Will 2022 be like pre 2012?

Will 2022 be like pre 2012?

Attached: itallchangedin2012.jpg (984x501, 115.59K)

Basically Chads will have their own harems.

No, jewish control schemes are almost totally embedded now. That 28% will be 40% in a few years.

2012 is when I turned 12 so I can only assume it will end in 2024


I meant 18, obviously

Do zoomers think that current dating dynamics are normal because they were too young to know any better?

>tfw born too early to believe the current dating market is normal
>born too late to not need to experience it
>born just in time to remember what it used to be and to experience this nightmare

Before Tinder, you were still sitting in your room all day, so shouldn't you have better odds now that you're able to talk to more than zero womz?

I'd still be a virgin if not for web/apps. It's impossible to meet people in the suburbs and I can't drive into the city every day.

Attached: thinking-emoji-meme-png-10.png (600x550, 231.28K)

This is close to useless.

Maybe. I think some people will have a more clear understanding of their niche in society. And it will help them find some clarity, in this clusterfuck we share with the normies.

so its probably higher then

the line for 2012 would be closer to here

Attached: 2012.jpg (1440x1116, 168.42K)

one with the tinder info

Attached: 2012.jpg (1964x1116, 203.84K)

Graphic shows share of women not having sex is increasing as well. Seems to me people in general just aren't having sex.

Wow huge difference you autist

it is a huge difference. The point of marking 2012 is to show the effect that tinder had.

The line barely moved get the fuck out of here

It is increasing but at a significantly lower rate than that of males.

OP image has it marked at like 2014. That's 2 whole years off from the start of tinder so it is way misleading.

>calling someone else an autist on r9k
That's a given, retard.

I refuse to believe 72% of men and 80% of women have had sex in the past year. I simply can not fathom that is is so common for people to have sex.

People are constantly having sex, user. Accept it.

Most people have sex at least a few times a week.

fkn 0wned. lrn2graph, n00b

Dont call me a retard, moron

Don't call me a moron, imbecile.


I am in the top 1% intelligence, wealth, eye color, and penis size. How could it be that I am in the bottom 28% of people having sex my entire life? Blows my fucking mind.

Don't call me an imbecile, maladroit.


He was talking to me asshat

Dont call me an imbecile, smoothbrain

Are you meme-ing on me? I'm drunk and a sperg, so I can't tell.
If not: learn to socialize- wealth = shallow attractive women.

nigga how tall are u lol

Don't call me a maladroit, dolt.

Thanks for clarifying, but:
Don't call me a smoothbrain, troglodyte.

5' 6". Which ironically is about the 25% percentile for male height. You may be onto something...

>subtract wealth to get the women
...buy them stuff?

My bad, I figured the hyphen would result in a miscommunication.
It was mean to illustrate a pause in speech.

Wealth = thots

Is right though, women only care about "wealth" if it specifically means buying them shit likes clothes and shoes. I'm a rich Jew and that shit has never once attracted a woman because they know just because I'm rich doesn't mean I'm going to buy them shit, in fact it's quite the opposite.

Counterpoint: Status symbols = thots
You could be a rich dude, but if you don't spend it on expensive things, who would know?
Also, people that spend all of their money on status symbols (and therefore are not rich) still get women through the illusion of wealth.