What's the very first thing that stumbIed upon your mind while looking at pic related? No Iies

What's the very first thing that stumbIed upon your mind while looking at pic related? No Iies.

Attached: 4121715340_ac4c8b1150_b.jpg (1024x768, 148.58K)

"I'll never experience this."

Attached: 1521062546497.png (582x380, 479.6K)

The smell of shit piss b.o and bloddy puss maggots rotting in a little raped girls vagina.


the word wife.

Attached: 6eb7b92f05a3f306fa61892d80a104d9.jpg (564x679, 34.73K)

I thought

>never ever

that looks like my ex and i miss my ex

joe goldberg

bitch got a dick

>man kissing the lower lip... what a fag

Some stupid broad I have oneitis for. I don't get it bros there's literally nothing special about her at all and frankly I get interest from objectively more attractive and appealing women but I can't get this bitch out of my head reeeeee.

"that rainbow thing looks like my tshirt"

My ex. Every skinny, young woman reminds me of my ex.

Shill. Begone with (((YOU))).

Attached: jewish bait.jpg (360x361, 32.72K)

the tie-dye pillow

This looks vaguely slavic in an illegal way

I wonder when I will have this again.

I don't know why, but my first thought was just "what?"

how soft her hair and skin must feel

Attached: b51a219345ef46d9b304f1fb7cd265f0.jpg (818x864, 66.56K)

the terms "relationship" "people kissing" "warm colors"

I'll never get this

Why does Ekko have such broken AP ratios?

Attached: 6EC5B6BD-AE01-4898-BE04-498BA9C76DEF.jpg (211x211, 17.13K)

girl i dated in highschool (only girl ive dated) had tye-dye pillows/sheets
i miss her

that's a stupid-looking pillow

That anything having to do with tiedye in a chick's room is a big fucking redflag

Thats one colourful pillow. Must nice to kiss a girl.

Looks like a tranny, I have to read the OP's post to see if I need to block the thread. I do.

I thought the kiss looked stupid.

fucking cunts i hate you fuck your love

How much hotter it would be if the guy was black

your mothers vagene

Their sex is probably incredibly boring and he leaves her almost completely unsatisfied every time he makes passionate love to her and drips his baby load into a condom while making cringey yelp noises.

In 5 years someone like me will be reaping the rewards of his neglect.

what a groovy looking pillow