
Seether, no seething edition

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Miss Nubs tbqh

Starting the day right with an ice cold purple Relentless.

thinking of swapping my current bedroom storage solution (4x4 cube shit) which some nice proper bookcases. Thoughts lad?

Reminder that wildcard filtering all personalities will hide some hilarious posts, so use my autistically-curated filter list which I shill in every thread.
Why not? Not a SEETHER are you?...

Didn't realise we had a new thread.

Just bought a MacBook Pro that cost 2349 new when it was released in 2017 for 750 (new). Seems like a scam but the seller is a registered business so who knows. eBay sides with buyers anyway.

Don't need it. Just want it. It's what bennies are for. Been thinking about teaching myself web development so let's say it's for that.

Hope it's not a scam though.

>2 weeks sober
>Not snacking between meals
>Cycling every day
>Gained 2 pounds

Welpppppp. Are my scales fucked, or is my metabolism just shit?

Bloodbornelad, trying to do then last of my trophies, do you know if lost/uncanny weapons count towards the hunters essence trophy?

Just feel it be easier to grab them in the chalice dungeons than waste echoes on them.

Also need to find my own drive so I can do the remaining 2 Gehrman trophies in on sitting. (Accept his offer/beat him eating all 3 umbilical cords and defeat pic related.)

Also Holy moonlight sword is OP as fuck at +10 with 30str/30sk/30arc

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*mists the thread with a smelly gas cloud from my bum*

2017 was 3 years ago. Outside of phones Apple products depreciate like cars.

lot of lads playing bloodborne in lockdown

>Seems like a scam but the seller is a registered business so who knows
might be selling off business laptops after layoffs.

which one of you can i shag

Might be but it's a supposedly new three year old model. Business is some kind of independent retailer.

when did you weigh yourself? weigh yourself at the same time once a week, preferable in the morning after your morning poo

Seems to be. I started again because of th chat that was going on here. Gonna platinum it then start a new game and play for realised. It's been a long time. Think I last played it when the dlc dropped.

might just be getting lucky and they're clearing out for the new ones arriving in a few weeks

I'm in a bad way lads

Weighed myself 2 Mondays ago after I'd peed, same today. Gone up 2 pounds. Mad ting. My jeans definitely are looser though.

33000 emails, where they go?
Hillary makes me sick, time to lock her up for sho
We are all the puppets and George Soros pulls the strings
Pizza Overlord, Pizza Overlord's the thing

It's fine to fluctuate a pound or two. It's when you're 10 over the real issues are.

I do kilos but as long as I'm in the 75+/-2 I'm happy.

whats up lad? got the 'rona?

>33000 emails, where they go?
went to the same place all the video evidence of Biden being a sex pest went

>We are all the puppets and George Soros pulls the strings
Long as I get my comics from Amazon cheap, I don't give a fuck, big peed can do what he wants.

I don't think they do lad, I've not got the plat myself but if they are then grab em in the chalices for cheap, faming echos there is easy

I can't offer to help you run the game till weekend as I'm working, but please carry on in my stead, good hunter.

Chikage at 25skl/10str/50blt is broken as fuck lol, same as bowblade. hits for 600 on a ranged charged R2 and can stagger OOK.

Yeah I've been pure shilling it to the lads, probably my fault

Doooo it lad, we should set a /britfeel/ bloodborne universal pass so we can all hunt/PvP

>went to the same place all the video evidence of Biden being a sex pest went

Fren! You came back!!

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Water weight or your not tracking calories correctly

got bipolar lad

>Can't offer help till weekend
It's chill brah. I plan to beat moon presence solo.
I like to beat bosses solo, makes me feel good.

It's cool I'll just go hunt out the normal ones.

I don't know why but my first time playing it (before dlc dropped) I pretty much had no idea about builds as I like to blind run games like souls and Bloodborne, so I pretty much just gemed up the saw cleaver and +10d it.
Wish I tried other weapons would have made that run easier.

Good for you, a solo run is needed for all the fromsoft games, it puts hairs on yer chest.

Good luck and happy hunting, some are a right bugger to find. I've beat the shit out of queen yarnham but still don't have all arcane tools.

I didn't even know about caryll runes my first playthrough mate, didn't even get a +10 on my first run kek I just hit everything with LHB

Now I know about builds I'm bang into the PvP Meta

How do I become based and redpilled

Bully the utter fuck out of the personalities on here.

>Bully the utter fuck out of the personalities on here.
Question, don't booli.

Hate Jews
Hate Mulisms
Hate Gays
Hate Trannies
Love your family
Love your community
Love yourself (in a health way)
Get a worthwhile hobby

>0 result(s)
Oh you lads are seething... but don't worry I'll womfy up the place

>raised money for ar NHS
>oldest person to score a UK No.1 hit for his duet with Michael Ball
Ask top lad Tom

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