Hey r9k. I just lost the closest thing I had to a real friend and now I'm truly alone...

Hey r9k. I just lost the closest thing I had to a real friend and now I'm truly alone. Anyone want to read the chat and judge me for kicks? I have no idea what else to do.

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Well, post more then.

Basically I'll just post the whole convo screenshot by screenshot, if anyone is actually interested.

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I had known this girl for six years.

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I can only judge you for your lack of understanding of women.

>whining to a girl


I'm not gonna lie user, I thought she was genuinely different. I had reason to. We were there for each other throughout fucking everything

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Give us some context ffs. What happened with Brenna? And why do you all have such shitty zoomer names?

>I'm not the same person...
lmao I've heard this bs before.
>Don't want to have to justify myself...
Yep, that settles it. People like this don't retain an identity beyond what they project to trick people into liking them. If you are able to see through their ruse, they get all defensive because they know, consciously or not, that admitting their manipulative behavior means losing their only self-definition.

Brenna was my ex girlfriend. Horrible person. I knew Amelia a lot longer than her, but they actually knew each other before I met Amelia. She was a bit pissed that I was still such close friends with Amelia because she knew that I used to be extremely attracted to her. She left me. We never had sex

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>I didn't actually mean it lolllllll don't actually trust what I say
Holy fuck

i almost thought she had a point at
>...camp when we were 14. 14 adrain.
but then
>four years ago. you're living in the past
el em ay fucking oh i thought you both were adults, you are literally teenagers
holy shit
this puts a might lighter spin on the whole thing at least

From what I've read it seems like op is in the wrong. Apologize to her if there's even a small chance you can salvage this. Just write her that you're sorry and nothing more.

>with a hole
You get what you deserve.

That's an interesting way to look at it, but I've began to think shes having a legit identity crisis right now.

Exactly lmao.

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This is some baby teenager shit. And you're both only 18 apparently, literally none of this will matter in the long run. Whatever the outcome, its not going to matter to you a few years down the line. You're basically children

Teenage "friendships" always end in pointless drama or fade away into nothing.

Judging by her attitude it wasnt there for each other throughout everything, you were just her favourite napkin.
Dont get me wrong, I had a proper female friend in hs and I know what the relationship looks like, yours isnt that.
Unrelated but I am still in touch with her, she is living in another country tho, we see when we can.
My advice would be to be happy for putting an end to this delusion which you call friendship with her.

>we haven't seen each other in 4 years
Hold up, OP...

Cringe. Neck yourself adrian.

none of what she said has any meaning, just page after page of cope so that she doesn't have to question her own motivations

She seems to think you like her, why not try asking her out? Her reaction should help uncover her actual feelings

Yep. I'm old enough to post here though.

I might be in the wrong, and I've definitely apologized. She says that theres nothing to apologize about, that it's her not me, etc. Typical shit

Maybe, but friendship is an important part of brain development for young people. Theres a reason we're posting here user

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just make new friends you fucking trog. stop putting this bitch on a pedestal.

also stop saying contextualise it make you sound like a massive faggot

Do you not get it yet? Everything she is saying is the female version of "fuck off". Judging by some of the things that you have said, and the board you are posting on, I am guessing that you have been an emotional vampire to this girl and she is completely fed up with you. All the signs are there. It is time to leave her be, forever. She doesn't want anything to do with you.

ACTUALLY thats the best thing OP can do. Make a confession, say it that you did whatever you did because of her bla bla bla and if she replies with yea sure lets be a couple - you got free pussy, if she is nah you are not my type - you got a load off your shoulders.

"you're right, sorry for bringing all this dumb shit up"
just type that and go to sleep you dumb cunt, just do that for fucks sake

Why? She's clearly not interested in him.

You seem insufferable. The toastie was in the right

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Lmao yep. I kind of want the story to unfold as I reveal more and more. Basically she lives several hours away, so we havent seen each other in a long time. Shes my only real friend and I'm the only person who doesnt turn their back on her

I told her I liked her a few years ago, and she responded that she once felt something like towards me.
Its one of my favorite words
Me, the emotional vampire? What a fucking joke. She used to send me pictures of herself crying with no explanation so I would ask what was wrong and make her feel better

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>since the whole thing with Brenna you've been making me uncomfortable
Making a problem about you and another person about herself, complete narcissist.
>I don't want to have to justify myself
She doesn't want to take accountability for her own actions
>You don't know me at all
She's blaming you for her actions instead

The best part is she knew how you felt the whole time and has just been using you, as evidenced by this entire conversation.
You literally can't trust a word of what she says from now on.

shes telling to stop talking to her, so stop you fucking tard

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>I'm trying to tell you how I feel and you are so dismissive about it
She literally said that, interpret it however you want

Four years is a long time to simp over a girl who friendzoned you.

>I kind of want the story to unfold as I reveal more and more.
>Me, the emotional vampire?

Yes. You're still doing it. I'd wager you don't know how not to do it. You're centering everything you say and do around dragging out as much attention as possible from those around you, begging for scraps of sympathy (in fucking Yas Forums of all places), acting like some entitled, pretentious little teen.

You're not that important. Your value to this woman dried up because you aren't providing her what she wants for less than she's willing to expend on you. Move on with your life.

lmao. I choose not to interpret that as a confession.

lmao origoonasdfksdfk

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Not exactly what's happening. Pay attention frogposter

I would like to think shes a better person than that. This type of shit only happened recently

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Freudian slip, OP?

Well I cant be mad you feel that way user. I'm not gonna pretend I'm perfect and I never tried to hide that I'm just doing this for some sort of validation or cope. But to be fair, that's all r9k is

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This is where the fun begins. Also, god they need to do something about these fuckimg porn ads

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