one of the things that really bothers me about asia in particular is how little they care about philosophy and ethical issues, especially about animals. they just have no soul or empathy towards animals
i mean, they arent stupid. they are smart enough to get good educations, make videogames, have thriving economies, and make good products
some of them have really good tastes. japan makes so much incredible content like games or anime, and korea has really good taste in games like starcraft, etc
but they COULD NOT care less about ethical issues, especially about animals
like in korea and japan, there is virtually ZERO discourse about the issue among regular people. on youtube, the only person talking about animal ethics in japan is a white guy who speaks japanese
they just dont care for moral issues. thats the only thing that bothers me about them. the amount of people who care about animal ethics over there is a small minority compared to white countries, and usually they dont get the idea themselves, they just read or heard a white philosopher, and followed their ideas
perhaps they're so smart they see stuff like that as bullshit
Nathan Nelson
i dont know if i'd consider them smarter, necessarily. the smartest white people/ashkenazi jewish people are the smartest people on the planet. literaly whites and jews have invented all of math, sciences, technological innovations, philosophical ideas, abolished slavery, brought about human rights, etc etc
maybe on average they are smarter, but on the extremes they arent. i will say though, that there are a lot more stupid white people than stupid asian people
Eli Myers
this is simply wrong and i seriously doubt youve ever been to asia at all let alone japan you obviously dont have a surface level understanding of the mahayana buddhism which still permeates japanese society. Japan literally banned the consumption of many different types of meat for hundreds of years >they just read or heard a white philosopher, and followed their ideas this is frankly just insultingly wrong. I think probably all of asia, from india to japan or tibet to java, has a stronger vegetarian tradition than the west which really has none its only really modern china which has totally abandoned this
maybe you're right! i just searched on youtube and i couldnt find any annoying vegans, in the same way that i could find annoying vegans who are white
>this is frankly just insultingly wrong. I think probably all of asia, from india to japan or tibet to java, has a stronger vegetarian tradition than the west which really has none
maybe they have a stronger tradition, whatever that even means, but even this is debateable. but ill concede because my knowledge of history is less than that of a goldfish
i know indians care about vegetarianism in their culture, thats why i didnt rag on them in the op
do you know of any japanese or korean youtube channels that are vegan activists? i looked a lot and couldnt really find any
They have philosophy, but that philosophy has NOTHING to do with animals and everything to do with their family.
The Confucian hierarchy of loyalty = Direct family>Extended family>Anything else that will remotely benefit me>Nation>>>>>>>>other humans.
Do you understand WHY Japan did the mass rapes in ww2? Why when a certain leader, when out of food rations, commanded them to kill a prisoner and cook his liver. (True Story, that killed POW was a squad mate of George Bush Sr.) Why they felt nothing to kill entire villages in Philippines, rape the women and children, castrate the sons in front of their mothers, impale fetuses on bayonets and laugh?
Because in Shintoism they are literal kami/gods, and humans are a other form of animal. In the same manner they happily murder random animals that they see on the road side to feel powerful.
Some sects of Buddhism don't believe in charity because they fear it will throw off the persons karma and cause even worse shit to them later.
That might be why Christianity is seen as a net positive in some places. Not the doctrines, but the culture. Loyalty, chivalry, etc. They don't want their son in law to sell their daughter to a whorehouse when she gets too old and fat. They don't want to be fed rat meat when the man advertised duck. It's gaining in Korea because for them it is solving a problem, the way Buddhism solved a problem in Medieval Japan and Islam solved a problem in Arabia.
Wyatt Bennett
>maybe they have a stronger tradition, whatever that even means Have a good think about what it means you crab-brained dummy >do you know of any japanese or korean youtube channels that are vegan activists? This is what you're basing this autism rant on? That you can't find a Japanese vegan on YouTube?
David Williams
Whites are annoying in general. They go on YouTube to virtue signal. Japanese are very private. It is hard for that to catch on in their culture.
Elijah Thomas
i mean, to be fair, whites are just as guilty of all those war crimes as asians are. it was just normal to do for all races, in the past
Isaac Butler
>they just have no soul or empathy towards animals so they're based?
Charles Williams
This is your brain on a vegan diet.
Christian Sanders
That's just not a part of their culture user. For whatever reason, they evolved to not give a shit less about animals. I find it odd since, before atheist, Taoism and Buddhism, they were all pretty much animist nature worshippers, but that's just not the case anymore. Why do you want them to give a fuck about animals so badly?
