Can some fembot play videogames with me already?

can some fembot play videogames with me already?

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what games do you want to play incel?

last time you answered with genres
I'm asking what game

why do no boys play stellaris or hoi4 with me ffs i hate you incels

>tfw no manchuria bf to my japan or intergalatic federation bf

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Because HOI3 is the superior entry and stellaris is 4x tripe shite

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I answered with genres because I don't stick to one game for long. I play PC and am willing to buy a game if I get along well enough with a person.
I play stellaris multiplayer exclusively, I like CK2 more though.

i tried playing darkest hour but i suck at games that require big brains im dumb but love strategy

me too. fuck this fag OP and play paradox games with me instead

play forknife with me tee hee

I don't have Hoi4. How similar to EU4 and Viky2

drop your dodo code fag

you sound mean i want someone nice cause im slow
i love vicky 2! muh pops muh industry fuck the chinese i want my PORTS

I promise my one true passion in life is helping people reach their aesthetic potential when it comes to strategy. what's your discord

does someone want to give me 50k bells to move my shitty campsite i am too lazy to grind...

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I'm OP but I'm not sure if you want to give your discord out anymore, but good luck finding someone!

no faggot. go whore yourself out on reddit as a manila clam slave or something.

rejected by a nice guy incel fml
back to crystalcafe i guess

homie do u wanna play forknife witha level 100 pro
aha waha?

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please user i asked nicely!!!!

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you didnt even ask me directly. stop being gross and just craft some shit you lazy bastard.

i met a girl a while ago that was into victoria 2, unfortunately i had to ghost her but how common are girls who play games like that? i was fucking shocked

Any fembots want to play Project Winter with me? I also play Rocket League and Dead by Daylight

Also open to playing other stuff too.

Steam Friend Code: 20660402

Post about stellaris there and I'll add you

Any fembots want to play fortnite?

fuck off zoomer

Gen. X actually.

i used to play overwatch with this girl, we went to highschool together and she hated me because she was a super sjw and i was conservative outwardly, i added her through a facebook psn add that was only because of a class project

we were playing overwatch a ton at launch and i eventually added her

i only played mercy, she played alot of mercy but would play tanks with me, we both got to level 200 playing alot together, she never played comp and was like 1200, i got to grandmaster 100% mercy

i really enjoyed playing with her, shed send me nudes too, and like ask me what angles i wanted. she had a very small frame like my ex of 4 years that cheated on me, really small shoulders and back

we ended up watching movies a couple times at her house and she got me to smoke weed, she later on would say >le why didnt you rape me.

shes like very fetishistic, she uploads webms online doing solo stuff, idk i just really liked her, she was so fucking caught up in all this new age sjw shit that she deliberately made me fall in love with her to break my heart LMAO

she ended up ghosting me and blocking when i told her i loved her, i had no idea where she was but she talked about montreal so i moved there too when everything in my life was starting to fall apart

i ended up finding her on linkedin, messaged her and she texted me but kept bailing when we were going to meet up, i eventually moved back home and my parents 100% lied to the police about me being suicidal and i spent 4 months in a mental hospital, she talked to me a fair bit through it and we played overwatch for a bit (its all she does, shes silver border) after again but now shes ghosted me again because she says that shell only prevent me from moving on

i 100% deleted all her pics first time she ghosted me

idk i just want a friend, shes one of the few irl people ive confided in that im a repressed tranny

I used to play fortnite with a femanon but she ghosted me since then :(

I wonder if it's the same person I'm thinking of. She's pretty fucked up mentally so it wouldn't surprise me.

Maybe it is lol. She seems normal enough but she told me she has some issues, which I have never witnessed yet.

maybe it's not the same person then or she got better at hiding it. I witnessed a LOT of issues.

she plays fortnight, what do you expect?