Why are Australian women so unlikable?
Why are Australian women so unlikable?
There's lots of Chads here so they don't really have to compete
Aussies in general collectively are horrible. They are rude, cold and cruel. They are abusive and write off verbal/impolite/hurtful shit they say off of as "bants". Austrailia is an island of convicts and criminals. They were so hated that the queen and others shipped them off to that boobie-trapped shit hole.. where basically anything can kill you over there! Aaaaand that was no mistake! Fuck! They should all be dead by now tbqh!
Yas Forums has made me hate aussies and kiwis
they all think they know everything
Fuck off kiwicuck
Is that the girl from the boat? It's impressive that they're living like that but honestly it just sounds like a nightmare.
I aint from your shithole island but I deff hope everything burns down and you all die. Fuck. I hate austrailians so fucking much!
Shut up, Peypey is based
>r9k autists not getting the context
Bruce here, most Aussie women are basic bitches. The few that are attractive are as snobby and self obsessed as shit. The remainder are boring and stupid. Essentially they are like women all over the western world except less hot, less sophisticated and less intelligent.
absolutely terrible voices
Aus here
Because Australians are fucking cunts.
Women here don't mature past age 13. Look like shit, don't need to self improve as the chads here are gross and just bag and tag whatever moves.
Honestly I gotta agree with you mate, women here are alot like the ugliness of Brits and the vapidness of americans.
They're all so fucking brain dead and have no personalities at all. I swear if I talk to one more bitch and ask her what her hobbies are and she says art and/or has an art degree im going to fucking lose it.
How is art not a hobby if they actually practice it?
it's just all they fucking do, I am literally yet to hear something besides fucking art. Is it too much to ask for a little fucking variety?
how do i get an australian gf
As an Australian I hate that I have to agree so much.
I've also lived in Germany and even though most of the women there are just as dumb in their own ways, at least SOME of them there are intelligent and have personalities.
All Australian women care about are instagram, selfies, shopping, parties, and tinder hookups with roided up chads.
They're just raised and conditioned to be that way. They aren't really aware that any other way of being can even exist.
bang your head against the wall the lower your IQ and start taking steroids to get really big
1. not feminine, from the way they dress to the way they act.
i dont remember the last time i saw a girl in town wearing a skirt, dress or heels during the day.
2. too fat.
3. massive body counts (inflated egos, just coz chad pumped and dumped, a 4 now thinks she is entitled to a 7)
4. men here will fuck anything, this is the only country i have been to where you see a good looking guy with a hambeast, the complete opposite everywhere else in the world where you see a out of shape man with a stunner.
5. all of the above inflate the value of pussy, making the remaining girls who are slightly feminine and not fat extremely desirable.
I would say that australia is THE BEST country for women and the absolute worst country for men (regarding only the sexual market).
i don't know the reality at all, but their government seems unbearably leftist. that being said the accent is cute on cute females
Because after a long history of misogyny cucks and normalfags over corrected and told women that they are one hundered percent justified in whatever action they want to take, even if it hurts others or makes the world a worse place. After receiving nothing but positive reinforcement for their actions irregardless of the morality of them and their effect on the world western women have learned that they are flawless beings that can do no wrong and deserve to be worshiped. It really is sad, since if they were raised better, there could have been some genuine and respectable women over here.
Nevermind, thought this said American. This honestly applies to most wh*te w*men though.
they're turbostacies, lotta landwhales with big ego's too, also racist and act like men
this is very succinct, well put
i can tell no-fap is fucking with me because i saw that hog and got a chub
Stop crying incel.
Just because you're jealous you don't have a country as good as ours and never will.
>Freest country 2020.
>11th best country overall, but that same list put USA in 7th so take with grain of salt.
>Country that's likely to have positive effects from climate change.
>Country with some of the best numbers for covid-19, and a fairly strong economy for after the lockdown (minus tourism, but no one wants them anyway).
>Country with most sexually available women.
>Ideal cultural blend of humour from Traditional english, understated and humble, and utterly no fucks given.
>Racial positive modifiers of having a tolerance to least a 4% blood alcohol content at basic levels, and being able to resist sub-zero temperatures from ability to develop woolly coating from semi-dormant avis ovis genes.
>Birthplace of the mighty Bob Semple.
Honestly, how can other nations even compete.
Lower class Anglo scum
Shut the fuck up and go back to begging for attention in that shitty Yas Forums discord group. Worthless crossdressing faggot from a shithole country.
hi post your discord aus anons
>mad because he couldn't handle the banter
>tfw am an Australian woman and hate our accent
>hate our accent
You americanised self-hating women can catch a boat
Australian women are the best dude what are you on about please australian women of the world marry me I know how to bake cookies
Go inject some disinfectant you cuck
Face it, it's ugly as fuck. We all sound like bogans.
>tfw accent is actually changing because I don't interact with people much and only consume American media