Wyatt Williams
>This is what you're basing this autism rant on? That you can't find a Japanese vegan on YouTube?
unironically yes. i am a armchair intellectual, after all. if i have to read a book to learn, i will never learn about it
What a fucking alpha way to learn about the world around you and firm opinions on things holy fuck
Liam Ramirez
>Why do you want them to give a fuck about animals so badly?
because i give a fuck about animals and i want everyone to give a fuck about animals, so that way more and more people will become vegan like me
i wanted to make a vegan thread like i usually do, but i didnt have any ideas or topics to talk about, so i just shitposted about whats on my mind
books are for normie cucks who have a functional attention spam. i learn about the world while listening to youtube videos in the background while playing videogames. sometimes i even go to other sites too, like some website that hosts podcast, because i am a true intellectual who just wants to learn more about the world
White people are the biggest hypocrites humanity has seen so far.
It's a good thing their decadent civilization is crumbling.
Camden James
The sooner wh*tes go extinct, the sooner the human race can get back to the real world and live the way we were meant to live. Maybe we'll even reverse climate change.
Liam Rodriguez
>do not care about animals
Thats very true. I'm a big fan of java finches and theyre very popular pets in japan. But people keep them alone in shitty little cages because it 'looks cute'. They need to be kept in AT LEAST pairs because they're flocking birds, and they need a big, wide cage to spread their wings constantly, not jusf 15 minutes a day for your fucking instagram.
Oh and they also sexualise kids to a disgusting degree, idk if that's related to their actions towards animals though.
Matthew Morales
Seriously not even being ironic and memeing.
They are the biggest preachers and wine drinkers at the same time. When they preach they pretend to be angles, when in reality they act like devils.
Cameron Lopez
They use to sexualize animals a lot. Japanese bestiality porn was sort of common before the 2010s. They call the late 90s and early 00s the golden age of Japanese porn because there were no limits to what they'd do on camera. Even CP was legal, which is gross. It was the Wild West of porn. I always found it ironic that japan is known for some of the most degenerate porn in the world, yet they censor genitals. Like yeah, this movie shows a young woman shitting on the floor and feeding it to her puppy, but good thing I didn't see her vagina or else it would've been obscene.
Thomas Davis
>do you know of any japanese or korean youtube channels that are vegan activists? i looked a lot and couldnt really find any surely i dont need to tell you why this is a poor metric to use furthermore, can you read japanese? are you looking on japanese youtube or searching 'japanese vegans'? confucianism is not the singular philosophy of asia anymore than hinduism is of india or christianity is of the middle east this is ridiculously reductionist reasoning and is incredibly insulting to asia which has produced a wealth of thought once again, the consumption of many kinds of meat was literally banned in japan for hundreds of years which patently does not fit into this stupid worldview youve painted you need to find better things to listen to. I dont know who or what you are listening to but try to move more towards actual philosophy and ultimately even audiobooks instead of whatever pseuds you are listening to
Lucas Sanders
Don't believe everything you read on the internet. Mainland chinese may have some weird issues because of communist oppression, but the typical person in korea/japan/taiwan is very similar in terms of their outlook on the issues you talk about like the west.
Samuel Bailey
>Mainland chinese may have some weird issues because of communist oppression Don't blame it on communism. They simply still live like they're an impoverished nation. Just a few years ago, China was almost a third world country so they live and behave as way third worlders do.
Zachary Clark
China is still third world once you leave the centers of the rich cities.
Joshua Williams
>ethical, moral issues >mentions only killing animals You retards are so obnoxious no wonder nobody wants to go vegan just stop
Samuel Wood
Yeah, you're right. Poverty is really effective at killing the human spirit.
Gabriel Rivera
I take it you are white and considering you say you are the smartest people you really are a simple minded ape if you actually believe the bullshit you are spewing out. The Babylonians quite literally invented civilization, complex math, complex philosophy, astrology, astronomy, science, agriculture, the concept of complex architecture, religion, written language and many, many more that we consider to be civilized living.
The only thing the whites and kikes have done are devalue knowledge and enslave people to a perpetual notion that progress can only be made through endless suffrage to fill the pockets of the few on the backs of many. You are a walking joke.
Jason Garcia
This entire thread is literally sub-90 IQ despite a few rational posts.
Remember to not be an ASOOMER. It's important to be educated so your "logical" conclusions from what you know aren't bumfuck retarded.
Juan Collins
Damn, look at all those countries that went digging in Iraq.
Jose Morales
my friend from singapore is a has a philosophy degree and is the inspiration for me being Pescetarian
Samuel Gray
>one of the things that really bothers me about asia in particular is how little they care about philosophy and ethical issues, especially about animals. they just have no soul or empathy towards animals
I stopped reading right there. You moron.
Chase Edwards
two cringe psueds jerking off each other fix your attention span.