This is another thread in the continuing series of telling people to go to Japan.
Go to japan, it will change your life for the better, and can distract you from depression temporarily.
Go to Japan
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i hate cats
is it cat infested?
I want to, at least to tokyo. I feel I'd be less of a gaijin there since they're used to them.
only Nekojima and some neighborhoods
if you see a bunch of water bottles randomly sitting outside you won't see many cats
>Lived in Japan for a year and taught English
>it will change your life for the better
You must be a weeb to over idealize this country.
Sure, holidays are nice and I'll have some good times, but I can do the same literally everywhere else.
why do cats hate water bottles?
>if you see a bunch of water bottles randomly sitting outside you won't see many cats
can you elaborate?
How was the pay user? I heard that they pay peanuts there if you're an ALT
Tokyo is fun, but consider taking the JR pass for a week of the trip, and then go to osaka, and take a couple day trips to kyoto, and check out whatever other places you want to in that region.
There is a nice video game bar called Critical Hit in Nagoya, for example. or taking a day trip to Yokohama, Tokyo's china town
Would you say it's worth living there long time if not forever, what is housing like there
are soaplands worth it? I deep regret going to Tobita Shinchi and blowing like $150 for 15 minutes.
Not trying to be a sex tourist, want to go for other reasons, but wanted to know if any robots have experience
Tokyo changed my life for me ,because it was a society built around accomodating people like me. I lived in Toronto, which had 5, maybe 6 museums.
Here's just some of the museums in tokyo, there's many many more. It's a culture where I had a very easy time meeting people, and striving.
This video is a perfect example of what I mean. An accepted date in japan is going to the arcade, and the girl selecting what sweets she wants, and you winning them for her. So like if you win a very easy or very hard game she'll know, and getting better at that can make you a more entertaining date. That's what I mean when I say it's a society that is set up for people like us
It depends if you like the food and the weather and can put up with long work schedules. Some people get homesick. One of my friends in Japan got married and had a kid, then decided to go back to Canada and left his wife and kid here in Japan.
Other person, as far as I understand it, your pay gets cut steeply, but your costs do too, so basically the incentive is have a bunch of money saved up before you start working
Pay was pretty good. I worked at an English cram school. I was the only teacher, along with the owner. I was making roughly $2,200 a month, which was more than enough for a comfortable life.
Not forever unless you get a job that ISN'T teaching English. Housing is pretty nice, but getting an apartment is extremely expensive and time consuming.
This isn't the AMA guy. Just some rando.
If you go through the JET program you'll get paid quite well (more than a fifth-year Japanese teacher's salary), but you have 0 say on where and when you work.
Direct hire or contract positions give you a lot more flexibility, but the pay is shit-tier. In both cases, it's not a career path; aim to have something else lined up unless you want to be the 60-something year old token foreigner with no future prospects living paycheque to paycheque in a country where you'll always be an outsider.
You haven't lived or worked in Japan. Stop.
What? In JET you have some say in where you work....also when. Its literally asked during the interview.
Direct hire, they lay everything out for you. You have a better chance of getting on JET than getting direct hired. Every position in Japan is technically a contract position.
Stop with the misinformation.
>I lived in Toronto, which had 5, maybe 6 museums.
Damn the new world is really an uncultured place. In my small town, I have 4-5 museums and we have only 34k inhabitants.
The bigger towns in my countries have at least twice the amount. I won't even talk about the cities.
>It's a culture where I had a very easy time meeting people, and striving.
Is it because of the culture or is it because you were in holidays/travelling abroad and thus were more open?
I'm pretty much an hermit at home but I always meet people up when I'm in holidays.
Or also it could be you had to socialize because you were out of your comfort zone.
>An accepted date in japan is going to the arcade, and the girl selecting what sweets she wants, and you winning them for her.
Mate, it's foolish to talk about "an accepted date". Do whatever you want with your lass. I mean, if you're with a nerd, she wouldn't mind playing some ol' Street fighter on the arcade anywhere in the world.
To just mold yourself into what society expects of you is quite disgusting.
