Mental Illness Thread:

>Be me
>Have depression and anxiety at the very least
>Go to GP to get treatment
>1 year later still waiting for anything
>Started seriously neglecting myself a few months back
>Will probably get warded if I go back to doctor now

How are the rest of you doing? What is it that gets you through the day? Feel free to share any stories

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>what is it that gets you through the day?
gay goth hitler youth cat boy sodomy drug parties.

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i wanna go off my meds but i dont want the booty juice

>mfw my dad just realized today I have autism called me a retard
>Mfw I'm 20
>mfw I'm also bipolar and bpd
>He doesn't have any at all

That's better than nothing I suppose

Is that something you could talk to your doctor about?

Sounds like you got unlucky desu, mental illness runs in my family so it wasn't a surprise to anybody

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>Is that something you could talk to your doctor about?
they wont let me

I keep talking to imaginary people i think im just retarded at this point desu

I have AvPD as well as a couple other diagnosed mental illnesses. If I don't have anyone to drink or do drugs with I just sit in front of my computer monitor all day doing absolutely nothing productive. I'll watch streams or just browse Yas Forums for 15 hours straight feeling like a waste of air.

My only interest is drugs. Specifically psychedelics. I always try to get some buddies together and we go out into the woods and trip out on acid or mushrooms or something. Or just get hammered.

I get disabilitybux and work 26 hours a week so I live alright. Have my own place with a cool roommate and money for beer and drugs lol.

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have you ever tried mescaline? i want to try it but the anti psychotic medication im on completely stops psychedelics from working

That sounds pretty rough then, getting stuck on meds is something I want to avoid myself

Do you have back and forth conversations or do you just talk out loud?

I'm not really productive either, can't even bring myself to read a book anymore. Psychedelics sound like something fun to try

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I sometimes experience overwhealming feelings of anxiety, depression, or despair for no discernible reason, but it usually goes away after i eat, work out, or play video games.

Sometimes it lingers, its largely due to my autism desu.

I get that OP. I'm about to be sent to in-patient psychiatry. Wish me luck. Hopefully I can get back soon.

you havent had the full in-patient psychiatry experience until you have experienced the booty juice

I could be diagnosed with everything. At the doctors they peddled me along from person to person and each one thought I was something different. I really don't care. I think those doctors are freaks playing God. I can control myself usually. It hurts because you can't tell if everyone thinks you're crazy or you think everyone thinks you're crazy. And you can never ask. I overheard my parents today saying they wanted to take me to a doctor when I was in bed. That scared me. I feel really bad very offen, and get panic attacks that make me vomit and give me splitting headaches. I would have killed myself if I didn't have people who cared about me. Trying to keep up a facade, I tell myself for my family but maybe for vanity. I woke up from a nightmare and can't sleep. Every night. It's really painful, and the lack of sleep makes it even harder to check myself and stop my signs they point at. I like art and mysic that makes me feel calm and pleasant. Sometimes if I don't distract my senses things go bumping in the night and I get out of control.

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Its good that you feel better sometimes desu. I used to be the same but now there isn't anything that makes me feel better.

Good luck user, I hope you don't have to stay too long. Why do you have to go in though?

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>How are the rest of you doing?
Gotten to 25, never had any close friends, didn't graduate hs, actively avoiding people since as long as I remember. Live in parents basement, trying to save up for a small house. Working night shifts full time, mostly alone.
The only person I talk to for more than a few sentences is dad, I've never had much of a conversation with mom for some reason even though we share a home.
Don't know if I'm disabled or insane, they took me to some kind of evaluation when I was seven, but they couldn't find anything to diagnose me with.
At every school parent meetings they told my parents they were worried about me because I was always alone, and when they asked me about it I lied and said I would hang out with a few classmates but really I only said a few of their names I had overheard, and would try to be alone during breaks.
I have no interest in any of the people I currently know by name and try to keep the little interaction I get with others as short as possible. I still feel an overwhelming sense of loneliness every day, but my instincts don't tell me to do anything about it, and I'm too ashamed of my life to expose myself to others anyway seeing how my life turned out so far. Maybe I'm just a loner, maybe something went wrong with me somewhere. Never tried to get professional help, but this clearly isn't normal.

