dude from the TFW NO GF documentary got a gf from r9k and they now live together (pic related). why cant you?
Dude from the TFW NO GF documentary got a gf from r9k and they now live together (pic related). why cant you?
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Because no girls on Yas Forums are interested in me.
she looks cute, too. lucky guy
where can you watch this documentary
justt go's to show they were just a bunch of norimes that only been Yas Forums for like a day.
Because nobody fucking lives near me for whatever reason. I don't even live in some obscure country but I haven't met any woman on here that's close to me.
yeah they seem really happy together based on their twitters
maybe. guy said he's been browsing since 11/12 yrs old
i meant like where you dont have to pay to jeff benzos
norimes will say anything to fit in. the very fact he uses Twitter and agreed to be on the doc proves he is not a robot.
>white couples
goyim girls no!
you must date niggers and have ugly half nigger babies!
at least give pajeet a chance? his father owns the local gas station. dont you want your children to work at a gas station?
shabbos goys
What the hell was a girl that cute doing on Yas Forums in the first place?
For fucks sake Yas Forums, NOT EVERYTHING REVOLVES AROUND SE JOOS. And you wonder why people hate you.
You can get the doc for free on fmovies (dot) wtf. Legality is questionable but better than giving those faggots money.
came out this morning so i doubt theres any other sites that would have it. you can just make a free trial of prime and then cancel it
not sure if he's normie. he got in trouble with the police for autistic terrorist shit
idk but he's lucky that she wasnt one of the many normie whores on here
as a white man i want to apologize for my peoples behaviour
let us never forget the 6 gorillion that died in the holohoax
>uses mainstream social media
>has a gf
>is a part of a doc that will put light of Yas Forums and therefore flooded with normalfags
no robot is he.
1. I would not have the confidence to agree to go on camera,
2. Im boring and have nothing to offer
3. from a quick search on the film, alot of the guys look better than me, even the ones that dont would if they learnt about basic grooming.
4.Femanons have rejected me before and after seeing me.
5.If for some reason I did a documentry and had a girl approach me I'd constantly ask does she want me or just the clout of dating the guy from that meme documentry?
Bonus: I think Im getting to old for r9k anyway more young people come to the board and more old people leave. Im 27. been contemplating leaving for wizchan soon the only thing keeping me in r9k is britfeel
im glad that someone here found someone, the faster we get out of this hellhole the better.
don't you remember user we are here forever. he was never here with us.
Imagine finding a GF on here who lives in Luxembourg..
Do fembots really look like that?
Hey pal are you sure you are a white man buddy pal guy friend man
>I think I'm getting to old for r9k
How are you just realizing this at 27 years old? Even when I was lurking here in high school it was painfully obvious that most posters here are still in high school and has become even more apparant the older I get.
>documentary is called TFW NO GF
>everyone in it is a social media normalnigger with a gf
either wizchan or 16chan r9k, fuck jannies
most people here are not ugly in the slightest, they're just fucked in the head
He was a poser, and he probably even met her after the news of the documentary started to circle social media.
I'm not white and I'm 5'6
I only browse a couple times a month, more with lockdowns, plus like I said I normally only go on britfeel which does have older people, with the lockdown I took a look at other threads
>mods ban users for linking to other imageboards
maybe if you banned the trannies, ""fembots"", and phoneposters, maybe we wouldn't HAVE to link to other imageboards. fuck jannies and fuck mods eternally.
>Only available in the US
>what fuck VPN is
Jesus, this is a flagrant example of "rent free."