Whats the first thing you will do outside when quarantine lifts , robots ?

Whats the first thing you will do outside when quarantine lifts , robots ?

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interviews hopefully.

Sue some fucking retard for damaging my property and not taking responsibility.

mofo do you not step outside? Do you not go to work? Wtf?

Slap my cock on a fresh pair of tits

im getting 2 grand a month to do fuck all, i work in oil and gas which is gonna be shut down

servers are down were updating to ubi, i need like $1000 a month to not have to work

i bike into town every day and get groceries, life is very comfy rn

buy san pedro cactus

>life is very comfy rn
same here user. im getting neetbux and dont have to interact with people irl
quarantine is the best thing to happen to me

I'm pretty sure i'll have to go back to work on day 11 and college will start againg online on day 5 i think, so that's all i'm doing.

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Hitting up a AMP.
Because it was my birthday on the day of the shutdown and me and 2 of my friends had plans to go to a restaurant,AMP then go to a Concert for both Friday and Saturday of that week and it all got cancelled.Shit sucked but im pretty comfy since it's like summer vacation as an adult and im saving with all these free money.

My work is the most useless thing in the world. I literally stand up all day and talk to random people, not even business talk, it's supposed to be informative talk about the city but most people I see do their daily commuting so I'm just paid to make friends, that's why I love it

tl;dr quarantined because one of the most contagious and useless job possible

go back inside in a most original manner

Get a license, then a job to pay for a car.

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I'll have a date with a girl I met online. Hopefully it will work out and I'll be having sex daily

Take a few days off work and go fishing in my secret little spot.

Some psychedelics (hopefully)

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Go to my local /tg/ shop to buy some minis/paints, Get an A&W meal, then go back home for another few months.

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get belligerently drunk at a bar. i miss being drunk in public

Go to the pizza buffet. Literally the only thing that changed in my life is that I can't go to the buffet. I went once a month, so it's not a huge deal, but I have missed it.

Call my friend to have a meal together at a fast food joint, then go with him to Barnes and Noble and read some manga.

Go out and have a beer and a steak. Get laid.

You said it yourself
Lift, Robots
I miss the gym so fucking much

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this desu
been a neet ever since I finished uni and the job market was already ass before the pandemic hit

Good luck with that wagie.

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Continue working on my passion project then put an end to my life once I'm finished and I've seen the public's opinions on it.

What's your project ? I'm quite in the same boat making an indie game

share you fucking coward

Gonna head down to the GW store and buy me some muhreens probably

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>exact same timestamp ten minutes later
Quite based if you ask me

fug a cute teen

Nothing, I'm gonna keep staying inside all day like the hiki loser i am.

There's a nice old couple who runs a gyro place in town. Once this quarantine ends I want to catch up with them and grab a lamb gyro.

record a blues album with the boys