Can you see pic related happening to you?
Can you see pic related happening to you?
a cute girl just waltzing into my life and asking me to chill with her?
She will (not) save you
this unironically happened but she left me 11 months later.
If a gf was going to fall from the heavens it would've happened. I will probably never be in a relationship I didn't initiate.
can you still smell her?
I hope but if that happens i'd imagine i'd have to initiate it
No, because I've come to terms with the human condition and its implications about loneliness. I would say no because no relationship is actually real, and anything less than true love is ultimately a waste.
she used to use a pheremone enhanced perfume cause she thought she was so ugly it would be the only way to attract guys.
so, yeah I guess so.
No, women don't approach guys. Not guys like me anyway.
I detest images like this. It gives the truly hopeless, hope, which is incredibly cruel.
There's no coming back. It was too late a long time ago. Eventually you stop even believing in the delusion that anyone will ever actually care about you. Is there anything desirable about you? Of course there isn't. Eventually you'll come to come to accept that. Maybe.
No, 2D isnt real, Stop posting twitter garbage.
>Can you see pic related happening to you?
Nope, Never. This image is an Yas Forums fantasy and nothing remotely close to it will ever be a reality.
>another human being approaching me willingly
It could, girls have come up to me before (though not randomly like this), but I'd be too nervous to actually do anything about it.
This is fucking stupid. Fuck off, whores. You're a big part of why doomers are a thing. Pretending like you can be doomers too is logically impossible.
No, this isn't possible. Foid doomers do not exist.
If a woman said something like this to me I would give her a dead-eyed stare and ask if this was some kind of practical joke.
Happens all the time except I say no. The girls who ask me out dont look like that.
Nope. I don't look or act depressed in public, because I'm so introverted I just walk around on auto-pilot. I don't think anyone would approach me because I give off airs of being content.
I want a woman to save me. She can groom me, socialize me, and teach me to be a more independent person. She will protect me. It doesn't even have to be a romantic or sexual relationship.
>Happens all the time except I say no.
Fuck off Chad
Women don't approach people.
Women who do approach people wouldn't approach me.
Even if one did I would spill my spaghetti.
Even if I didn't she would end up not liking me.
It pisses me off they are wearing shoes while chilling.
Damn user, ngl that sounds pretty nice.
no, i would spend the hole time trying to figure out if im hallucinating or not.
the real question is, do i want it to? can i ever trust a woman? can i ever truly be happy with one? can one every satisfy the hole in my being? perhaps not, perhaps not
Can you seriously not visualize that to happen?
Can I visualise it? Sure. I can visualise a lot of impossible things. I can visualise the ocean turning into mountain dew, but that is as likely to actually happen as ops picture.
27yo virgin who never had a gf. I just once made out with a drunk slut half a decade ago
hoping for something to happen doesn't bring you anywhere
That literally doesn't happen to anybody.
It does happen a lot
>eyes too close together, clearly retarded
no this is retarded. I dont like hypocritical sexual relatiobships in which you cuddle with another person and pretend to like her even though its only sexual in essence. Your brain might tell you its comfy but in the end its just sexual
What kind of weird ass fantasy land do you live in where attractive women walk up to depressed weirdos sitting alone on park benches and invite them into their home to watch television?
2 more years and I become a wizard. How long until you become one?
I remember how I panicked when I turned 18 and still was a virgin, nowadays I don't care about sex anymore I just want affection.
About 2 years ago some girl in a relationship was very openly flirting with me for a while and it was just great. I felt like the king of the world ready to turn my life around. I'm so envious of normies who feel like that for most of their lifes.
The worst thing is when people just asume that I have a gf because I'm quite charismatic (when not around girls I'm attracted to) and above average looking.
Should I see a psychotherapist? I'll sooner sudoku myself than grow old and still be alone
You should see a therapist
Also stop obsessing over a time limit. The more you focus on it the more desperate you become (and it will be less likely for you to actually have sex). Relax and enjoy your life. But please also take the help of a therapist into consideration