R9k survey

>when you started coming here
># of friends
># of sexual partners
>do you hate normalfags?

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daily reminder that you should be worshiping your local german boy.

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>on an off since 2004
>not really

>3 I hang out with regularly

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>don't remember exactly
That guy ain't German

>>when you started coming here
Yas Forums in 2005, Yas Forums in 2008
>># of friends
>># of sexual partners
>>do you hate normalfags?
Yes but I hate most people at this point

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yes he is, he's a 6'4 german chad. shut up.

>3 friends
>has had sex
>hates normalfags
why do you hate yourself

>30+ I do not remember them all
>can not stand them

>when you started coming here
14 not regularly till a couple years ago
># of friends
># of sexual partners
>do you hate normalfags?
Honestly most people here are worse, not sure if i'd use hate though.

>black hair
>dark slanted eyes
>that ugly yellow tone skin
just because your born in Germany doesn't make you german

>when you started coming here
># of friends
># of sexual partners
>do you hate normalfags?
yes, but i understand them

his twin brother is blonde mate, he likely had his hair dyed. and the "yellow" skin is due to amateur lighting, he has perfect skin.

>>when you started coming here
mid 2017
>># of friends
>># of sexual partners
>>do you hate normalfags?
no I wish i were one. robots cause their own problems honestly.

>Yas Forums 2020 but Yas Forums 2006
>Uh 3 but they're all online friends
>1 romantic but 50+ from hook up apps
>No, I really can't bring myself to hate people these days I just feel disappointed or disgusted.

Get the fuck out normies. Especially the BPD roastie

Why are you so promiscuous? Are you allergic to commitment?

but his eye shape and his face, he looks very asian maybe a hapa because his hight.

You browse since 8kek

>6 months was browsing Yas Forums before but noticed it was unsalvageable
>0.5 ( I message him once per month, and he has a lot of friends closer to him than I am, I pretend I do the same to him)
>no, can't hate people I pity

>first time in 2014, came to stay in 2017

Not really, as long as they leave me alone.

>30+sexual partners
get the fuck out normalfag

high 40s
A bit

Who do you think is the roastie and fuck off faggot just because I have fucked 30+ whores and sluts does not negate that I have been a shut in for almost a decade. I am anything but a normie tell me what the fuck is normal about being a shut in?

Its just a game of probability, all the genes for different phenotype s exist in almost all populations but the differ in frequency, he just happened to get a lot that are similar to east asian phenotype genes.

>>when you started coming here
late 2018 (fuck off not anyone was born with 4 computers in his house)
>># of friends
1 (kinda)
>># of sexual partners
>>do you hate normalfags?
The only thing I hate in this world is indifference and they show a lot of it , among other groups of people of course.

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Again just because I fuck a lot of whores does not make me normal in the slightest I am just good at lying to whores.

mid 20s.
># of friends
Outside of family, I have three friends I consider myself close to and see often. Don't need many friends to be happy, just consistent ones.
># of sexual partners
Does my hand count as a sexual partner?
>do you hate normalfags?
not particularly. They live their life, and I live mine.

Forgot to mention, been here since 2016. I visited once or twice since 2012, but haven't really gotten into it until 2016. Still kinda a newfag I guess.

what are "normalfags"?

i get that genes can be a strang thing at times but god damn i can't help but think he is part chink. maybe the eye liner makes his eyes look more slanted?

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It's not as rare as you think, you just have to be looking for it.

Im not a social outcast, everyone else is just wierd.

>Why are you so promiscuous?
I have an obscenely high sex drive that is likely a mental disorder I remain undiagnosed with because I'm too ashamed to mention it to my doctor.

>Are you allergic to commitment?

I've been with my partner for 13 years.

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