What do you want out of life anons

what do you want out of life anons

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An original City Connection arcade board and one of those stereotypical plain-white Japanese arcade cabinets to put it in

live on a large self-sustaining estate with 5 cute 18-25 y/o gfs and be generally left alone by society

I wanna get married and make a woman happy, that and I wanna die somewhere along the line

Whatever maximizes my happiness. I concluded long ago that dopamine is the only purpose of life

You guessed right, i want out of life

Just finish my studys and go Work. Hopefully find a gf somedays and about 5 good friends.

I don't want anything. I just live because not living is troublesome to achieve

I don't know, and that's what's killing me.

I want to make a small stone bridge named after me

Someone to love and to love me.
It's cliche as shit but I yearn for it so bad.

to looksmax get a cute girlfriend and attention whore on social media with her.

maximum comfy at home and shared experiences with frens

a gf to cuck me

Happiness and security without drugs

A quick, painless death. Preferably soon.

Die already.
This existence is suffering, I just want to end it.
Fuck hope

i want to lead a bunch of men into battle. i will get them a big speech beforehand about fearing no evil and to stand against the darkness. we will fight bravely even as we are facing certain death. this is where we will make our stand and fight for what we believe in.

something along those lines. of course i would need some sort of backstory as well. i'd simply love to experience all this and would be content if i die on the battlefield like that.

I want to escape with someone that loves the bad parts of me as much as they do the good. Someone that accepts who I am without compromise. Then I want to simply lay and listen to their heartbeat until we return to dust.

To love God. I am dedicated to enter into the religious life and hopefully one day become a priest. I could think of no better way to live other than celebrating the Eucharist.

What's dis drawing from?
Idk what I want out of life desu. Like other anons say, hopefully a quick and painless death (if that is even possible).
And I guess to be proud of one of my works before dying.
This thread is comfy btw.

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Honestly speaking, i just wanna know how it feels like to love someone. I hear/read about it all the time and i end up feeling like a retard because i have no idea what its like to be in love.

I don't know, I just want to feel content

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I want to stick my peenus in vagina hahahaha

Then why aren't you a heroin addict?

I am a very simple person. I want to crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and hear the lamentations of their women.

To be granted one miracle/supernatural power exactly to my specifications.

Someone who loves me back like I love them?

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How do you hope to achieve that if you don't even know what would make you content?

A home.
Literally and Metaphorically

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I want to own a plot of land,build my own home on it, somewhere far away from society. Grow some simple staple plants and homestead on my own. Preferably I would be on my own living by myself so that I can be left to my own devices. Then and only then will I be fulfilled and happy with my life.