Papa can you pick up my birth control from the pharmacy?

>papa can you pick up my birth control from the pharmacy?

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No I prefer to stone you to death you filthy whore.

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I agree with you women are inconsiderate sociopaths that will destroy every nation just to expend their available pool of mates with no care of the disaster and misery that they will create that we they must to keep under male control.

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I completely agree with you just see what happen today in the West that women bring immigrants for shitholes just to fill their holes and completely destroy their own country,culture and people with no care in the world.

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>today in the West
Women was always the best at destroy everything beautiful

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Oh yes I forgot that the Rome was ALSO destroyed by them but of course (((historians))) rarery take about because of the feminist agenta that the ruling class use to control the average men.

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Also to win election and take away our freedom because women make the vast majority of the voters and the vote for extra benefites.

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Also the taxes explode in size when women start to vote because of the give that free nigger mindset the have.

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>Had a very vivid dream about kennedi being in love with her father a week ago before I even knew about this shitposting
I had this dream completely randomly before I even saw people posting incest scenarios with her picture. What does this mean???

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You know women would be way more rightwing if the right weren't so anti woman.

Same the the lgbt, they see themselves as threated by immigrants as anyone else.
They would overwhelmingly be in favour of guns if you just pandored to their fear of being raped/hate crimed

A smart right leaning person would market to this group but nope.
Fuck that, keep losing and then blame "Da Juice"

I'm just wait till some whiteknight come to the rescue and start the shaming (without debunk any of that):
>nOt aLl wOMeN

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Thats literally true through.
You are on a board for incels
Everything here is literal misogny
And not all women are responsible

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We all know that this isn't true and when you go to a place you start to change it and in the end destroy it.So that no one believe you

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damn imagine being so gay you hate women

user Trumps in the hosue right now because of white women its not fucking impossible.

>women changing the group
well duh, no woman will join if theres crazy people making sexist jokes, voting anti female policies and fondoling them without permission.

Its the same with racial minorities, theres plenty of ultra religious racial minorities that would be your ally against the left but again the right is too busy making racist jokes and voting in racist policies.

Either way bro i'm chilling i'm happy it'll take too long for you idiots to realise so me and my comrades can sweep shit

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>And not all women are responsible
I'm sorry knight it is only that small percent of women that are responsible

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Only if you pee in my mouth

99.9 of women doing what?
I can sense the corruption inside your soul knave, I will cure you.
I will not see one more man turn away from the embrace of women into the arms of homosexuality

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please stop posting my wife she doesnt like it

Based and truthpilled. Women being allowed to vote was a fucking awful move. (((They))) gave women the right to vote and pushed for them in the workforce, so women couldn't stay at home and take care of their children. Its over. fuck the kikes.

Imagine be so idiotic that you keep using the same shaming tactics that women use fifty years ago.

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No whores allowed in this house. Begone from my site.

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jews are a scapegoat
blame the bourgeoisie
the issue is capitalism
jews are taking advantage of capitalism
dismantle capitalism

This is so irrelevant, boys are falling behind insanely hard, in the workfroce, education and more.
We need an actual mens right movemment right the fuck now but god knows it will just be taken over by you retards

Its being brought up in polical circles all the time but the minute you mention mens rights women get instantly connect it to the toxic community online.

Tru tru

This board must be purged, Uther...

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The kikes run the whole system bro. Shit wouldn't be too different even under a Commie system.Take the hitler pill.

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i agree with you, people on this board only want to bash women with no actual goals in mind because theyre stupid and want to feel better about their personal failures.
if they truly cared about men theyd work on bringing attention to legitimate male issues like how courts favor mothers over fathers
but no: they sperg harder about false rape accusations than they sperg about actual rape (even when men are raped), they sperg about abortion while ignoring male reproductive issues, etc.

hitler was a social democrat like bernie, neither are socialists but social democracy is leftist. he brought nationalism into the equation and went further and further right which led to party splits, but he remained a social democrat, and social democracy itself has jewish roots and, again, is economically left.

Yes dudes it will totally work like it work last time.

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nigga do you really think saying "women are succubi and want to drain your wallets and abort all babies" is gonna change anything?
be an actual activist and focus on laws that negatively impact men. you are no better than the niggers saying "AYE YO BLAKK RIGHTS YALL" and trannies saying "RESPECT ME UWU". they have no material demands, and neither do you, only social ones.
at least the retarded foids had material demands.

The future will indeed be female at this rate, Uther.
No one, apart from maybe the republican party will bring up the statstics on men dropping out of society and we all know their solution will be somthing like manadatory military service.

The problem is Jaina, MRAs and MGTOW are just a joke to the rest of the world. Any time people look into the groups its a bunch of people reeing at the top of their lungs that all women are sluts and that we need to revoke their rights look at this thread user.

You can cuss, you can be mad you can protest just stop being a literal misogynist and try to get more rights for men.

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We know but it is funny to make fun all this simps that come to the rescue.

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Remember this lady, Jaina? Even shes more MRA than the fags on r9k.
Familty courts being pro woman are like that because tradcucks are still calling women better caretakers to this day.

I can't speak on the past only what i've seen in the modern times, the MRA movemment is more of a "fuck women and the left" movemment rather than a group of people who are being pragmatic and logical. If a man would be a better parent than his wife then yes he should get the kids, more should be done about male suicide rates and more should be done to help men who have fallen out of society, very few people will disagree with this except tradcucks and gender essentialist feminists (who get shit on all the time by the left)

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