Time for the daily robot guitar thread. I am ashamed to say I have been a bit lost today without this thread to sit in

Time for the daily robot guitar thread. I am ashamed to say I have been a bit lost today without this thread to sit in.

My fucking fingers hurt so badly all the time. Two were bleeding yesterday and I just want them to get callus so I can go back to playing

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Other urls found in this thread:


I snapped my fucking e string a couple of weeks ago and I can't get another because of the kun flu. Either way,if I did get a string I'd be ashamed to play in front of my family, which is home 24/7.

Inb4 just find a secluded place. There are no secluded places in my home and all the parks around me are filled to the brim with people.

am i seeing two people who play guitar, or two people complaining about playing guitar here? c'mon mane, chords don't strum themselves, y'know.

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Haven't played since I was 18 but last night I finally ordered the bass I've been looking at for months. Gonna finally make some music with my brother, what we should've been doing for years already

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Then buy an electric and an effect modeling pedal with a headphone jack

just made this with my new acoustic


Oh its you again, I am glad you decided to give it another go

It is my birthday on Friday. I have decided I will spend the whole day reading the beck manga.

another thread full of faggots talking about how much they love their gear instead of playing

I have early signs of tendonitis again so I'm going to take a week break. I got pretty good about stretching but I've just forgot as of recent. Also probably picked up some old bad technique after taking a month break.

Daily? Why is this daily?

>tfw a piano player but i like using guitars in my music more
>tfw literally all virtual guitars suck fat dick and never sound right
i appreciate you real guitar niggas

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Been in a real rut with my playing for the past few months. I feel like my improvisation has gotten stale and that I'd probably do well to expand the horizons of my musical influences a bit. If anyone have any good suggestions for non-jazz improvisational traditions for me to dive into for a little bit I'd be very grateful.

And on a slightly related note: Does anyone have any tips on novel ways to work with arpeggios and target notes?

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I've been wanting to go at it for years but I've been too much of a coward. We'll see how it goes lad.

>love music
>listen and have listened to so many different genres
>would be easier to list ones I haven't listened to
>fucking suck at writing though

honestly, it just seems cruel. I literally can't write anything. I've tried lame acoustic/singing stuff, I've tried making electronic music on Ableton and idk why I can't make anything. I've only ever been able to make 1 minute snippets and then I draw a blank on where to go next. goes without saying that those snippets are shit and just make me feel embarrassed desu. is this autism?

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>Why is this daily?
Because it makes me happy.

>I've only ever been able to make 1 minute snippets and then I draw a blank on where to go next.
Copy it three times and then its suddenly a full 3 minute song

Do you guys only play the guitar? Any other harmonica players here?

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Y'know, that's fair. Anything's better than constant tranny threads, porn posting and racebait.

A nice comfy space away from that bullshit and away from the faggotry of the Yas Forums guitar threads

>tfw I finally bought my beginners electric set
I feel so happy bros. Idk when it will arrive but still

Which set did you get? What sort of guitar?

>away from the faggotry of the Yas Forums guitar threads
Especially this. God, those threads are garbage. Glad you're being the change you wish to see. Respect.

>tfw the music you want to make is bullshit pretentious over complicated music
>tfw you dont have the songwriting experience or theory knowledge to do so
>tfw you cant just start making simple music cuz you hate everything you write cuz you dont think its good enough

I hate this lads

It's a beginner's Epiphone Les Paul set. Around 200$ set price.

I taught my girlfriend how to play bass a few weeks ago.
>Here's a fretboard chart and how to look up songs on Ultimate Guitar
Yesterday, I taught her 12-bay blues and we jammed. I think I've made it /geetar/

*12-bar I tell you what

One man band with no music friends gang rise up

>learn just some of the basic chords
>learn about guitar tabs
>abandon learning chords and stuff and just focus on memorizing how to play specific songs
Is it wrong to do this? I feel kind of guilty.

>Is it wrong to look up the lead guitar parts rather than rhythm guitar parts?
Yes. Shaaaaamme.

Depeneds on your goals mostly, although learning chords and scales greatly helps with picking up songs quickly, especially when there are no tabs. Also, say by to writing music and improvising.

I just like to play music. I'm not interested in making my own songs or going professional. So it's okay?

Kek. Teaching your musiclet friend to play standards on bass is the most guitarfag thing ever. Good work, user.

Music theory is easy. Go get started.

Yes but the first approach is also "wrong" (or rather, not optimal). Learn what a scale is, then learn the interval relationships of the major scale and then take it from there. From there you'll understand how to build any chord you could dream of and why and how certain chords work together.

And by the way. If what you want to do is memorize specific songs (I'm guessing lead guitar parts) then the aforementioned approach will greatly aid you as well: Most music isn't so complex that you won't constantly see the same musical ideas applied over and over again.

that's lame. no one wants to hear that shit

Good playing requires a bit of writing knowledge/improvisation, and that means it's essential to know how melodies are put together: playing any fucking note that you want as long as it's on the scale.