It sounds like your parents are genuinely concerned about you user. I get that you have had bad experiences with doctors before, my limited experiences have been bad, but would you not consider treatment? It sounds like your quality of life is even worse than mine and if you aren't going to an hero you lose nothing by seeking help.

Sounds like we had similar experiences in school. I have never been close to anyone other than my parents so I get what its like not having friends.
>Live in parents basement, trying to save up for a small house
Its good that you have a goal desu, keep working hard and it will pay off

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do i need to even get a diagnosis for bipolar if literally everyone on my mom''s side has it and i have all the symptoms?

It depends I guess, if you want to get treatment a diagnosis is a good start and your family history may speed the process up.

dude I love psychedelics, do you have discord?

>but would you not consider treatment?
There's a lot of reasons. I don't think treatment is good. They say a lot of stuff that surface level obvious, then do cbt which is essentially brainwashing yourself to think different. Then if their tricks don't work or you're too deeply ingrained you're psychotic, then they don't even try therapy. They just give you antipsychotics which feel horrible to be on and give long term brain damage. Before I got out of the system they were talking about involuntary ect. I don't want to give myself to the slaughterhouse. They're not good people they're mad scientists with morbid curiosity.

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Well I can see why you are so reluctant to be treated based on what you have said.
>then do cbt which is essentially brainwashing yourself to think different
I never liked the idea of cbt myself but for different reasons
> They just give you antipsychotics which feel horrible to be on and give long term brain damage
I don't know much about antipsychotics but when I first went to a doctor the immediately offered me meds so I do think they are too quick to dish them out
>Before I got out of the system they were talking about involuntary
That's a big fear of mine so I completely understand

I can't even try to tell you what to do desu because your situation is so much worse than mine. Just try to look after yourself the best you can and try to sleep. Being sleep deprived sucks

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Attempted suicide. Anxiety hit me pretty hard and dissociated completely. Just wanted it to end. I pulled out at the last second and word got out. Currently being escorted to by my command to the primary hospital.

as someone who has been locked in a mental hospital 100% against my will for 4 months an0d forced on literal fucking poison, genuinely nothing disgusts me more than ugly people who relinquish functional control of their lives and go along with whatever horse shit "muh therapist" says

its literally 100% bullshit, the brain is so fucking fluid, we have zero fucking idea how it works

i can honestly say after months of it, mental health shit is genuinely just ugly people coping with their hand

did you take the meds orally?

every time i try to go into the mental health system I just keep getting passed along to the next person until I just stop bothering going

Attempting suicide sounds really bad desu. I have thought about it but never got to the point of acting. It will be good if you get some decent help while you are in there

>been locked in a mental hospital 100% against my will for 4 months
Why did you get warded user?
They are reluctant to do it here in the UK, well they don't really care most of the time in my experience

That's kind of what happened to me except I never met anyone. Just keep being referred to places and talking to literal robots on a phone. It always seemed to me that nothing is done unless you cut or something

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>recently realised years of therapy have been totally useless and I've been holding out hope for something that isn't coming
>psychiatrist doesn't want to change my meds even though I feel still feel like shit
>working on getting a second opinion but it's hard with corona, but most likely will have to deal with feeling like shit forever

That's what I was thinking. Hopefully I can find a good medication fit for me. I hope you can also get better so you don't have thoughts about it. I'll be back at a later date. Rest easy user

>It always seemed to me that nothing is done unless you cut or something
I cut and had 911 called for a suicide attempt they sent me home the next day and I had a doctor lecture me about how he didn't spend 6 dollars a day on lattees so he could ride the bus

>>working on getting a second opinion but it's hard with corona, but most likely will have to deal with feeling like shit forever
Corona cucked me out of a referral so I know that feel. Maybe things will get better when your meds get fixed

Thanks user and good luck

And I thought mental health services were bad in this country. Even I am a little surprised at the disregard you were shown. Hopefully one day things work out for the both of us and we get what we need

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