That's probably why I don't like eastern society, you seem to have the good mindset for it but I'm way too autonomous and prideful to do what others want
>people like us
As a follow up, I don't care about what any society try to force upon me, I'll live as I please and any displeased cunt can roll over and die for what I care.
Is it true japan thinks of lolicons as "just" a gross otaku pervert thing instead of a monstrous subhuman torture-bait threat to society worth losing your job/friends/family over?
I'm ok with not spending months of my life working just so i can go to a place for a little more than a week at most.
>tfw i already feel out of place amongst american white people
>go to xenophobic homogeneous japan
Man i don't know about that
They still think you're degenerate trash. They're just too scared to tell you.
ok but degenerate trash isn't the same as "this person should be in prison, raped and tortured and put on a watchlist" though
Japan is a country where you're expected to keep your power-level hidden at all times. Autists who can't do that should just join the rest of the train jumping nips
This is legit the only museums in Toronto. The rest are just old houses
Anywhere is better than where I'm at rn so that wouldn't matter. How much Japanese would you need to know to reasonably get by? I'm currently studying N4 and I might get up to N2 in 2 or 3 years time realistically
don't know the specifics but i saw it mentioned on a youtube video years ago (either AbroadInJapan, Paolo or LWIF) and i noticed in when i went in january
>Tokyo changed my life for me ,because it was a society built around accomodating people like me
i felt this too
i'm a black introverted(borderline-schizoid) weeb and felt more at ease there than in america
you're already used to racism, you might get harassed by the police once or twice but only for being a foreigner, and you won't get shot for scratching your nose, you'll be on your way after they check your passport
dont mean to hijack thread but if anyone wants to do the same in korea ama. shit was fun
I'm 27. Should I still go? I feel too old.
Damn, that's sad.
The worst is your city has like a third of the population of my whole country.
That's really bad. Leave this shithole asap lad.
It's not that Japan makes your life better, it's that compared to the shithole you're in, literally any country is better.
You're fine.
Even if you live there, you will have inevitability have drunk less, so you'll look relatively younger.
Seriously though, Japan can be enjoyed at any age. I saw old guys in suits next to me looking through body pillow covers, you'll be fine
27 isn't old at all, I swear I don't know where you guys get these ideas
Would you still recommend going to Japan to a person with literally zero interest in anime/weeb culture? I'm learning Japanese because it's the only non-euro language my uni offered, but I'm on the fence about ever actually going there.
don't you know we live in logan's run society where people get exploded when they hit 30?
I actually want to hear about this.
I never knew what to do in Korea, as compared to japan.
Japan seems so obvious, with all the game centers, museums, stuff like that. I mean I guess Korea has nature, but what else?
Chicken restaurants and cheap soju?
Stay the fuck home grandpa. No one wants your wrinkly balls stinking up anime stores.
I met some guys at Pax recently.
I promised them i would meet them again in japan.
I legit want to work there.
Is it wrong i want to visit Osaka more than Tokyo? Im from nyc so i'd rather go to the country than the city.
Plus i heard its very comfy and the people are nice.
I'm planning to use my trump bux to head over there and use the cash to learn the language too.
What do u think user?
lol thats a big part. partying can be really cheap in korea. tbf its been ages since ive been back but when i was there i could go
>dinner with soju
and spend like maybe 70 dolars if that with a big group. korea has similar draws in festivals and nature and shit. also the red light district is a big draw though ive never been
>Is it wrong i want to visit Osaka more than Tokyo?
Yes. Get your head checked. Japan is literally just jungle outside of tokyo. You'll get killed
>rather go to the country than the city
>I'm planning to use my trump bux to head over there and use the cash to learn the language too
Have you ever tried to learn a new language? I'm sure you'll get in down in the week that you're there.
Paid $250 for 60 minutes at a yoshiwara soapland, it was worth it.
I recommend going on a weekday around noon when business is slow. If the doorman approaches you or makes a gesture to you, you can go and see what they have to offer. Most will offer expensive prices but some are more reasonable. Shouldnt pay more than 300 for a 60 min sesh