or plays games and shit while I suck his dick. It's awesome, honestly. I get to swallow every time, and sometimes he gets rough with me and pulls my hair, makes me deepthroat, holds me down, talks shit to me, etc.. It's great!

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>tfw no gf (male) that's really good at sucking dick

Hell yes, deepthroat is awesome, and the guy getting it always likes it a lot. 10/10 worth it to a cocksucker. If he grabs your head and helps push/hold you down, even better. If he pulls your hair/talks dirty, cocksuckers will fall in love.

t. cocksucker