>graduated college
>bought a house
What's next? I'm 23.
Have a kid, focus on him for 18 years, retire and die
thanks for playing
Have kids and watch as all your time and money disappear
You probably rushed shit if I'm honest, its good to hold back a little so you don't make mistakes.
you're 23 just enjoy life and save up for the next couple years, you don't wanna bog yourself down with kids this young and ur wife might still fuck you over so just keep doing what ur doing and have fun. if she's still with u and you're doing well have like 2 kids before or in your 30's
It's wife's turn to go through school while I clean up the bills with my salaried government position, and she doesn't want kids until she's done.
Is having kids in your late 20s acceptable? I know every year the chance of an issue springing up leaps forward, what's a good cutoff age?
I get that a lot, but I don't know, the idea of paying rent always got to me, even as a kid, because the money just vanishes. WIth a house you at least get what you put into it.
Spit a kid out, work 50 years, pay your taxes, die. Well done (you fucked up).
health, wealth, relationships, personal interests
Well, how have you guys been doing it?
>she doesn't want kids until she's done.
not to be alarmist....
she's giong to get you to pay for her degree, divorce, then have kids with someone else
Adopt a twink
She just doesn't want to destroy her body while trying to focus on shit, I appreciate the concern though
I do want to adopt a kid at some point
What country do you live in and how did you do that at the age of 23??
haha i've almost been there (engaged, not married). the next step is to realize that you have been just going with the flow your entire life and never made any decisions for yourself, and as a result you are deeply unhappy. end your relationship in a very dramatic way and then waste away for the rest of your life because you can't find another one.
United States
I got free tuition and worked as close to full-time as I always could through high school and college, saved up 20k for a downpayment and shit
Wife got a CNA certificate and brings home enough to pay all bills herself
That's some hefty projection guy
Jeez that's fucking amazing I hope to be settled like you one day. Keep it up user I'm proud of you
We all walk different roads brother, it's just a matter of time before you get yours
I love you
>I do want to adopt a kid at some point
(name her Agatha while you are at it)
>What's next?
kids the sooner you have the sooner they are out of the house so you can enjoy your time with the wifey.
Godspeed user, I love you too
where did you get this speedrun strat ?
Nah, Vietnamese. I've always wanted a Vietnamese kid, I don't know why. I feel like the banter when he's an adult will be legendary.
That's the smart idea but with the way technology is going I feel as though they'll be fairly well put together younger than when we were, so it's just the real estate they'll take up.
I grew up in an incredibly impoverished smalltown and just never wanted to live like the people in the factories or retirement home did, y'know?
Plus unironically black radio. Listening to a lot of black radio hosts from age 10-20 really puts a lot of drive into you.
You already know the answers daddy's money.
My parents let me live rent free after high school but I had to buy my own groceries, phone bill, car, ect
My mother won't speak to me and my father hates me, I wish I would've gotten a leg up from them like my brother did
It's not that easy. I am cursed and shall remain as such.
Why do you think so? It isn't easy but what makes you think it's impossible?
how about you get the fuck out of my board normie
I've been here since the board came back in 2011
This is my home, even if I change
I swear to God ,it is the same story every time,you either:
-grew up rich
-grew up poor
-your parents beat you up if you didn't study
Sometimes I get the feeling that the biggest cures is being born in painfully average life.
we still need more Agathas in the world though
>grow up wanting nothing
>grow up having nothing
>growing up when failure isn't an option
Yeah, 2/3 of those breed winners, with the rich bitches getting nothing.
Have you used your average life position to do anything of note?
I am 100% illiterate ,in an original way