Where are you guys on the Suicide Scale? 8.5 reporting in...
Emmengard’s Suicide Scale
Fluxuating between a 7 and an 8.5
Is 8.5 the histrionic girl level?
Get over yourself
lol haha WOMEN
3 because i'm not a faggot like the rest of you
suicide is for pussies, i'd rather be seen as a failure to all of society before i take my own life.
living out of spite is better than dying a coward's death.
thats kind of pussy to talk about how depressed you are
I'm sure you have it so hard
Halfway there, I have a death wish, and legitimately wish I had never been born, but I dont see suicide as an option.
It's not the bother to kill yourself, since you always kill yourself too late. You've already lived.
maybe like a 5 or 6 my dude
Probably around 8 unironically.
I've stopped caring about myself pretty much, mostly hanging on because my death might cause more death (mentally unstable family members)
6.5, still passively suicidal. I know I most likely won't do it in this decade at least.
I don't care if I'm a pussy. I just want to die, you can keep that macho shit because I don't want it.
your post bumped me up to a 1 for a second before coming down to a 2.
turn it to 11 faggot, get in the grave already.
>tfw 9 except for the stuff about telling people goodbye
lol this is definetly something a remotely happy person would say, stop projecting
Wow, you sound like a really stable and happy person.
read my post again, i'm not able to copy and paste it.
4 for now. thankfully, right now I can't imagine it getting past that. I'm not really sure what horrible shit need to happen (relatively constantly) in order to let it sink to like 7 or 8. I was at 6 for a while but that only lasted a few months.
suicide is gay.
Now murder... If there was a murder scale that'd be interesting.
I've been anywhere between 4 and 8 if you take period of 24 hours since 2017.
Yes, I'm occasionally at a 1 and 2, but for like a few seconds at a time.
The final blackpill is that suicide is an optional method of an inevitable ending.
>even the suicide scale guy has friends
Had been 8 for a long time, went from it to 9 one morning, then took meds, therapy and generally changed my outlook on life. But I odn't think I'll ever go under 5.5; there just isn't any joy in my life.
How willing would the typical suicidal person be interested in a painless death facilitated by a third party? You pay what you can and I'll put a painless bullet in the back of your head. You can either choose a time or it can be totally random. I'm sure there's a market for this.
floating around 5 and 6, pretty sure that's where most people on this site are.
I'd say like 65%. 25% worse than those, 10% better.
Probably around a four or a five. Don't really ever feel like killing myself but it is an intrusive thought.
Where would I be on the scale if I don't think about suicide at all, but I tend to have tics where I mutter that I want to kill myself as a response to awkward or embarassing memories?
This is just a scale for people who HAVE someone to tell. Regardless, I did once get to the point where I was planning on committing suicide and stayed there for about a week. Eventually I drifted back into the apathetic haze.
I was at a 7 at the end of last year, but now I'm down to a 3. Sometimes things do get better.
2. Life's good for me right now.