ITT: posters you recognize

I'll start:
>that pedo who won't stop talking about his dick

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Other urls found in this thread:

That user who always post the Brit feels threads

>that smart and funny chad who always posts menhera-chan

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>that super intelligent German with the giant dong who can have sex with whoever he wants because he is KING

The mentally ill pedophile who keeps boasting about his self-harm collection

>Tomoko spammer
>Small town probation spammer
>Roller coaster spammer
>Lifted for years but she chose a spic
>Rejected for being a spic
>Aiste (possibly dead?)
>Alai and something spammer
>Dead fat guy body with a boner spammer

>the man with the large penis who teaches worthy anons the ancient medicinal art of blood-letting and is called silly names by jealous small-dicks.

That guy that spams pictures of his alleged dead cousin

>that one user who is epic and cool
oh wait, that's me

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the legendary anti buddha

i miss them

The shotaposter

>everyone in this thread exposing themselves instead of starting edrama
Yas Forums has less sadists than anyone would expect

the faggot who keeps shitting up every thread with his schizophrenic delusions about boypussy

>the user looking for a gf near the appalachians
>some recurring anons in the letter threads
>neurotypical haters

The shy mute femanon. I like calling her out, it's cute when she gets flustered over it.

>recurring anons in the letter threads
Which ones?

shut the fuck up blonde boys are the shit

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He seems more like a straight coomer who coomed too much. Actual gays wouldn't hype it up that much.

>TOPPED poster
>brown haired Anime girl poster
>Small town black guy
>Autistic vegan guy who spergs about slaughtering/etc
>Gunji (>implying he still isnt here)

Thats all i can think of right now. Peoples posting styles are very easy to catch, even if they arent saying the same thing.

That guy who encourages widespread discrimination against non-hermaphroditic women and genetic modification of said women to give them penises.

how can i avoid having a recognizable posting style?

>Riko-sama - Rem poster
>Geraldine - Poopy vagineer girl
>Skye - Groin Grinder
>Some guy who always calls people boring.
>Bean - A while ago but she used to post about her home situation.

That fembot who was a surrogate for a normie couple, and actually fucked the husband to get pregnant while the sterile wife got cucked and cried

Just don't talk about the same stuff all the time or use an avatar or anything. I post like a fucking retard so I guarantee you could probably figure out which posts are mine, but also I don't really do much but shitpost so nobody would ever care.

umm boring much?

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Um what? That's just what I could think of.

Post proper sentences, dont use the same "catchphrases" all the time.

For example, someone like gunji was very easy to find. He would always find things "pure".

>deep voiced very depressed Vocaroo bro

He's actually very likable and I wish I could be his friend IRL.

gunjy had an extremely recognizable posting style
he always formatted his posts the same way, with the spacing and the ~~

There's about 10 anons I've ghosted because I was too shy that I recognize on here and when I do I give them (you)s

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that femanon that likes pegging and telling guys to play with their asses
>one posted pictures once, its not always a tranny!